
I'm From an Ordinary Family, for Real!

As a high school sophomore, Chen Chu didn't think he was anyone special. He came from an ordinary family and was an ordinary student. Things didn't change until a local billionaire donated ten million yuan to the school to install air conditioning and build a teaching building and a sports field. In front of the entire school, the billionaire affectionately put his arm around Chen Chu's shoulders, and the school leaders, teachers, and students were all astonished. Chen Chu was dumbfounded and said, "Listen to me, my family is just an ordinary family, and I don't know any local billionaires! For real!" The billionaire invited him out, and a luxury car fleet entered the neighborhood. The neighbors were all stunned, and they wondered how he had this kind of background. Chen Chu explained helplessly, "Believe me, I'm just going out to eat!" Suddenly, a beautiful woman in a luxury car came to him, and the car shocked everyone. When the woman hugged his arm and called him "Young Master Chen," he was stunned. Others asked, "How do you explain the woman next to you? Didn't you buy her a car and a house?" Chen Chu burst into tears and said, "The car and the house were bought by someone else. I have nothing to do with the woman!" Others said, "We don't believe you!" The municipal leaders came to inspect the school, and they kindly patted Chen Chu on the shoulder and asked about his study and campus life, inviting him to visit them. Looking at the dumbfounded looks of the school leaders, teachers, and students who had just asked if he was just from an ordinary family, Chen Chu was stunned. Teachers and students said, "How do you explain this time?" Chen Chu was at a loss and said, "I didn't lie. I'm just from an ordinary family. How could I know these municipal leaders?"

Mr. Bird · Urban
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40 Chs

Zhang Geng Who Was Self Complacent

Translator: Henyee Translations Editor: Henyee Translations

Suddenly, Chen Chu felt someone coming over and standing in front of him. He looked up and was a little puzzled. Zhang Geng from Class 17? What was he doing here?

Chen Chu put away his phone and asked curiously, "What's the matter?"

Zhang Geng clenched his fists. His face was expressionless, and his eyes were a little gloomy. "Chen Chu, I know you. Recently, the news about you in school has spread far and wide. A lucky person that Chen Baijia thinks highly of." At this point, he paused. "Actually, I don't know why an industrial giant like Chen Baijia would think highly of you. But I thought about it for a long time and figured it out. He was deceived by you, by your deliberate pretense."

Chen Chu was dumbfounded. He had no interaction with Zhang Geng at all. He couldn't understand why he came over to talk to him. Was it just jealousy? He simply didn't say anything and just quietly watched him perform.

"Are you feeling guilty? Why aren't you saying anything? I admit that it's amazing that you can make Chen Baijia like you in just a few days. Moreover, your disguise could hide from Chen Baijia, which was even more impressive. But!" Zhang Geng's expression was a little ferocious. "But a disguise is a disguise. I will prove that I am the best person in this school! Whether it was studies, grades, character, or ability, I'll crush you in every way. I'm better than you in every way!"

Chen Chu understood. It was really because of jealousy. But what's the point of telling me this? Go talk to Chen Baijia!

In fact, Chen Chu still did not understand why Chen Baijia was so close to him even though they had only met a few times. That's right, it wasn't because he thought highly of him, but because he was close to him.

Chen Chu's innocent face infuriated Zhang Geng. "Do you know that everything you enjoyed should have been mine? Chen Baijia's visit to the school might be the only chance for ordinary people to get close to a big shot. And this opportunity should be mine! The most likely person he should pay attention to and think highly of is me! Not you, a useless mediocre person!"

Chen Chu pointed at his feet. "You can't fly. Then you should blame Earth because it's holding you back."

"Damn it, why did he dare to think so much? And the opportunity is yours?! Who the f*ck snatched your chance? Are you crazy? If you think so, why didn't you show off your results and ability in front of Chen Baijia that day? Let's see if he gives you the time of day.

Every year, there were so many graduates from high schools, even graduate and post-graduate students from universities, but Chen Baijia did not seem to appreciate any of them. You're just a high school student. You have no achievements at all. You're only the top student in the cohort. How can you be superior?"

After Chen Chu finished speaking, he ignored him and sat down again. He took out his phone and scrolled through the video. There was no emotional fluctuation. In fact, he even wanted to laugh. After scrolling for a while, he saw that Zhang Geng had yet to leave.

Chen Chu looked up and saw that this person was clenching his fists and gritting his teeth. He looked like he wanted to skin him alive. He was stunned for a moment. He still wanted to hit him? Hence, he waited calmly for him to make a move.

After a while, Zhang Geng's face was still filled with anger. He was indeed furious. But he did not even move his feet.

