
I'm dreaming of: Love Beyond Intimacy

"Develop enough courage so that you can stand up for yourself and then stand up for somebody else"- Maya Angelou ---------------------- Hiwa Parker, a 18 year old teen has everything a girl dreams of, loving family, stunning looks, high IQ and EQ. She is very kind hearted and always dreams of eternal love beyond intimacy. She is free spirited that chases after her dreams bravely. But everything shattered, when she met with an accident that makes her an amputee. Will she gave up on her dreams or even her life?? ----*****-------******------*****----- Jacob Anderson, a young and dynamic business tycoon in the country. Most wanted bachelor with godly looks and physique. A cold, reserved Jacob doesn't have interest in love and marriage. His family's only concern is his love life. Will he be a saint or romantic fool?? Who expects this Iceberg's love story will be most heart warming in the history?? Join the story of these love birds that rise high with flying colours.

Alohomora_007 · Urban
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21 Chs

"Like what you're seeing?"

Hiwa felt splitting headache, she groaned in pain and slowly opened her eyes adjusting to the sudden brightness. Once she accustomed to the brightness she looked around and closed her eyes but suddenly she sat and held her head

'where am I?'As if the impact had jolted her brain or something but the last night's events played like a movie before her eyes.

'Ahhh' she tugged her hair.

"Alohomora... are you kidding,Hiwa??"she scoffed herself.

She got up and peeked through the door like a thief and slowly reached the stairs looking around to sneak out.

"Are you up?" a deep voice came behind her.

She sucked in her breath and slowly turned to see him. What caught her gaze made her mouth wide opened.

Before her eyes, standing Jacob cladded in blue shirt and black pants drying his hair with towel.

He slowly reached her and fresh citric smell wafted her nose.

"Like what you're seeing?"he smirked while gently pushing her chin to close her wide mouth with index finger.

"Yes.."Hiwa nodded unconsciously.

"Hahahaha..."Jacob laughed staring at her.

His laughter brought her out of stupor she immediately stepped away from him.

Right then door bell rang.

"I think food delivery is here. You should go and fresh up there are new toiletries in bathroom cabinet."said Jacob while descending the stairs.

Hiwa rushed to the washroom shyly'Haa what a handsome man!!!!' she licked her lips but shocked to see her reflection in mirror.

"Wahh....a bird's nest is better than your hair "Hiwa mocked herself.

She quickly brushed and washed her face and went downstairs where Jacob sat on dinning table while looking his phone.

"Sorry for all the trouble"Hiwa said gently while sitting.

"it's ok. Sorry, but I answered your phone call"said Jacob while handing her phone.

Hiwa took her phone and informed Amy that she will be late for work.

They silently eating their breakfast. To broke the silence Jacob asked Hiwa"How is the breakfast?".

"Haa....nice"she smiled politely.

"By the way, I'm Hiwa Parker"she introduced herself.

"Jacob Anderson"he responded.

"What kind of work you do?" Hiwa asked while eating.

"Sorry to disappoint you but I'm just a businessman not an underwear model" Jacob said playfully.

Hiwa choked on her food, "please forgot about my behavior yesterday"she said while drinking water.

"Hahaha how can I?? you're too adorable to forget"he said looking at her.

'Ahh this damn mouth.... 'she thought while blush crept her cheeks.

"Fresh up and come to the parking. I'll drop you at your work"said Jacob.

"Ohh no need to trouble you" said Hiwa waving her hands.

She got up took her bag and put on her wedges, ready to leave.

"Thanks for yesterday" she said gratefully.

Before she left he caught her hand, she looked at him "Sharp thirty minutes, I'll be waiting in parking"said Jacob releasing her hand.

"Hmmm. ok"She said and left to her condo.

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