
I'm gonna love you

On a drunken celebration because she just got her first big job Jennifer and her best friend's little brother Taesan make out but that's okay cause Just when Jennifer goes to her brand new top marketing company she is faced with facing her ex boyfriend Hong Taehyun who happened to dump her on her 21st birthday six years ago, now as her boss and dating her ex best friend Josie things get a little awkward but it's all fine because Josie's ex boyfriend Ji-hoon is back in Seoul after an extended trip in Thailand for his photography and is suddenly showing interest in her. Jennifer's single life is about to get wild and scarier.

Jadielwe · Urban
Not enough ratings
16 Chs


When everyone settled down Yoona hands Taesan a box, "Your birthday gift little man." She smiles loving at her brother.His face was burning and his heart was beating fast as she handed him the box. For a split second he contemplated not opening it, He opens it gasping."Noona what the hell?"Yoona had gotten him a box filled condoms, when everyone saw it they started laughing."What? He is a big man now, Tae, go get yourself a hot college girl and use these up." Yoona defended her gift.Taesan couldn't help but feel humiliated as he heard Yoona's words.After the laughter had finally stopped he muttered angrily, "Why do you guys always have to be so weird about this stuff." He shot an angry look at Yoona before turning his gaze back toward Jennifer, noticing that she had an amused look on her face as well."Taesan I am just trying to teach you to practice safe sex, you're in college after all." Yoona said laughingTaesan's face got redder by the minute, "Could you shut up for like one damn second."Everyone froze at his sudden outburst, he never got angry because of being teased before and this made everyone shocked.Yoona gasps grabbing her box back, "Fine I was just being a good big sister you little shit. I'm going!""Yoona..." Jennifer tried to stop her but she left visibly upset because of her brother's outburst. "Whatever, she should just go."Taesan's attitude made Jennifer confused because this was not how he usually was and it pissed her off that he didn't care he hurt Yoona."What the hell is wrong with you?" He stood up from the table, his eyes on fire as he spoke, "Nothing is wrong with me, you're the one who's so weird around me. Always making up excuses and pushing me away."She looks down feeling eyes on her from others in the bar. "Stop it, calm down." This isn't what she ran a flight of seven stairs for. Taesan felt anger coursing through his veins, his voice trembling slightly, this had been a long time coming. "I'm tired of you acting like I'm just a kid." He clenched his fists tight, the fact that they were now the center of attention made him feel even more embarrassed and frustrated."You're not my mother, stop treating me like one."She gets up grabbing her bag, his sudden outbursts were nothing she expected but she was sure as hell not going to sit there and be yelled at."Fine."Jennifer left the bar not looking back once, this night was getting shity by the minute.Taesan had caught up to her as she waited for the uber.He grabbed her arm gently, his eyes pleading as he spoke. "Please don't leave me like this, I'm sorry, I didn't mean to yell at you but this is how I feel and I want you to hear me.""You're drunk just go home Taesan and I'm pretty sure Yoona was drunk too so she won't be too mad at you.""No, I'm not leaving until we resolve this." The last thing he wanted was for things between them to remain like this. He was determined to solve this then and there no matter how stubborn she was. "Please, just talk to me, tell me why you're doing this, what is with the cold attitude recently? We used to be so close and I haven't changed so why are you treating me like your lesser now.""What?" is all she can let out. Jennifer wanted distance between them so things didn't get more weird but this hurt his feelings and she didn't even realize how this may have made him feel. Now she felt extremely selfish. Taesan did not deserve this but she had no idea how to fix this without someone ending up hurt or things getting complicated."These past few weeks you've been ignoring my calls, brushing me off any chance you get, and then today after a week of no contact you randomly show up to my birthday party."He spoke with anger in his tone, he was done pretending he wasn't hurt and he wasn't afraid of her anymore."All of this is just hurting my feelings."Jennifer looked down ashamed that she couldn't express herself as easily as he could. She really didn't feel good knowing she made him so sad on his birthday too.With a sigh the pent-up emotion escaped his voice, "I'm sorry I went off on you. I let my anger get the best of me.""You have every right to be mad at me, I was selfish...thinking about feeling comfortable and afraid of facing certain things..."He slowly pulled her in close, wrapping his arms around her in an embracing hug."Just don't push me away, Ok?""Taesan...I don't think I can give you what you want."Jennifer wanted to be honest with him, she wanted him to know how she felt even if it wasn't what he was hoping for. It was better than leaving things like this."Don't say that," he whispered, burying his face into her neck, "You're the only girl I want..."Her heart raced hearing this, she didn't want him to say this to her, he had to meet a pretty girl in college and have a beautiful love story. Not fall for a broken older woman like her."I'm sorry.""Just tell me that you feel something for me," he muttered, his voice trembling with desperation, "I can feel it every time you come near me, every time you touch me. There's tension between us, you have to feel it too.""I can't do this right now, I really can't...""Please," he pleaded desperately, "I can't take it if you say you don't feel anything.""I need to know," he whispered, "There's something between us, there's got to be, I'm not just imagining it."Jennifer shook her head feeling overwhelmed with everything happening to her all at the same time. Why were men suddenly so into her, she was still the same old her or was she? She didn't feel any different at all."Taesan please...""Please," he whispered, "Tell me you feel something."He was so stubborn, there was no way he would let her go without hearing what he wanted, she didn't want to say yes knowing a huge part of her was uncertain about everything, she didn't know how she felt honestly."Don't you think it's unfair for you to drop all this on me? Shouldn't I get time to process all of this?"Taesan reluctantly let's go of her feeling ashamed for being so forward but he felt that he had no other choice. "Ok, take as much time as you need," he said softly, "But when you figure it out I hope you'll come back to me."Jennifer nods holding back her joy when she sees her uber which meant this whole ordeal was now over. She didn't know she could ever feel this conflicted because of Taesan. He had really shown her he was no longer just a kid.