Incompetent fury? Chen Chu was speechless. This person was really like a pancake. Suc bad luck!

Chen Chu left immediately. Damn it, how unlucky. He met someone who was seriously ill.

"Chen Chu, do you dare to compete with me in results?" Zhang Geng suddenly roared. His voice was very loud. In an instant, many people nearby turned around and surrounded him in groups of three to five.

Chen Chu crossed his arms. "Am I very free?" With that, he turned around and left.

Zhang Geng roared, "In tomorrow's monthly exam, we'll see who has the highest total score!"

Chen Chu didn't turn around and only gave a middle finger.

Chen Chu walked to the side of the field and found a step to sit down. Wang Hai jogged over and wiped his sweat. "No, Chen Chu, how did Class 17's Zhang Geng offend you? Did you two just quarrel? You're not really going to compete with him on the total score, are you?"

Chen Chu shook his head. "Do you think I have nothing better to do? Who would compare to him? I didn't know what was wrong with him just now, but he came over and said all that nonsense. Something like, Chen Baijia was supposed to admire him. It almost made me laugh."

Wang Hai scratched his head. "I don't know about this, but Chen Baijia is an industrial giant. He must have a lot of talents under him. Perhaps in his opinion, educational qualifications could only be his criteria for choosing employees. Instead of evaluating whether a person was worth investing in. Although Zhang Geng has good results in our school, there are so many talents in the country. There will always be someone more impressive than him."

At this point, Wang Hai patted Chen Chu's shoulder solemnly. "Chen Chu, Chen Baijia thinks highly of you because you have something worth investing in. Don't belittle yourself. Best of luck!"

Chen Chu was speechless. "I'm belittling myself? How can you tell?"

"I'm just worried that you'll be dealt a blow by Zhang Geng. After all, his grades are indeed impressive in our school."

Chen Chu curled his lips. "Ha!" No evaluation.

Wang Hai was a little angry. "But Zhang Geng is indeed disgusting. He wants to bet with you in front of so many people to compare results. Regardless of whether you agree or not, someone will definitely compare you later. This person's thoughts are too dirty."

Chen Chu patted his shoulder. "When the monthly exam is over, I'll give you a surprise."

Wang Hai was puzzled. "What surprise?"

Chen Chu didn't reply because class was over. The last class was physical education. For Chen Chu, who didn't need to attend evening self-study, wasn't school over? He took his bag from the flag-raising platform in the field and carried it out of the school gate with one hand.

Going home, eating, and running at night. Homework? What homework? He's too lazy to do it. In any case, the form teacher, Old Tang, would not pursue the matter with Chen Chu. After the monthly exam, he would not even fuss about it.


When he reached home, his mother had just finished cooking. The food tasted especially tempting. Wisps of mist filled with the fragrance of food were tempting them to eat instinctively. It was the special energy factor of the Marrow Cleansing Spring that was constantly spreading. They subconsciously gulped and started eating.

"Honey, your culinary skills are getting better and better." Chen Guoqiang couldn't help but praise her. Yang Yumei did not reply. She also felt that her culinary skills had indeed improved greatly in the past two days.

"Dad, Mom, I'm full." Chen Chu put down his bowl and returned to his room.

"Okay, son, don't always study. You should have more fun and strike a balance between work and rest," Yang Yumei reminded him.

Chen Chu nodded awkwardly. "Ah, okay."

Sure enough, as soon as he returned to his room, he picked up his iPad and played Peace Elite. Entertainment! His mother had said. It wasn't until 6:30 p.m., when the sky outside was getting dark and the street lights were just turning on, that Chen Chu suddenly received a WeChat message.

Deer In Deep Forest: "Chen Chu, are you free tonight? Do you want to take a walk?"

Vinegar Chen: "I'm free, I'm preparing to go for a night run. Are you coming, Sister Youlu?"

Deer In Deep Forest: "Wait for me. My father asked me to bring you a gift."

Vinegar Chen: "Uncle Chen prepared a gift for me again? How embarrassing! Hehe~"

Deer In Deep Forest: "Little pervert, I don't think you're that embarrassed."

Vinegar Chen: "What? What's my relationship with you, Sister Youlu? Do I have to be so polite?"

Deer In Deep Forest: "Do you dare to say that to my father?"

Vinegar Chen: "… No, I will die. Uncle Chen will ask someone to hack me to death."

Deer In Deep Forest: "Then how dare you be glib-tongued?"

Vinegar Chen: "I won't do it anymore."

Although Chen Chu was unyielding, he was still reserved when he saw Chen Baijia. He was just making smack talk.

Deer In Deep Forest: "Let's not talk about it anymore. I'm leaving. Wait for me."