
I'm Going Fou the Multiverse

A guy from our world Who Loves Fate gets reincarnated as Fou, with a bastardised version of the second magic. follow Michael as he goes through the multiverse. One at a time.

KarmicODST · Others
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Death... it's not too bad.... Oh Fuck that's Alaya.

You know, when I thought about death, I thought about how I would die sleeping, cofmfortable in my bed, not even realizing as I sliped into the Abyss. But of course Life is not that simple... IT WAS A FUCKING TRUCK!

"WHAT THE ACTUAL FUCK." I scream into the void in anger. "THIS IS SO FUCKING CLICHE! OF FUCKING COURSE IT WAS TRUCK-KUN!!!" I begin to calm down as I sigh. "Why couldn't I go out like a badass, fighting terrorists or saving a Cashier girl from robbers," I say as I begin to accept my situaion.

"Are you finally calm Michael?" a monotone, almost robotic feminine voice says from the void, as if the void itself is speaking to me.

I take a deep breath and breath out, "Yes Thank you for letting me get that out," I say respectfully, my mamma raised me right after all". Plus I've read enough fiction and fanfiction to see which way the wind is blowing. "Excuse me, You seem to have me at a disadvantage, may I know who you are?" I ask the voice.

"I am the Will of Mankind, the Collective unconsious... You may know me as Alaya" The monotone Voice speaks from the void.

"Well it is a pleasure to me..." I start before I fully process the words. "wait a second did... did you say...Alaya?" I ask as I go a pale white, not knowing weather to be excited that one of My favorite series is real... or absolutely terrified that the literal embodiment of the will of humanity is the void I am talking to... wait... Does this technically mean I reached the Root? Ha Take that Tohsaka, I'm Not even a Magus.

"I did correctly Identify myself." The monotone contiunes... but I swear there is a hint of amusement in it... I blame Eymia. "and Yes, you are indeed within the root however I am stopping the information from flooding you're brain"

Ok so she can read my mind... great, "Can I know why I am here... I don't think I fit the criteria to be a counter Guardian I mean I work out and know how to fight, but I cant just throw noble phantasms at my problem." I say steeling myself and accepting my situation. I can do literally nothing against her... not that I would, she is escential for humanity's survival.

"You meet the requirements of a Counter Guardian... Albeit a... Varient." Alaya's says... is that a hint of... defeat? wait... don't tell me... I cant help the grin that makes my way to my face.

"Well boy, I do want things to be interesting... you see I won a bet" A voice I instantly recognize as he apears before me.

"Zeldrich," I say in slight awe, meeting another one of my favorite charaters from Fate. "Did I beat Rin?" I ask before anything needing to know to satisfy my own personal pride.

The Grin on his Face tells me all I need to know... Nice. than he begins to speak, "Now I would normally say 'I bet you want to know why you are here' but, i'm assuming you know" Zeldrich Speaks as He stands there smirking.

"There is only one possibility when it comes to the Keldisope... A whole bunch of fun." I say as I look into his eyes smirking, very interested in where this is going


Oh I hope you Enjoy this Little teaser of what is to come. the second part of the prologe should be out by the 10th. well Cya.

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