
I'm From an Ordinary Family, for Real!

As a high school sophomore, Chen Chu didn't think he was anyone special. He came from an ordinary family and was an ordinary student. Things didn't change until a local billionaire donated ten million yuan to the school to install air conditioning and build a teaching building and a sports field. In front of the entire school, the billionaire affectionately put his arm around Chen Chu's shoulders, and the school leaders, teachers, and students were all astonished. Chen Chu was dumbfounded and said, "Listen to me, my family is just an ordinary family, and I don't know any local billionaires! For real!" The billionaire invited him out, and a luxury car fleet entered the neighborhood. The neighbors were all stunned, and they wondered how he had this kind of background. Chen Chu explained helplessly, "Believe me, I'm just going out to eat!" Suddenly, a beautiful woman in a luxury car came to him, and the car shocked everyone. When the woman hugged his arm and called him "Young Master Chen," he was stunned. Others asked, "How do you explain the woman next to you? Didn't you buy her a car and a house?" Chen Chu burst into tears and said, "The car and the house were bought by someone else. I have nothing to do with the woman!" Others said, "We don't believe you!" The municipal leaders came to inspect the school, and they kindly patted Chen Chu on the shoulder and asked about his study and campus life, inviting him to visit them. Looking at the dumbfounded looks of the school leaders, teachers, and students who had just asked if he was just from an ordinary family, Chen Chu was stunned. Teachers and students said, "How do you explain this time?" Chen Chu was at a loss and said, "I didn't lie. I'm just from an ordinary family. How could I know these municipal leaders?"

Mr. Bird · Urban
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40 Chs

Then How Can He Enter?

Translator: Henyee Translations Editor: Henyee Translations

The next day was Saturday. At 5:30 in the morning, his biological clock woke him up on time. Previously, he had always woken up at this time to read early. He could not change it for a while. He was in a daze on the bed for a while. He turned off the air conditioner and washed his face with cold water. He was energetic after.

Last night, he had told his parents that he would go to his friend's house to play today and eat outside. There was no need to worry.

At half past nine, Chen Chu took the bus to the park where Chen Baijia lived.

He stayed in a private building complex in the villa park in Binhai Baisha Bay. Many people in the city only knew this park but didn't know where it was because they couldn't find it on any navigation system.

Chen Chu hitched a ride and directly located a beach scenic spot next door.

After getting into the car, he explained the situation. Fortunately, the hitchhiker had been running along this road. Every day, he would pull tourists to the scenic area to familiarize himself with the surrounding road conditions. Only then did he know this place.

Binhai, a place by the sea.

Baisha Bay, the beach here was as white as pearls, and there was also a pure shallow sea.

Binhai Baisha Bay, a villa park with a large area of pure beaches and shallow seas by the sea.

Chen Chu took a free ride from the suburbs. It took more than 20 minutes and was a 38-kilometer journey. He had finally arrived.

After settling the fare, Chen Chu looked at the beautiful park on the beach from afar. The wide and clean gravel road under their feet led straight to the park in the distance. Coconut trees could be seen everywhere by the roadside, tropical-looking trees, and lush branches. It had a seaside style and a tropical aura. It was a beautiful and hot tropical scenery.

Chen Chu walked along a stone path in the forest for a few minutes before he saw an orange security booth at the corner of the intersection. He approached the security booth and saw a few young men and women in casual tourist clothes negotiating with the security guards.

The security guard stood tall and straight, and his movements were rigid and military-like. Chen Chu guessed that he might be a retired soldier, and he must be a retired soldier with special abilities.

"Hello, Sir and Madam. This is a private residence. You can't visit it. That's the beach scenic resort. Please walk back the way you came and turn right into the scenic area."

"Ah? But there's no sign on the GPS that there's a neighborhood here? Are you lying to us?"

"That's right. I clearly saw the beach and shallow sea. Why didn't you let us in?" The few of them muttered softly. They did not want to quarrel, but they were just unhappy and complaining.

"I'm sorry, sir and madam, but there are actually quite a few notices in front that state that this is a private residence. When you go back, you should be able to see it. I'm sorry." The security guard's attitude was gentle as he explained patiently.

"Sigh, I've walked for so long for nothing. My legs are so sore. I still have to walk back later. How annoying," a girl complained as she massaged her legs.

