
I'm dreaming of: Love Beyond Intimacy

"Develop enough courage so that you can stand up for yourself and then stand up for somebody else"- Maya Angelou ---------------------- Hiwa Parker, a 18 year old teen has everything a girl dreams of, loving family, stunning looks, high IQ and EQ. She is very kind hearted and always dreams of eternal love beyond intimacy. She is free spirited that chases after her dreams bravely. But everything shattered, when she met with an accident that makes her an amputee. Will she gave up on her dreams or even her life?? ----*****-------******------*****----- Jacob Anderson, a young and dynamic business tycoon in the country. Most wanted bachelor with godly looks and physique. A cold, reserved Jacob doesn't have interest in love and marriage. His family's only concern is his love life. Will he be a saint or romantic fool?? Who expects this Iceberg's love story will be most heart warming in the history?? Join the story of these love birds that rise high with flying colours.

Alohomora_007 · Urban
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21 Chs

"No girl caught my attention till now"

Anderson's Mansion

Rose ordered the servants to place the dishes on the table. She cooked all his son's favourite food.

Rose Anderson famous jewellery designer and has her own brand 'Rose Jewels'. She is very outgoing person but when it comes to business she is very competitive and straightforward.

Right then Jacob entered and saw his mother talking with servants.

" Hi mom" " Haa my son" she hugged her son tightly and patted his back.

"Come, let's have lunch" she took him to the dining.

"Eat a lot, see how you become so thin"she literally put everything on the table in his table.

" Mom stop putting all the food, I can't finish all this" he said while looking at her.

" Ok, you know Mr. Nelson right?? His daughter is very beautiful and working in law firm, do you want to meet her? she asked while slowly placing food in his plate.

" Not interested, I'm very busy right now" he said nonchalantly.

" Busy!!Busy!!Busy!!!! you literally hang that laptop around your neck" she slammed her hands on the table.

"All my friends children are dating, married and some even have children. I feel very envious of them whenever they boast about their children lovelife"

"What's the use of having two sons, when none bring their lover??" she chided her son.

"No girl caught my attention till now" he said while finishing his lunch but thought of the girl at traffic signal.

Rose looked at her son from head to toe and "Tch Tch!!! If not a girl you can bring boy, I'm not biased ok??"

Jacob choked on his food "Momm" he said annoyingly.

" Ok ok whatever" she said finishing her lunch.

Later they chatted for sometime.

" Ok mom. I'll leave now."

" Come home and eat with us from time to time" she said while caressing his cheeks.

" Ok Mom. Bye"

"Ok bye, drive safe" she said while waving her hands. He left the mansion.


Chinese restaurant

Hiwa ordered almost all best dishes from the menu.

"Are you starving for few days?" asked Neo looking at the dishes ordered by her.

she smiled silly and started gobbling the food " Ummmmmm yummy" she said while licking her lips.

"Leave some for me" said Neo seeing her sweeping food one after other.

After finishing her food she patted her stomach feeling satisfied.

" How is your work, don't strain yourself" Neo chided her.

"Don't be a worrywart. You should worry about yourself, try to hangout more and catch up with beautiful girls".

" At this age, not a single girlfriend do you want to be a saint?" she mocked her brother.

"What about you?Did you meet anyone?" Neo asked her.

"it's totally different in my case. Love doesn't work out for me so don't involve me." replied Hiwa while sipping water.

"How do you even know without trying?" Neo asked her rising his eyebrows.

"Ok how is your company?? " she asked him trying to change the topic.

"Ok ok" Neo replied not to force her.

Later they left the restaurant and reached his company.

"Ok bye" she hugged her brother and started her bike.

"Bye. Drive safe" said Neo patting her head.

He stood right there and watched her leave. After that accident she challenged everything in her life and tried every damn thing except love.

The girl who always dreamed of having a true love was now afraid to fall in love.

Their parents tried to persuade her but of no use. He shook his head and left to work.