
I'm David in Cyberpunk / NewDavid

Read all synopsis! Hello everyone, unfortunately there is an unscrupulous translator FanFictionForge / FanFictionPremium / SpaceMate on Webnovel. He takes other people's fanfiction (which has been written and posted for free for a long time), makes a translation through DeepL, and then pretends to be the author in order to make money on it. Thus, he has already stolen more than 25 fanfictions by different authors. The support of Webnovel takes an incredibly long time to respond, so I decided to post my translation of this fanfiction (DeepL + the small edit). P.S.: I and other authors with whom I managed to talk are not against translations, but only if the translator indicates the real name of the book, indicates the real author's penname and gives a link to the original fanfiction. P.P.S.: maybe some people have already noticed that some of FanFictionPremium's collections have been deleted on patreon.com. This is due to the fact that he does not specify the real authors. P.P.P.S.: This translation is made with the permission of the author. P.P.P.P.S.: I can completely translate the rest of the fanfics from the FanFictionPremium profile and post them for free on Webnovel, but only if the real authors allow me to do so. Original name: NewDavid (НьюДэвид) Author: Amdkorn Boosty: https://boosty.to/amdkorn-ivanivanych tl.rulate.ru: https://tl.rulate.ru/book/84159 Synopsis Our contemporary reborn into David from the Cyberpunk anime. How will the story change if he doesn't join the Main team? If he's not going to be a lovesick fool about Lucy? if he meets characters known to us from the game and does not die by the beginning of the game canon? You will find out the answers to all these questions by reading this fanfiction.

Logri · Anime & Comics
Not enough ratings
155 Chs

Chapter 22



I looked questioningly at the girl who had joined Panam and me in the tent late last night. Luckily for us, we weren't going to have sex this evening, so we were just sitting next to each other and watching some movie over the hacked communication channel.

What was the movie about?

Fuck knows! I was more interested in Panam's lips, which responded to my kiss with such passion and desire, than in what the movie was about.

"I... can I talk to you?"

"Should I leave?"

Panam looked questioningly at Judy and she shook her head.

"No, uh. it's no big deal. I was just hoping for a little help."

"If it's in my power..."

I shrugged.

Help Judy?

No problem at all! I'd love to help her!

Judy went deeper into the tent and sat down on a massive chest that was used for storing things but could also act as a chair.

We sat in silence for a while. Judy felt a little uncomfortable for some reason, and it wasn't because Panam and I were sitting in each other's arms, and it wasn't because of our kissing when she came in. Still, we kissed in front of her a lot, I even let my hands loose a little...


Panam caught the attention of her friend who had withdrawn into herself, and she flinched and focused her gaze on us.

"Uh, yeah. I'm sorry. Anyway, uh. I took your advice."

"My advice?"


Judy nodded her head.

"Not to sue Knight City, but to file a lawsuit against the specific official who made the decision to forge documents. Of course not right away, I thought about it first, then I went to a lawyer, but in general, this case may be successful. I might even get my criminal record expunged..."


I did wonder what Judy wanted from me, now that she had decided to ask for something.

"We don't have enough evidence..."

She lowered her gaze to the floor of the tent.

"And you have a plan?"


Judy nodded her head.

"We need to infiltrate a couple places and get data from the archives as well as the servers."

"Can they be used as evidence in court?"


Judy blinked.

"...I went a little further, and after talking to a lawyer... well, for a small fee, the judge will overlook the fact that the evidence didn't come to us legally. Or rather, some suspicious coincidences. The main thing is not to leave a direct trace to yourself."

I nodded my head.



Judy looked at me in surprise.

"Just like that?"

"What, did you think we were gonna fight?"

Panam supported me in my decision to help Judy in mining the right data.

"Well... I was thinking at least about the price..."

"Whoa, whoa, whoa."

I interrupted Judy, and in addition to my tone being very firm and demanding, I also raised my hand in a gesture to stop Judy from saying the stupid thing she was about to say.

"Judy, you're our friend, and if there's any way we can help you. Help, you know, not a paid service, not to put you in debt or anything, but to help you..."

"I... thank you."

Tears ran down Judy's cheeks.

"You're welcome..."

I let go of Panam and went over to Judy and put my arm around her shoulders. Panam sat down on the other side of her and embraced her in the same way.

For a while we just sat in silence.

"So when?"

"In about three weeks..."

Judy spoke very uncertainly.

"Why so tentative?"


Judy stared at the floor of the tent again.

"...this is the deadline. In three and a half weeks, this evidence must be attached to the case. If we don't, the evidence will be disregarded."

I covered my eyes...

"So, over the next week we'll go to Vic's a couple times, he'll replace my muscles. I'll take another three days to adjust and recover. And then we'll storm the archives."


Judy looked at me confusedly.

"You, you, by this point, should be slowly gathering data on the places we're hacking into. Find their plans and security systems."


Judy nodded her head.

"All right, now let's have you watch a movie with us..."


"Just to see..."

I grinned.

"...we weren't going to be lecherous, but if we were alone together, we couldn't resist..."

Panam nodded her head...

