
I'm Glad That I Died

"Another chance to live...but this is death. We are merely sprits in a world full of uncertainties." Yuriko Hayashi, a surgeon working in XXX hospital, "dies" in a tragic accident while she was running desperately to save her sister's life. She gets transported into another world; however, something in the transportation process went wrong, leavening part of her sprit detached and alone in the living mortal world. With part of her still in the living world, her body is weaker and magic power is lesser than the "people" in this world. The world of second chances did not welcome her lightly. However, she is persistent and wants to help others like she did in the past. She studies with a friend, Liliana, under the guidance of Head Mage and Overseer of Magic Usage, Master Marianna. Countless adventures she embarks on with her friend and a demonic new face. The prince being sent to a foreign land, the queens sends this unique party to retrieve him from the shadows' grasps. However, everything collapse. Yuriko is fading back to the living world. The demon king enraged at the assassination attempt against his lover. The prince's blood splatters on the ground as the princess squeals in fear and hysterical laughter. "This is just a big misunderstanding! This is just a misunderstand..." Author's note : Hello, this is my first ever webnovel. I hope your enjoy reading . If you have any suggestions about how to improve and or story ideas please feel free to comment. !DISCLAIMER! I will try to keep the chapter updates and constant as possible and if I ever miss out on a week I will upload double the next week. I am soo sorry if I did not update on time. If I ever have any hiatus I will announce it a week or 2 prior to the break. Thank You for reading this little note and I hope you enjoy the story :D

callmehSomeone_ · Fantasy
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4 Chs


Author's note: The actual story begins in chapter 1. The prologue is like a little sneak peak to the story. It introduces the main character and their personalities and a little more than that. The main character's full backstory is not revealed, the rest you will have to continue reading to find out :p. However, you can skip the prologue if you want and come read it after you already read the other chapters. !!The prologue does not affect the timeline of the story!!

"Life is hell and death is heaven" is something Yuriko would always say. To her the thought of living just to suffer, pay vast amounts of money, and see your loved ones die is worse than death.

Death is like a key, freeing you from the responsibilities of life. You no longer have to suffer, see others snuffer, and have the rest of eternity as a peaceful sleep.

She wanted to die many times.

Her family was broken from the core. There was no one to support her.

Her father was physically abusive. Hitting her for no reason at all. During his abusive rampages, Yuriko could only stand there and take it. Whenever she tried to run she would be snached back, her arm had already popped out of its socket many times before. She would always have bruises around her arms. At school no one would ever notice because she would wear long sleeved jackets at school.

Whenever he would be nice to Yuriko, which was rarely because he was hardly ever seen at home. He would give her treats, help her with homework, and take her out shopping. Most of the time Yuriko was scared but eventually gave in. Whenever they were out people kept staring at them, sending sympathy looks or more like they felt pity for her.

This cat and mouse game was mentally and physically scary to Yuriko. On one hand she wanted to be loved by a caring father but on the other she wanted to flee from this abusive man which she called "father".

Her mother always tried to protect them but to no avail. She was a weak woman with a kind heart. Every time her father came her mother would always be there in the same room as Miharu and Yuriko, always there to keep an eye on her onced lover. Her arms had slashes and scares from blocking her used to be husband's relentless attacks.

When her father was not home the house was peaceful and calm. Her mother would play the koto and sing their favourite song together. That's where Yuriko's love of music came from. When Yuriko was 5 she got her ears pierced. The process was quick, a light spark of pain and there was a hole. Her mother gave her a pair of earrings, which will soon be her most treasured pair. They were simple, gold bodies with a single gem in the middle.

The family seemed to be perfectly broken but it was going to be broken even more. Her mother had filed for divorce and had won a large sum from her father. Unexpectedly, her father had another family and left. Her mother was there but overnight she disappeared, leaving only a sealed letter on the bedside table. Yuriko and Miharu had no support so they had to move to live with their grandmother in Kyoto.

There Miharu became a beacon of light in the family. She had studied in Kyoto to become a doctor. This action sparked Yuriko's love for surgery and taking care of people.

"So what made you want to enter and study at our school?"

The student interview was on the 16th of May. Yuriko was sitting comfortably in a chair awaiting the interviewer's questions.

"I was inspired by my sister to start studying in the medical field. She has helped many people even from a young age. Being the little energetic sister I was, I would always get scrapes and small wounds when I go play. She would always help me up and treat them."

The interviewers did not expect for her to be telling her life story but listened silently, jotting down notes and comments.

"I want to help treat people as my sister did to me. I have seen patients suffer when I was a tranie at a hospital. I want to share their pain, comfort them."

"To what extent was you training?"

"It was not much; however, I had experienced the suffering of patients' and their grieving families."

The interviewers looked at eachother and signalled Yuriko to exit the room.

Yuriko walked out and the sound of her heart beating echoed loudly in her ears. Miharu had left work early to pick Yuriko up.

"You should really get a driving licence ya know."

"Don't start that right now. I-I just finished the interview OK!"

The two sisters talked and chatted the whole way home.

A few weeks later the results were out and Yuriko made it in! They were ecstatic!


"You did it, Yuri! This calls for a cellabration."

The work at the hospital was rough. With late night shifts,eagered families, and shrieking patients. Her sanity was at an all time low. And devastating news dealt the finishing blow.

It was a normal day at the hospital, Miharu just finished treating a patient. She was heavily breathing and beads of sweat flowed down her forehead.


"I'm... fine..."

Her coworkers exchanged weary gances.

"Really I'm fi-"

Before she finished her sentence she collapsed to the floor. Staff swarmed around her and the front counter contacted Yuriko. When she heard the news her face went pale and she rushed to see her sister.

"Miharu-chan seems to have been suffering from heart cancer for a long time now."

"Is she going to be alright?! How is her condition!?"

"Yu-chan she will be fine for now. Her condition is surprisingly stable."

Yuriko let out a sigh of relief and went over to Miharu's bed side. She held her sister's hand and humed the song her mother used to play. The song seemed to have calmed both sisters down as they slowly fell into a quiet slumber.

The good times they had spent are memories that Yuriko would never forget, even if she started a new life. A cup of tea in hand she questions her identity. But before all of that a trial she must face, a heartbreaking one.

"NO! No no no!"