
I'm Going To Hell Aren't I?

What happens when a 7-year-old kid gets kidnapped for what people call "entertainment"? What will happen to a kid that is sent to a place where it is either kill or be killed along with other kids? --12 years passed-- "Hey, did you hear about that new game coming out?" "Yeah, what is it called again?" "Find Fate Online" ------------------------------- This is not real so please do not put logic nor other logical stuff in this story -------------------------------- While this is an unrealistic story, I try to at least have a modicum of realism in there. --------------------------------- This is a harem but It's not a large harem. It is 2-5 girls in the harem. I have no idea since I don't even know where the story is going to go. I try to develop the girls, so they are not braindead with no personality women. --------------------------------- I try to update but if I don't then whatever.

PenguinsAreCool · Urban
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9 Chs

A Superhero!

It has now been 5 months since I have been taken away from my parents to this god forsaken place. My mother has always taught be to believe in God since God would always protect you.

Where is God when I got kidnapped?

Where is God when I have killed 18 people?

I am now resting in my cell since I wasn't chosen for this week's culling. I'm sitting on the bed looking at the window. Even though it is just sand I feel at peace when I look outside.

I wonder how my parents are doing. I'm sure they are super worried about me. Hehe, I am sure that they couldn't even imagine that I am in this place, and I have to kill to survive. I hope they never know.

You know, before all of this I wanted to be a superhero. Fight crime, punish bad guys and save people like my mother taught me. Who knew I would become the bad guy? I hurt people; I kill people instead of saving people.

If my mother knew this, would she be mad at me? Would she tell me that what I was doing was right or was it wrong? I sigh and keep looking at the sand.

No matter what I said earlier.

I can't sleep.

I can close my eyes. Get some rest but when I close my eyes with the intention of going to sleep. I see blood. I see bodies.

And I am standing right in the middle of it all.

Some time passed while looking at the sand outside getting blown away by the wind. I stand up and start working out. During the 5 months I've been here I have been working out almost every day with the exception of the beginning during the time I didn't know what to do.

I am now able to lift the weights with some difficulty. I was even able to pick up the sword when I was fighting but I chose not to since I was more comfortable with the knife since I have been using it for quite some time.

It didn't mean I gave up on the other weapons, but I decided to get used to the longer weapons by practicing with a random stick during lunch time with Hein. Other kids have been watching us and been trying to copy what Hein has been teaching me. Hein doesn't reject them watching unless they interfere in my training or ask him for training personally.

Once a person asked Hein for training personally and Hein rejected but the random kept on asking until Hein got really annoyed that he punched the kid and gave him a bloody nose.

Keep in mind that I am the youngest person in the pigpen. As far as I know anyways. So I go against kids that are older than me and bigger than me. This place follows the saying "Survival of the Fittest".

The other kids tried to pressure me into teaching them the things I have learned from Hein, but I ignored them. Of course, someone even tried to coerce me and force me to teach him, and I looked at Hein and saw that he had no intention of helping me.

I grabbed the kid by the arm, tripped his feet so he fell to the ground and held his arm. I am weak but that doesn't mean strength is the answer for everything. A skinny guy can easily take down a big guy with barely any effort at all. That method also applied to me.

When the kid fell, I kept his arm left arm behind his back while his right arm kept flailing around to try to hit me when I was on his back, but I had my knee on his back with his arm locked also behind his back and I used my right hand, grabbed his air and banged it to the ground. I then broke his left arm and grabbed his hair to bang it against the floor once gain.

Brutal for a 7-year-old? Impossible for a 7-year-old? Well, the kind of environment that I'm in can even turn the holiest of saints into the devil. For a 7-year-old kid whose personality is still developing. These changes are like putting colors on a white canvas.

My time here was cruel, and I still have to be here without knowing if I would ever leave the place. I wasn't friends with anyone. Maybe Hein but he told me to not get attach to him because I could die, and he could die. In a place where making attachments would only hurt you. It would be better to have none.

Hein has survived all of his fight, but I can tell he is getting more tired. Maybe not sleep deprived but tired of all of this killing.

During the free time we have during lunch time which last quite a long time, maybe a few hours. Hein has taught me about swords. He used a piece of broken wood to demonstrate how to use a sword.

Another piece of information I forgot to mention is that the number of kids in this place aren't getting smaller anymore. They add new kids in this place like we were during the first time we were brought here. I try to help a couple of them but not everyone.

Another thing is the people I have fought are getting better. Some the same or worse. Some even better. But I managed to survive. Pain is not new to me now. I have been cut many times but non on the face since I wear a mask.

I have worn a mask the whole time now. Never taken it off unless I'm in my cell. I have developed a way to detect people if they are near, but it is faint.

Another thing is...

My birthday.

I know how many weeks ago by since the "Pigpen Culling" is every week. I know my birthday as well as the month it was before I got kidnapped and my birthday is in 1 month.

I will be turning eight and it won't be celebrated with a cake and a fire to blow and make a wish after you blow away the fire.

It will be spent killing another person.

My section isn't the only place where the kids are. There are different sections. I have seen a lot of faces in this place and a lot of the ones I have killed belong somewhere else.

That means there could be more people that I will have to fight, and it will never stop. Thinking once more that I have to go through all of this for a long time cracks my sanity even more. My father was a soldier and I hoped that the people my father served could save me. Save all of us.

Some people have already gone insane. I have seen them and how they react and swore to never become like that. I have made a promise to make it back home.

The lunch area is more of a free zone. More and more people are getting less scared since either people get stronger in this place, or they break.

More fights are happening, and some people are setting the hierarchy and asking for payment. You can steal someone else's food in this place. You can steal their clothes. To get rewards in this place, you need to entertain the audience.

I am still wearing the same clothes for 5 months. I am starting to grow out of it since working out is getting my body more fit and I am growing.

Of course, nobody messes with me, and Hein and they know we are not to be messed with, but I know that it won't stay this way forever.

There is only one rule in this place. Kill or be killed. Simple as that.

However, if you want out. There are two ways.

Get killed or kill yourself.