"It's all because you kept asking us to take photos of you and didn't pay attention to the noticeboard."

"Say again?"

"Hmph, so be it," the man muttered.

Chen Chu walked forward and took out the business card from System Space. The security guard took a look and immediately let him in. "Sir, please come in!" He took out the remote control, and the gate lever rose to let him out.

Chen Chu nodded and thanked him. He walked around them and walked in.

"Hey, hey, hey, then why can he enter?"

The security guard said, "He's a guest."

With this sentence, the few people who were originally unhappy immediately wilted. Suddenly, someone thought of something and exclaimed, "Eh, is this Chen Baijia's villa? I heard that he lives by the sea. Wasn't it the Binhai Baisha Bay?"

When they heard that, they also remembered. "That seems to be the case."

They quickly went over and asked the security guard, "Brother, is this where Chen Baijia lives?"

In fact, many people in the vicinity knew this information. Even the drivers who often hitched a ride knew it clearly. There was nothing to hide. The security guard nodded. "Yes, but please don't spread it around, especially don't post videos without permission. Otherwise, you will be held accountable."

They shrunk their necks. They originally wanted to take a short video with their phones, but when they heard this, they did not dare to.

However, the boy who was obviously a student just now was actually Chen Baijia's guest?

How f*cking awesome.

Chen Chu did not know what happened after that. At this moment, he walked past the security booth and turned a corner. He really saw the true colors of the park. The tropical greenery was especially abundant, covering the entire park.

At a glance, it was a tall fence. It looked like wood, but it was actually imitation wood-colored metal. The high fence was covered with climbing plants. It was impossible to see what was going on inside. It was extremely private. There was a tall and exquisite iron gate in front, and there was also a security booth at the door.

Chen Chu showed the business card, and the iron gate slowly opened. However, Chen Chu did not know the way and looked a little silly. He could only call Chen Baijia now. "Hello, President Chen? I'm here. Where should I go?"

"The security guard at the door didn't bring you in?" Chen Baijia was also a little puzzled.

Chen Chu was stunned. He turned around and saw a tall and mighty security guard standing beside him. It seemed like he was about to lead the way, but seeing that he was on the phone, he did not disturb him.

Chen Chu was embarrassed. "Ahem, President Chen, I'm sorry."

Chen Baijia said nonchalantly, "It's fine. Come in."

Chen Chu hung up the phone and followed the security guard into the door. Then, he got into an electric scenic car. Good lord, how big was this park? Did he have to use a car to get in and out?

Next, Chen Chu knew how big it was. He passed by a forest park filled with flowers and trees. He passed another pasture or sports field, a small pond. Then, he saw the pure white beach and the blue coastline not far away.

Chen Chu was a little numb. F*ck, damn rich people, I'm so jealous… Ah, ptui, I'm so angry.

"Mr. Chen, we're here. Please come in!" The security guard stopped the car and gestured to the luxurious mansion in front of him.

Chen Chu looked over and could not help but open his mouth wide. This was a five-story mansion with a strong modern aura. Overall, it exuded a high-class, light and extravagant atmosphere.

Chen Chu entered and walked into the wall that was more decorative than practical. He bypassed the giant fountain statue and strode up the steps. A middle-aged woman in a service uniform, who was either a cleaner or a nanny, was waiting at the entrance of the hall. When she saw Chen Chu, she bowed and said, "Sir, please follow me. Sir is waiting for you upstairs."

"Alright, sorry to trouble you."

"You're welcome. This way, please."

After entering the luxurious hall, the first floor of the mansion was a magnificent empty hall, giving off an extremely shocking spatial experience. It was spacious and grand. This was the first impression the hall gave people.

It's an empty design. One can see the glass corridor on the second floor and the luxurious ceiling on the third floor at a glance. Walking up the spiral staircase to the small living room on the second floor, Chen Baijia was sitting in front of the coffee table in the living room, waiting for him.

"Sir, Mr. Chen is here."

"Auntie Li, you've worked hard," Chen Baijia said.

"Not at all." With that, Nanny Li left.

Chen Chu was previously ambitious and thought that he would achieve meteoric success in the future, patting Chen Baijia's shoulder and calling him Old Chen.

But the moment he saw Chen Baijia, his movements became tense. Chen Chu swore that he was not being reserved, his muscles just became tense because he had walked a bit more, that's all.