
I'm dreaming of: Love Beyond Intimacy

"Develop enough courage so that you can stand up for yourself and then stand up for somebody else"- Maya Angelou ---------------------- Hiwa Parker, a 18 year old teen has everything a girl dreams of, loving family, stunning looks, high IQ and EQ. She is very kind hearted and always dreams of eternal love beyond intimacy. She is free spirited that chases after her dreams bravely. But everything shattered, when she met with an accident that makes her an amputee. Will she gave up on her dreams or even her life?? ----*****-------******------*****----- Jacob Anderson, a young and dynamic business tycoon in the country. Most wanted bachelor with godly looks and physique. A cold, reserved Jacob doesn't have interest in love and marriage. His family's only concern is his love life. Will he be a saint or romantic fool?? Who expects this Iceberg's love story will be most heart warming in the history?? Join the story of these love birds that rise high with flying colours.

Alohomora_007 · Urban
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21 Chs

" Betty baby, did you miss me??"

Majestic Residences

Hiwa reached her condo and she took her nightwear and went to the bathroom to freshen up.

She took off her prosthetic leg and stepped into the bathtub. After laying for fifteen minutes she showered and goes through her skin care routine.

She drank some warm milk and went to bed. While laying on her bed she checked some reports , set alarm and drifted off to sleep.

''Mama, it's hurting like hell...'

'Papa I'm sooo scared,I don't want to die' she felt excruciating pain and helpless,staring into starry sky tears are rolling down her cheeks, Hiwa jerked from her nightmare. She was breathing heavily and sweating profusely. she touched her tear stained face.

She closed her eyes, seeking a moment of peace but finding none.

Isn't it sad when you get hurt so much but the pain is unexplainable.

'I feel vulnerable not because of disablity but of my psychological pain. I'm not afraid to fall in love, I'm afraid to find that there is noone out there to embrace my vulnerability' Hiwa held her heart and felt lump in her heart, she tried to fight back tears.

She took medicine from side table and finally slept around midnight.

Early morning sun rays through floor to ceiling glass window caressed her cheeks. The buzzing sound of alarm clock woke her up.

She went to her gym and did her daily exercises. Within forty minutes she got ready to the work and ate some light breakfast of toasted bread with eggs and glass of fresh orange juice.

Today she wore camel wide leg trousers paired with navy blue blouse and three inch beige wedges. She took her black handbag and car keys. she reached the parking area where her Audi S5 Monsoon grey metallic is parked. " Betty baby, did you miss me?? I promise , will only ride you for a week and won't be near Catty ( Ducati bike)"she gave flying kisses to the car and left to the work.


Jacob was checking his mails when his father entered his office, he immediately stood up and reached his father" Father, why are you here?"

"Did I need anyone's permission to see my son?" David asked while patting his cheeks.

He called Peter to get some tea for his father.

They sat in the couch and discussed some business matters.

" Did you find anyone or not? At your age I already married your mother? Don't always be busy with work?? Hang out with your friends, okay" chided David while looking at his iceberg son

Jacob didn't refute and just stayed silent.

"Ok I'll leave now"David stood up to leave.

He reached the door and turned to look at his son " Don't skip your meals and call us from time to time"

After his father left, Jacob sat on his chair and stared into space.

Do you have any idea what Hiwa's job is??

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