
I'm gonna love you

On a drunken celebration because she just got her first big job Jennifer and her best friend's little brother Taesan make out but that's okay cause Just when Jennifer goes to her brand new top marketing company she is faced with facing her ex boyfriend Hong Taehyun who happened to dump her on her 21st birthday six years ago, now as her boss and dating her ex best friend Josie things get a little awkward but it's all fine because Josie's ex boyfriend Ji-hoon is back in Seoul after an extended trip in Thailand for his photography and is suddenly showing interest in her. Jennifer's single life is about to get wild and scarier.

Jadielwe · Urban
Not enough ratings
16 Chs


Jennifer arrived home later that day feeling exhausted, the meeting had gone well however she was not as focused as she wanted due to a certain somebody looking at her the entire time. She sighs walking out of the elevator. She was so emotionally drained she needed a long nap.As she made her way to her door she paused seeing Ji-hoon waiting outside her front door. She had avoided the man the best she could but still here he was. She decided it was best to be as honest with him as she could."What are you doing here?"He crossed both his arms as he leaned against the wall."I came to apologize for getting handsy the other night. I got jealous and I couldn't help myself..."Jennifer was pissed this man was so entitled, who was he to get jealous over her? She wasn't his property or anything like that so why did he think he could treat her as he wished."You have no right to be jealous, there is absolutely nothing going between you and I." Jennifer was going to give it to him straight."You're wrong, there's something between us. we had a connection before and I know that we can have it again..."She was stunned at the rubbish she was hearing. She may have had lunch with him but not because of some weird connection, it was her trying to be friendly. "What the hell are you talking about? You can't force me to feel something I don't. I don't feel any connection with you there was none to begin with."Ji-hoon jaw clenched and his nostrils flared, she was being deliberately obtuse and he wasn't going to take it."There was a connection and you know it. I've literally gone out of my way to win your affections and you know damn well how much you make me smile."He was getting angry now, his pride in the past couple of weeks was being wounded."it doesn't mean anything to you that a man has been infatuated with you this long and would do anything to be yours?"The way he spoke, the way he looked at her and the way he actually believed his words really scared her. She had no idea he was this obsessed with her."Your feeling aren't my problem but don't force them on me.""So that's how it's going to be? you're just going to shrug off the fact that I like you and act like my feelings are a nuisance?""I'm sorry but I don't feel anything for you."it took all of his self-restraint not to snap at that response. he was seething inside, he couldn't believe he'd worked so hard to win her affection and all he got back was dismissal. Ji-hoon was used to women falling over themselves for him, he was used to always getting his way. the fact that her walls were stronger than he'd anticipated was jarring."If I show you how much I like you will that change your mind?""No, I just want us to stop talking.""NO. I'm not going to just let you dismiss me like this!" He's losing his patience and his ego cannot be bruised like this. Jennifer flinched hearing him screaming at her like a mad man.he stepped into her personal space once more before she could react, he wanted to see her flinch in fear at his presence."I'm not letting you walk away from me so easily. you think you can just ignore my feelings and I'll just move on with my life?" he brought his voice down to just above a whisper."No. I'm not giving up that easily."She backs away feeling uncomfortable and scared."Just leave me alone please.""I'm sorry. I'm sorry...please don't be scared of me..."Jennifer shakes her head backing away before breaking into a full run towards the stairs. she could hear him running after her but she didn't care. She was so scared of his mood swings and how quickly he got angry, she knew she had to get away or there was a good chance he would hurt her or do even worse.Ji-hoon ran as fast as he could to catch up to her. the fact that he'd pushed so far and pushed too hard only to see her fleeing from him was too much for him to take. when he finally caught up to her he took firm hold of her arm to stop her in her tracks. Ji-hoon was breathing heavily and panting from the lack of air and the physical exertion. His hand tightened around her and he pulled her towards him forcefully.She struggled in his arms trying to get away. "Stop it, let me go I don't want you near me." She was shaking and sobbing at this point. She didn't deserve all this and she knew it."NO. you need to listen to me. I'm not letting go of you...not until we have this out. understand that no matter what I did you aren't getting rid of me. not this easy." He yelled gripping her tighter.She was sobbing and shaking at this point."Why are you doing this to me?""I told you already, I'm not letting you get away so easily. especially after all I went through just to get closer to you. you aren't getting rid of me that easy sweetheart.""I don't want you, Why can't you respect my decision? Why are your feelings more important than mine? I never gave you reason to think I want you.""I don't care, you're mine..."Jennifer knew if she didn't think of a way out quickly she would be in big trouble. she looks around realizing she was far from where other's would hear her so there was no pint in screaming and he could do whatever he wanted before anyone could come help.She kicked his leg as hard as she could taking the opportunity to run from him, in her rush to get away from him she slipped tripping from the stairs and falling. Jennifer fell down the stairs hitting her head hard causing blood to start coming out of her head.