
I'm From an Ordinary Family, for Real!

As a high school sophomore, Chen Chu didn't think he was anyone special. He came from an ordinary family and was an ordinary student. Things didn't change until a local billionaire donated ten million yuan to the school to install air conditioning and build a teaching building and a sports field. In front of the entire school, the billionaire affectionately put his arm around Chen Chu's shoulders, and the school leaders, teachers, and students were all astonished. Chen Chu was dumbfounded and said, "Listen to me, my family is just an ordinary family, and I don't know any local billionaires! For real!" The billionaire invited him out, and a luxury car fleet entered the neighborhood. The neighbors were all stunned, and they wondered how he had this kind of background. Chen Chu explained helplessly, "Believe me, I'm just going out to eat!" Suddenly, a beautiful woman in a luxury car came to him, and the car shocked everyone. When the woman hugged his arm and called him "Young Master Chen," he was stunned. Others asked, "How do you explain the woman next to you? Didn't you buy her a car and a house?" Chen Chu burst into tears and said, "The car and the house were bought by someone else. I have nothing to do with the woman!" Others said, "We don't believe you!" The municipal leaders came to inspect the school, and they kindly patted Chen Chu on the shoulder and asked about his study and campus life, inviting him to visit them. Looking at the dumbfounded looks of the school leaders, teachers, and students who had just asked if he was just from an ordinary family, Chen Chu was stunned. Teachers and students said, "How do you explain this time?" Chen Chu was at a loss and said, "I didn't lie. I'm just from an ordinary family. How could I know these municipal leaders?"

Mr. Bird · Urban
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40 Chs

This Car Is Really White

Translator: Henyee Translations Editor: Henyee Translations

They did not know that Chen Baijia had seen them a few times through binoculars from the balcony on the second floor of the mansion.

The smile on his face was very satisfying. That's right. His daughter had never been in a relationship. It was normal for the atmosphere to be a little romantic when the two of them were together.

Unknowingly, the two of them had been playing on the beach for more than two hours. Playing with the sand, playing with the water, running wildly, and laughing non-stop. Until Nanny Li came over on her electric scooter. "Miss, Mr. Chen, it's lunchtime. Sir is waiting for you to eat."

Only then did the two of them awkwardly come ashore from the sea. They looked at each other and laughed awkwardly. After Nanny Li finished speaking, she rode her electric scooter and quickly slipped away.

No one doubted it at all. This must have been instructed by Chen Baijia again.

"Come on up, Sister Youlu. I'll drive you." Chen Chu rode the electric scooter over and waved at Chen Youlu.

For some reason, Chen Youlu was sitting sideways in the backseat this time. Her grip on Chen Chu's clothes was a little unstable. She hesitated for a moment and held Chen Chu's waist. She leaned slightly on Chen Chu's back. She wasn't leaning against him, but her shoulders were gently leaning against him.

Chen Chu's muscles tensed up. "Ahem, Sister Youlu, are you sitting still?"

"Yes." Chen Youlu's voice was a little low.

This time, the electric scooter's gear had not been adjusted. It was only in first gear, although it was still much more powerful than ordinary electric scooters.

However, the two of them, who were prepared, did not make any mistakes. The speed of the car was also very stable. When they arrived at the mansion, Chen Baijia was actually looking at the scenery from the balcony on the second floor.

Sensing a sound, Chen Baijia lowered his head and looked over with a cigar in his mouth. Chen Youlu quickly retracted her hand from Chen Chu's waist and tucked her bangs behind her ear uncomfortably. "Dad."

Chen Chu also noticed Chen Baijia's gaze. His body stiffened and he called out awkwardly, "Uncle Chen."

Chen Baijia glanced at the two of them indifferently. No one could figure out his attitude, but he did not say anything. "It's getting late. Let's eat. Look at all of you covered in sand. Go and change your clothes first. Auntie Li, bring over a set of Weiqi's clothes."

The two of them quickly followed and deliberately distanced themselves. After eating a sumptuous and expensive lunch, they accompanied Chen Baijia to watch the current news while Chen Youlu played with her phone.

Seeing that the news was over, Chen Chu stood up and bade farewell. "Uncle Chen, it's getting late. I won't disturb your lunch break."

Chen Baijia turned around. "Stay for dinner before leaving. I'll get your Sister Youlu to drive you back."

At the side, Chen Youlu tilted her ear and stole a glance at Chen Baijia. She could not understand what her father meant. What did her father mean? Couldn't he tell that there was something wrong with the two of them?

Although there was no actual development between the two of them, if her father could tell, logically speaking, he would definitely not let her send him. He might not even let the driver send him.