*** A few days later. ***

"Still, it didn't hold up..."

I shook my head as I watched Becca and Lucy get into the car with us, only if we were going to drive to Vic and come back after the inspection, they'd said they'd had enough. Not that kind of tent life for them.

Well it is understandable, such a life is not for everyone, but it is a shame that they still could not get into the romance of sand and tents.

Not that I myself was directly inflamed by such a life, but I definitely felt its charm.

"It's not my thing."

Becca shook her head

"...too relaxed. Too friendly. And I'm used to every neighbor, except you, ready to either tell me off or piss themselves at the sight of me. And here."

Becca cast a thoughtful glance around the camp as Tortic started up and began to pick up speed smoothly.

"...too quiet, although shooting at cans is certainly very unusual, especially with a revolver without sights. Maybe I'll organize something like that for myself at some shooting range..."

"It's quiet..."

When Becca was silent, Lucy took the floor.

"...but there's too little information for me. I'm used to always surfing the net, and here it's very limited and the main traffic goes through the local raner. And she's not gonna share that traffic."

"You can buy an amplifier and make your own channel..."

Lucy cast a thoughtful glance at me and nodded her head.

"You know, maybe this is the way to go. because my dream is a little idealistic. and after living like this, away from civilization."

Panam snorted resentfully and indignantly.

"...well, away from the hustle and bustle of the city, I realized I couldn't stay on the moon for long. It's not my thing, and the network would be even worse. So buying an amplifier and a car and equipping it with--

Lucy covered her eyes.

"...Yes, it can be..."

"By the way, Panam, we'll have to stop by a place after Vic."


"I've got my eye on a car..."

"And what kind of car is this?"

Panam looked at me suspiciously.

"Well, I took into account everything you told me earlier and so I decided to go with the Hippo, from Militech."


The cake wiggled to the side, but immediately leveled out.

"Are you out of your mind?"

"Uh, no..."

I shrugged.

"It has a big body, and if you implement a few of my ideas, you can achieve a volume larger than our one room. You can have a workshop, a bedroom and even a shower! I'm not even talking about the kitchen."


Panam looked at me in surprise. And if Panam was only surprised, the other girls looked at me with interest and delight.

"Yeah, the shower. of course, you can't make a regular shower, it will be too wasteful, but if you make the water spray more than from a regular shower head... in general, if you reduce the water consumption, you can enjoy the same pleasure as a regular shower. And the water for the shower can be run through several filters, which will completely purify it. It will only be necessary to make a separate tank for this water..."

"Uh... The showers are nice, and the weapons repair shop. but the kitchen."

Panam shook her head.

"A kitchen is redundant. Everyone in the clan cooks over a fire and if someone has a kitchen for cooking, it will look extremely strange."

She sighed.

"Are you suggesting I make pancakes in front of everyone? You're not gonna get anything."

"And actually, the kitchen is a very good idea!"

Panam nodded her head. She reversed her opinion in less than a second.


"Don't you snort!"

She looked back menacingly at the back seat where Judy, Becca, and Lucy were sitting.

"You've eaten his pancakes. and you know you can't let that stuff out!"

"Have to agree...and how much can the body of the Hippo be expanded by?"

Judy was mildly interested.

"Well, in camping mode, it'll be the same, but in parking mode. I'm guessing three or four times. It all depends on what you put into it and what kind of technology you use."

I scratched my cheek thoughtfully.

"For that matter, I'd like to steal a couple of old blueprints, study... that could solve the power problem, not just for the car, but for the whole camp. We could do away with the solar panels."


Panam cast an attentive glance at me.


"If you can solve this problem, I will personally intercede for your joining the clan and appointing you as its head."

I blinked.

"Me? I'm an outsider."

"You, you, the problem of electricity is second only to the problem of drinking water. You can buy groceries in any city, go by truck, buy them and that's it... but you have to bring water in tankers and save money. And electricity..."

Panam shrugged her shoulders.

"You have no idea how much work it takes to cut into the existing grid without being seen, or to uncover our solar panels. And then you have to fold them up before you leave."

I covered my eyes.

"Well overall... I don't see a problem with solving the water problem..."


"But only after the electricity problem is solved. If this problem is solved, I will think of something with water..."

In fact, I already had an idea. Still, now people have forgotten what it means to drill wells, but in my past life I was often engaged in such activities. And even though I personally did not have to do such a thing, but I can imagine the process and what kind of equipment is needed for it.

Well, to a first approximation, that's for sure...

"You'll be idolized. all we'll have left is the food problem. Saul would be jealous!"

I shrugged.

"I don't give a shit what Saul thinks. and frankly, I'd rather you didn't talk about my plans. They're too ambitious, especially since I'm not quitting my solo job. And if it doesn't work out, you'll be the only ones to know, and if it does... then we'll make people happy."

"Okay, but you're gonna tell me what you want..."

Panam's voice was demanding.

"Me too..."

Judy joined her.

"...Still, you're willing to risk it for me, so I'll help you in any way I can."

I nodded my head.

"I'll tell you all about it after we deal with Vic..."