
I'm gonna love you

On a drunken celebration because she just got her first big job Jennifer and her best friend's little brother Taesan make out but that's okay cause Just when Jennifer goes to her brand new top marketing company she is faced with facing her ex boyfriend Hong Taehyun who happened to dump her on her 21st birthday six years ago, now as her boss and dating her ex best friend Josie things get a little awkward but it's all fine because Josie's ex boyfriend Ji-hoon is back in Seoul after an extended trip in Thailand for his photography and is suddenly showing interest in her. Jennifer's single life is about to get wild and scarier.

Jadielwe · Urban
Not enough ratings
16 Chs


Two days later Jennifer walked into the elevator carrying her grocery bags, she had bought everything she needed for the week and knew this meant she had to cook no more takeout, which she had eating since her encounter which Josie.Every time she thought about she always came out with different comebacks she wished she used against her. She always wished she kicked her ass.She pauses seeing Ji-hoon standing in the corner looking exhausted. Jennifer had been taking the stairs to avoid him and also started feeling guilty about how she treated him on their date."Hey."Her appearance in the elevator catches him by surprise. his tired look slowly transitions into a genuine smile when he spots her.Ji-hoon immediately crosses to her side to help her carry the groceries but he notices the shopping bags are full."what's all this? you bought enough for a month."She gasps laughing loudly. "Are you saying I eat a lot? This is for the week.""This is for one person? just yourself?"His words leave her slightly annoyed. She worked for her money and would spent it how she wanted, so what if she bought many snacks."So what? I like snacks.""Not judging, just surprised that's all. so what's your plan for all these snacks? one per day or are you going to devour them all in one day?"She shakes her head annoyed. "Every time we talk you somehow manage to offend me." He would do it without even realizing it which annoyed her more.His smile falls a little as he realizes that once again he's stepped in something and now he has to work his way out of this mess before he truly loses his chance with her."sorry I didn't mean to offend you. I was just trying to be comedic.""Most girls don't find jokes about their eating habits funny, just saying."Ji-hoon's cheeks heat up as she points out the obvious, I really have to learn when to keep my mouth shut.when he sees the annoyed look on her face it triggers a protective side of him. maybe her feelings were easy to hurt.The best way to put out this fire was to apologize immediately. he steps in her personal space and lowers his voice."I'm sorry. that was wrong of me. I didn't mean to be judgmental...""Forget it..."Jennifer's short and quick answer again caught him off guard. when the elevator opens he guides her out gently by the elbow and looks at her once more.His tone is firm and he's not going to back down this time."No no, I screwed up and insulted you. I'm not going to let that go without properly apologizing. I genuinely apologize for what I said. it won't happen again. I promise..."Jennifer frowned in thought, his sudden sincerity caught her off guard and made her feel very flustered. She didn't think Ji-hoon was capable of sounding so serious and honest. The tension between the two of them is almost palpable as neither of them breaks eye contact. a small smile tugs at the corner of his mouth as he realizes she's starting to get flustered.Ji-hoon steps closer and brings his voice down to just above a whisper."You sure you can't forgive me?""I already forgave you."He was stunned to hear her reply, not just because of what she said but for the softness she used to say it. he took a step back, his heart was beating like a drum.Her being soft with him...he likes it, he liked his women a bit sassy but also sweet. Ji-hoon closes his eyes briefly and smiles to himself."Well then can I make it up to you by treating you out to dinner again?"Jennifer thanks the heavens when the elevator reached her floor, she looks at him trying to find a nice way of turning him down."No, I am busy with work sorry."She doesn't wait to hear his response and runs out of the elevator. =============================================================================Minhyuk sipped his coffee watching Taehyun as he stared at Jennifer from across the cafeteria, he had been doing so for the last fifteen minutes or so since they sat down for lunch. He held back his laugh wondering what was going in his friend's mind.Taehyun was completely unaware of just how long Minhyuk had been observing him for, as his eyes were still glued to her. She was always so distant, always so cold, and yet he couldn't help but feel that rush of butterflies whenever she was near.Realizing that he was probably causing a scene, he quickly broke out of his trance like state. When he saw Minhyuk watching him, he couldn't help but grin sheepishly."What were you doing man?""Me?" he asked, a small smirk creeping onto his face as he tried to feign innocence.Realizing that he couldn't keep up the act, his smile quickly disappeared."Fine, I was staring at Jennifer.""You're dating Josie, she is a beautiful woman who is famous too, why bother with an old flame that burned out already?"Taehyun clenched his jaw at how easily Minhyuk described the situation, as it was the truth. Josie was beautiful, famous, and kind, so why bother giving Jennifer any attention?He realized it was because although he and Josie were technically dating, he still couldn't get Jennifer completely out of his system."It's just...she was my first love, and I can't help but feel like there's still some unfinished business between us.""Taehyun...""What if I told you that I still love Jennifer?" he quietly uttered, not wanting anyone to notice what he was talking about.Minhyuk's eyes rounded in shock, this was the last thing he wanted to hear from his friend."Forget it, you cheated on her and dumped her on her birthday, she will never come back to you man."Hearing Minhyuk remind him of his past mistakes only compounded on the guilt that was already overwhelming him at the moment.He realized how true his friend's words were, yet his heart refused to let go of the possibility of her still caring for him, despite all the hurt he caused her."I know..." he muttered, "but I can't help but feel like there's still hope, that maybe she still cares about me on some level.""At least break up with Josie before trying anything and then...I don't know pray for a miracle cause how I see it, that's the only way she'll return to you."Minhyuk's words only deepened his sense of shame and guilt, as he felt his friend was right and he knew it. He couldn't be with Josie while constantly thinking of another woman, it just wouldn't be fair to her."I know..." he slowly nodded, "I'll break up with her. I'll talk to her tonight."