
I'm dreaming of: Love Beyond Intimacy

"Develop enough courage so that you can stand up for yourself and then stand up for somebody else"- Maya Angelou ---------------------- Hiwa Parker, a 18 year old teen has everything a girl dreams of, loving family, stunning looks, high IQ and EQ. She is very kind hearted and always dreams of eternal love beyond intimacy. She is free spirited that chases after her dreams bravely. But everything shattered, when she met with an accident that makes her an amputee. Will she gave up on her dreams or even her life?? ----*****-------******------*****----- Jacob Anderson, a young and dynamic business tycoon in the country. Most wanted bachelor with godly looks and physique. A cold, reserved Jacob doesn't have interest in love and marriage. His family's only concern is his love life. Will he be a saint or romantic fool?? Who expects this Iceberg's love story will be most heart warming in the history?? Join the story of these love birds that rise high with flying colours.

Alohomora_007 · Urban
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21 Chs

"Are you feeling the same...?"

Hiwa still holding his finger entered the house.

it's a two story penthouse. There is a living room, kitchen and gym on first floor seperated by glass walls. it's interior is quite exquisite with white and pastel blue Scandinavian design.

"Sit here I will go and get some water" Jacob pointed towards the couch and left to the kitchen.

Hiwa still followed him to the kitchen.

She leaned her whole body on the glass wall and stared at Jacob.

Jacob smiled looking at her sticking to the glass like a lizard.She looks comical with those wide eyes and red cheeks.

He reached her. They are seperated by the glass.

"Something..is wronggg"she pressed 'g' letter.

"What?"he tapped on the glass pointing her nose.

"Are you feeling the same way like I do?" she asked innocently while blinking her eyes.

"Wha..t feeling?"Jacob stammered. she turned and staggered away from the wall. Now her back was facing him.

"Are you feeling the same...?"she asked while unbuttoning her blouse.

"Hot"she tossed her blouse.

Jacob eyes bulged out. Her curves, slender neck and the lacy bra are on display.

Before she unhook her bra he immediately reached her and held her hands."Get a grip on yourself".He took her blouse from the floor and helped her wear it.

He turned her to button the shirt. He gulped looking at her cleavage and pearl white waist which aroused a foreign feeling in him.

He closed his eyes for a second to control himself from touching her.

While buttoning ,his fingers grazed her skin making her tremble.

"It's so hot "she fanned her hands placing her head on his shoulder.

They slowly reached the couch and he made her sit and quickly got a glass of cold water.

She felt better and sobered up chugging down the coldwater while he lowered the AC temperature,he too drank coldwater to relieve the hot feeling.

He glanced at her foot and bend to remove the wedges.

"No....."she said moving her legs away.

He thought she was shy but what happened next shocked him to the core.

Hiwa stretched her prosthetic leg and removed her wedges while adjusting the foot on the floor.

"Sorry, I overreacted.." she said lowering her head.

"It's okay"he said while sitting beside her, he never expected she has a problem with her leg.

She smiled looking at him.

Her smile was pure and enchanting.

"Beautiful" said Jacob staring at her.

"Hahahaha.....I know I'm beautiful"Hiwa smiled widely.

He shook his head while patting her head.

"it's getting late, we should rest"Jacob stood and held her hand.

"I'm not going anywhere, I'll sleep here"she shook her head.

"it will be uncomfortable here, I'll help you to the bed" he said while pulling her hand.

"Not going!!! it's mine!!"she stubbornly held the couch.

"Don't blame later"said Jacob.

"Blame? for what??"asked Hiwa innocently.

"For this"Jacob carried her princess style.

"Ahh" Hiwa immediately wrapped her hands around his neck. Jacob walked up the stairs towards the guest room.

"Mr. Underwear put me down I can walk on my own" said Hiwa reaching the top.

Jacob gently placed her down but Hiwa slipped away from him towards the rooftop.

"catch me if you can"Hiwa teased sticking her tongue out. "Hey wizard"Jacob followed her.

when she entered, a smile crept on her face. There was a small garden and pool with glass ceiling. She ran towards the garden squealing happily like a child.

she laid on the grass and watched the starry sky through the glass ceiling.

Jacob too laid beside her by placing his hands behind his head.

"See.....the sky is sooo close to us. like...I feel like I can touch all the stars...all of them" said Hiwa sat up while waving her hands.

"Do you like stars?"she asked while lying on his hands looking at the sky.

"Ye..s" he stammered because of sudden closeness.

"Same pinch !!! I too love stars" Hiwa said while pinching his cheek. His heart skipped a beat looking her up-close and her warm breath made his ears red like ripen tomato.

"I too want to become like them and shine all the time"she said while smiling happily looking at the sky.

'Yes so shining and beautiful' he thought looking at her.

She fell into a deep slumber soon after she laid down.

Jacob turned to his side and looked at the woman who was sleeping like child in his arms and hoped that time stand still at this moment.

He gently picked her up and placed her on the bed in guestroom.

He tucked few strands behind her ear and placed a gentle kiss on her forehead ' it's too late to escape, I think I like you wizard' Jacob grinned at her.

Sorry for late update


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