
I'm From an Ordinary Family, for Real!

As a high school sophomore, Chen Chu didn't think he was anyone special. He came from an ordinary family and was an ordinary student. Things didn't change until a local billionaire donated ten million yuan to the school to install air conditioning and build a teaching building and a sports field. In front of the entire school, the billionaire affectionately put his arm around Chen Chu's shoulders, and the school leaders, teachers, and students were all astonished. Chen Chu was dumbfounded and said, "Listen to me, my family is just an ordinary family, and I don't know any local billionaires! For real!" The billionaire invited him out, and a luxury car fleet entered the neighborhood. The neighbors were all stunned, and they wondered how he had this kind of background. Chen Chu explained helplessly, "Believe me, I'm just going out to eat!" Suddenly, a beautiful woman in a luxury car came to him, and the car shocked everyone. When the woman hugged his arm and called him "Young Master Chen," he was stunned. Others asked, "How do you explain the woman next to you? Didn't you buy her a car and a house?" Chen Chu burst into tears and said, "The car and the house were bought by someone else. I have nothing to do with the woman!" Others said, "We don't believe you!" The municipal leaders came to inspect the school, and they kindly patted Chen Chu on the shoulder and asked about his study and campus life, inviting him to visit them. Looking at the dumbfounded looks of the school leaders, teachers, and students who had just asked if he was just from an ordinary family, Chen Chu was stunned. Teachers and students said, "How do you explain this time?" Chen Chu was at a loss and said, "I didn't lie. I'm just from an ordinary family. How could I know these municipal leaders?"

Mr. Bird · Urban
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40 Chs

Rich Woman Chen's New Car

Translator: Henyee Translations Editor: Henyee Translations

Three people in a row?

No, he would lose points!

By 5:30 PM, the three of them had lost a few stars and decided to stop playing. Chen Chu hurriedly said, "I'm not playing anymore, I'm not playing anymore. What teammate? They couldn't bring me along."

Wang Hai was also afraid of these two scammers. "Alright, I'm not playing anymore."

Chen Youlu said, "Then I'll drive over to pick you up now. Where are we going to eat later?"

Wang Hai: "???"

She was definitely not talking to him, and there were only three of them. It was obvious that the rich woman with a pleasant voice was talking to Chen Chu. What was this? The two of them knew each other in real life? They were going to have a meal together later? And this rich woman was going to pick him up in a car?!

You're clearly living off a woman!

"Chen Chu, you really deserve to die!" Wang Hai gnashed his teeth. Jealousy had changed his appearance beyond recognition. This was worse than killing him.

Chen Youlu's iPad covered her face and it was a little red. It seems that Chen Chu's classmate had misunderstood them.

Chen Chu coughed dryly. "Dahai, see you at school tomorrow. Bye~" With that, he kicked Wang Hai.

Wang Hai muttered, "F*ck, this bastard is actually living off a woman. It's really enviable… Bah, it's too despicable!"

Chen Chu had a benefactor to guide him, and he was truly happy for him. However, he really couldn't stand the fact that Chen Chu was taken in by a beautiful rich woman.

Wang Hai bit his handkerchief hard, his eyes almost turning into lemons.

On the other side, Chen Chu left the room and went to the living room to shout at his mother, who was preparing to cook. "Mom, I'll eat outside with Sister Youlu tonight. After dinner, we'll go for a drive."

Yang Yumei poked her head out of the kitchen. "You're going to eat dinner with Youlu?" She muttered in her heart. Didn't the two of them just get to know each other? Why were they together?

"Yes." Chen Chu nodded.

"Alright, you have pocket money on you too. Don't go out and keep letting your sister spend money, do you hear me?"

Chen Chu nodded and said perfunctorily, "Aiya, Mom, I understand."

At the Chen Family Mansion.

Chen Youlu also said something to Chen Baijia. "Dad, I'm eating out with my friends tonight."

Chen Baijia nodded and looked down at the company's report for this month. "Oh, who is it?"

Chen Youlu's eyes flickered. "Chen Chu."

Chen Baijia raised his head and smiled. "Chen Chu?"

Chen Youlu was surprised by Chen Baijia's reaction. This reaction was a little strange. She felt that her father really hoped that she could get together with Chen Chu often.

"Drive carefully. Don't go too crazy." After Chen Baijia finished speaking, he lowered his head and continued with his work.

"Dad, then I'm leaving?"

"Go on."

