
I'M GOD, SO WHAT? : Former Protagonist is now my side kick ^^

https://discord.gg/eEWTerjxzH For those who wanted to join the discord, feel free but warning you an idiot is running wild there Righteous Master of Villainous Gods If you are interested in the cultivation novel check this one out, initially for a bit long time it's somewhat light and wholesome but as you keep progressing in chapters the characters will also develop and no character will be forgotten and surely you won't be hating why character except for 'protagonists' ^|^ ∆∆∆∆∆∆∆∆∆∆∆∆∆∆∆∆∆∆∆∆∆∆∆∆∆∆∆∆∆ For people wanting to help me out there__ dewanshsingh72@paytm painfultruth@axl _________________________________________ Have you been frustrated because the main character of your favourite novel, drama or a movie is just unreasonable and impractical trash? Just because he's the main character he gets a lot of support from world but at same time the supporting characters who are actually good Who actually make some sense are just treated as stepping stones for the main character to shine more brightly Imagine the frustration you feel when your favourite character dies because of the main character's foolish brain and just to make him mature In this cruel world there are only few things that give you relief but what now? Aren't you angry because you can do nothing? Don't you want to smash Main character's face with your fists? Then what if the Gods reincarnate you as your favourite character of the fantasy filled with monsters and magic! The same thing happened with Krish, let's follow him to the world making the protagonist's existence completely dull while becoming God himself He's over powered, he's handsome, he had best back ground, he has over powered friends and family He has the whole army waiting for orders, you think the protagonist has a chance, but Protagonist isn't the only problem There is also a Evil God Krish needs to kill This is the battle The Universe is battlefield A battle between a God vs a God Let's see who wins because fate of existence is in hands of this side character who died for nothing in novel (Guys at least comment and give reviews, it's for free right? You evil people are more shameless than me! I feel like no one is reading my novels and I'm writing for ghosts. I feel happy when someone comments on my work so even if you are pointing out my mistakes please comment and give reviews ^-^)

Painful_truth_ · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
319 Chs


After taking the girl with him Klaus didn't stay there for a single second and rushed back towards the mansion with the knights and the girl was being carried on the back of one knight,

Klaus was running on rooftops of buildings of capital with his knights, they were like ninjas of those Japanese movies, leaving after images

Klaus was very excited as he was in a rush to form his secret organisation and be the secret last boss of the Empire. He was grinning like an idiot, thank god he face was covered in his disguise clothes If not his image as a calm and dignified person will be destroyed in front of the Captain and the knights

In about 3 minutes they reached the mansion of Swethens and with the help of knights he directly sneaked to his room with the lady without anyone noticing him...

Now the Captain and knights couldn't control their curiosity and asked him "Young master what are you planning to do with this lady?"

But Klaus was still dazed thinking about his future and grinning ...

Suddenly a thought passes through the mind of a young knight "Don't tell me? young master you are too young for that and you shouldn't abuse humans even if they are slaves , if madam heard that &$:@@$..."



A huge ball of thunder hit the knight, although it didn't hurt him he was still paralysed for a few seconds then klaus said "What are you babbling about? What the hell is your brain made of ? Is your virginity taking over your head? Can't you have good thoughts? I just pitied this lady by chance ,I have seen her before entering the capital"

After hearing that all peoples went silent not only because of klaus might to stun a peak tier 8 knight but also because of shame they felt because of their comrade all looked at knight with disgust and klaus with stars in their eyes they all felt that klaus's explanation was right and they felt he was righteous person

The lady they were talking about was still in daze and couldn't believe she was bought by such big shot who can order tier 8 and tier 9 peoples who were living legends and any country or even Emperor treat them with upmost respect, he was lecturing them like they were kids not refuting any word he said,

Klaus realized the lady was conscious he went to her and looked right into her eyes

Seeing blue eyes and the aura of klaus, as tier 8 she was very familiar with those things but after she looked at klaus she felt she should kneel and worship him like a god...

Just as the lady started brainwashing herself klaus woke her up by saying "Hi lady! I would like you to take care of my Business Company for me "

When klaus said those words he already had ordered knights to take rest as tomorrow they have to run errands for him

But hearing those words ladies heart beat suddenly started to beat faster,

Seeing this Klaus cursed himself 'oh shit! I almost forgot about the trauma of her past!'

Suddenly the breathing of lady quickens and her eyes lost the colour just as she was about to do something Klaus took out a bone of bear he haunted in the forest and then....


['The one who defies destiny' title has been triggered!]

He attacked the lady with full force on her head and bone shattered and the lady went flying to the corner of her room 'That was too damn close, me and mine black mouth'

While inside the ladies head the memories of her childhood to now flashed and part where her sister betrayed and sold him in slavery came then suddenly she woke up from her daze and started looking around then calmed herself down and said "I will do it! Young master!"

Seeing a sudden change in behaviour klaus was shocked and thought 'don't tell me !? SYSTEM SHOW ME HER STATUS! QUICK'







STR_ 135 STA_215

AGI_355 INT_295


DISCRIPTION_ She's a perfect natural born business woman and strategist with great assassination capabilities,

She was betrayed in the past but is very grateful to you and thinks you as an angel sent by Heavens to help her

After meeting with you her destiny has been affected and a particular area of her consciousness has recovered her old ruthless nature and she thinks you are getting her for revenge, now she will follow you to death]

Seeing that perfect description klaus was shocked to his soul and 'This was supposed to happen one year later when she fell from cliff but it just happened just like that, her innocence is gone now she's once again that cold blooded killer with no emotions

'The Boss of Underworld'...but... since when was my luck so good and powerful enough to awake her personality, is this also effect of gods blood?'