Could it be that he could not tell? Dad's eyes are so sharp, it can't be… right? Could it be that he could tell, or even…

Chen Chu declined politely. "No, I have a lot of homework to do. I still have to go back and do my homework."

Hearing Chen Chu's words, Chen Youlu felt a little ridiculous. Chen Baijia nodded. "I see. Now that you know the way, come to our house often when you're free. Sit with me."

He never mentioned coming to the house to drink tea. If not for the fact that he was here as a guest, Chen Chu might have thought that Chen Baijia was just being polite. However, after this incident, Chen Chu knew that he was serious. He really wanted him to come over often when he was free.

Hence, Chen Chu nodded. "Okay, Uncle Chen."

"Okay, Youlu, drive Chen Chu.

"By the way, Nanny Li, bring me the gift I've prepared," Chen Baijia called out to Nanny Li.

Then, he turned to look at Chen Chu. "I originally planned to let you bring it back after dinner. I didn't expect you to leave now."

Chen Chu opened his mouth and only then did he remember that he had come empty-handed. He could have bought some fruits by the roadside. Not only did he have a free lunch, he also had a gift?

Chen Chu wanted to refuse, but he was stopped by Chen Baijia. "There's no need to reject it. Take it. It's not only for you, but also a gift for your parents. Youlu, remember to send my regards to Chen Chu's parents."


Just like that, Chen Chu carried a few bags and got into the car.

Chen Chu wasn't sure what brand the car was, but it should be a sports car. However, the logo was a standing horse. He was very familiar with this logo. It was a famous sports car brand.

However, he had forgotten which brand it was. The design of the car was quite good. The entire car was female-style, and the curved lines gave off an elegant beauty. Coupled with the white crystal-like car, it was very elegant.

The front transverse headlamps cut the lightband into two sections, top and bottom, with a black gradient grid-like intake grille. The front cover was curved, and there were three raised arc designs at the front. From the front, coupled with the headlights of the car, it looked like a cute white cartoon shark head.

The car door was a pair of scissors door, or was it called a butterfly door? Anyway, when the car door opened, it was quite cool and eye-catching.

Chen Chu did not know much about this. He had never paid attention to it. He only knew about the scissors door and the butterfly door. However, this car was not as short as the sports car seen on the Internet. It was also different from a car.

It should be a coupe.

Chen Chu sat in the front passenger seat awkwardly. He had never sat in a sports car before.

Chen Youlu covered her mouth and snickered. "Just sit sideways in the future and retract your legs. Here, close the door."

Chen Chu sat in the front passenger seat. His legs were a little restricted, and the space was a little small. "Sister Youlu, I'll send you the location." Chen Chu sent the address of the community to Chen Youlu. The two of them added each other on WeChat in the morning and even exchanged contact numbers.

"Okay." Chen Youlu turned on the GPS and started driving.

The atmosphere in the car was quite quiet. The two of them did not know how to find a topic to talk about. Chen Youlu drove with one hand and swiped the screen with the other. "What songs do you like to listen to?"

"Uh, anything is fine."

A soft, slow music began to play, but embarrassingly, it was a sweet love song that had become popular recently.

They were both silent for a moment. Chen Youlu was going crazy. It was as if after the intimate contact on the electric scooter in the morning, the two of them felt that something was wrong. They would always inadvertently look at each other, or a small misunderstanding would inexplicably become charming.

"I don't usually listen to love songs. Why were there love songs today?" Chen Youlu cut a few songs in a row, but for some reason, it was always a love song. She gave up. It could play as it pleased.

Chen Chu shut up, because he felt that nothing he said would make sense at this time. However, he couldn't take out his phone to play, so he observed the interior of the car in boredom.

The design was perfect in all aspects. In terms of vision alone, it was almost impeccable and had a technological feeling. Just as he was curiously sizing up the few buttons on the transmission, his eyes were suddenly attracted by a pair of fair thighs.

Because they were covered in sand from playing with sand, they both changed their clothes. Chen Youlu was wearing a black dress that reached her knees. Now that she was sitting, her skirt was lifted and pressed down, revealing half of her fair thighs.

Chen Chu pretended to observe the gearbox and couldn't help but glance at it a few times. Chen Youlu pursed her lips and her face flushed red. She pretended to be nonchalant as she drove and looked ahead, but her legs subconsciously tightened.

However, Chen Chu did not know how to restrain himself. Finally, she glared at Chen Chu and gritted her teeth. Chen Chu was embarrassed and quickly retracted his gaze. He wished he could find a crack and turn in.