Twenty minutes later, Chen Youlu drove downstairs and sent a message to Chen Chu. Chen Chu glanced at his phone and greeted his mother. "Mom, Sister Youlu is here to pick me up. Bye~"

"Go on, go on."


Chen Youlu had changed her car today. It was a very technologically cool supercar. It was like a sci-fi war chariot from a sci-fi movie. It was very futuristic and technological.

Last night, Chen Chu had learned a lot about luxury cars and recognized the brand of this car. It was Koenigsegg. However, Chen Chu did not know what series it was.

Under the other people's strange gazes, Chen Chu fumbled around. Under Chen Youlu's reminder, he found the car door and lifted it slightly. The car door spun open, causing the surrounding people to exclaim, "Wow, the way this car door is opened is a little awesome! The rotating door is so cool."

"F*ck, Koenigsegg!" Someone took out his phone to take a photo and check. He immediately exclaimed.

"How much for one?"

"Fifty million! But I don't know if it's real or fake."

"What the f*ck?!"

"There's such an awesome person in our neighborhood?"

"Not to mention our neighborhood, even in our city, no one can afford to drive such a car."

"Have you forgotten Chen Baijia?"

Under the surprised gazes of the people around him and the sound of the phone shutters, Chen Chu covered his face and quickly bent down to sit in the front passenger seat. He retracted his leg.

Chen Youlu closed the door remotely and started the car. With the charming sound of the engine, it roared away. The sports car was still some distance away from the gate when the gate lever was raised from afar.

The car merged into the traffic. It was clearly a highway at the peak of the evening, but there was a lot of empty space in front and behind the Koenigsegg. The cars in front and behind were quite a distance away from Koenigsegg, afraid that they would be touched.

This might be the unique stance technique of a top-notch supercar. It did not have any skills and relied on money.

"What do you want to eat? Do you have any recommendations?" Chen Youlu asked as she drove with both hands.

Chen Chu gave her an address. "I have, I think 'Light Party Dining Bar' is not bad!"

Chen Youlu had no objections. She said into the GPS, "Navigation, to the 'Light Party Dining Bar'."

"Planning the route. Please follow the road ahead."

Ten minutes later, they arrived at their destination. There was a parking space in front of the restaurant, and the car stopped. Many pedestrians were attracted by this cool sports car. In this small place, they might not even have a sports car in a few years.

Moreover, they had never seen such a beautiful and cool supercar. They immediately took out their phones, took a video, and posted it on their WeChat Moments.

"I saw a supercar in the downtown shopping street. It's super cool."

The car door opened and the two of them got out. The cell phone cameras of the people around them made them a little uncomfortable. They quickened their pace and walked into the restaurant.

The waiter at the door had already noticed the two of them. It was mainly because the supercar just now was too grand. It was difficult not to notice. "Welcome, please come in. Do you have an appointment?"

Chen Chu took out his phone. "Yes, my surname is Chen."

"Mr. Chen, this beautiful lady, please come in. Your seats are here." The waiter guided the two of them to their seats and went to get the menu.

The seats in the dining room were two-seater, semicircular, around a round table. The seats were not big and were even a little small. It was easy for the two of them to touch each other during the meal.

It could only be said that this restaurant knew how to be ambiguous and had ulterior motives. It was already half past six. The sky was slightly dark, and the slightly pink lights in the dining room were lit. The sun was setting outside the window, and he (she) was beside them.

The restaurant was playing soothing and lazy pure music. It wasn't played in person, but it was equally romantic.

With this, the atmosphere was set off.

Chen Youlu's heart beat faster. She tilted her head and looked at the romantic atmosphere of the restaurant. "This seems to be a couple-themed restaurant, right?"

Chen Chu pretended to have just realized it and turned to look at Chen Youlu beside him. He was a little apologetic. "Ah, is that so? I didn't notice before. Sister Youlu, why don't we go to another restaurant?"

Chen Youlu tucked her bangs behind her ear and blushed. "Forget it. It's too troublesome. Let's eat here."

Was it because it was too troublesome and she did not want to change it, or was she tempted and did not want to change it?

The waiter brought over the menu. The name of the dish was interesting and the design was romantic. There were Western-style romantic dishes and Chinese-style romantic dishes. The two of them casually ordered some food. It seemed that the purpose of people who came here to eat was not just to eat.

The process of eating was the most important.

While waiting for the dishes to be served, Chen Chu deliberately moved, pretending to be uncomfortable sitting down.