
I'm an Anomaly

Similar to all others where Mc wakes up in an Anime world but instead of some bs reason for being Isekai'd, his actually causes chaos across the multiverse. How will our Mc survive when his very presence is a mistake ? And will the multiversal changes affect what he knows of the story ? Credit for all works mentioned goes to their owners.

User_Name001 · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
25 Chs

Chapter 8

Kagami awoke with a headache wishing that the events of the day before was a dream. As he looked to the side of his bed his headache intensified. What lay there was was katana with a purely white hilt encased in a white sheathe with black slashes running diagonally across it. As if the surprises brought about yesterday wasn't enough he now had this to deal with.

Yesterday everyone calmed down rather quickly after the initial shock. While it was rare, it was not unheard of to have twin Zanpakutos so Kisuke and Yoruichi explained it to him as best as they could. They even told him about the captains of the 8th and 13th divisions, Kyoraku and Ukitake, who were also duel wielders. What really left them shocked was that even after returning to his body, the white Katana remained!

This was unprecedented even in the long history of Soul Society. Even after Kisuke hooked it up a million contraptions, it was deemed to be the same as any other Zanpakuto except it gave off no Reiatsu signature, much like Kagami. The first time he drew the sword he marveled at it's beauty.

It was a standard length of 1.4 meters while being slightly thicker and a bit more curved, almost like a mixture of a Scimitar and a Katana. What was truly breathtaking was it's blade which shone as if made of pure moonlight. Even the blunt side of the blade which was a shiny shade of gray, couldn't distract from it's blade.

His curiousity got the best of him because he then transformed just so he could look at the other blade. His second blade held the same measurements as the first but it's appearance was somewhat standard, if not just a bit shinier. All in all he held them both and felt a sense of completeness he never knew he lacked.

After the excitement settled he was now left with the realization of how dire his situation was. He was expected to start school soon but how was he to do so with a katana strapped to his waist or back? Was it even legal to walk around with a blade in this day and age?

Another problem was added to the list when he discovered that no one was home besides himself. All he found was a letter from Kisuke saying that he'd be back soon and that he could do what he wanted until then. Despite most of his meals being prepared for him, Kagami had still kept his cooking skills which was made much better after constantly helping in the kitchen. After an enjoyable meal he found it was boring being at home so he left for a walk.

Walking the streets of Karakura town, Kagami found he had a lot to think of. There was no way the events of yesterday would have no changes. He long expected his presence to have some changes but he anticipated it happening around the Soul Society arc. Now not only did he fight off hundreds of Hollows but it was also the first time his life was actually at risk.

'Not like I expected it to be easy....no plot amour or power of friendship bs. All I can do is get stronger. Hopefully I can just disappear after the whole Aizen fiasco and just avoid the Quincy war in general. The goal here is to lay low, once I do nothing major, everything should work out.'

'I'm sure that 2nd captain was Gin...and if he's here then for sure Aizen knows. Of course he'd send Gin seeing as Karakura town is his precious playground. I'll have to assume he saw me but he shouldn't be sure because I don't exactly have a presence. Worse case scenario he'll tell him to stick around for a bit but if he catches me...I should've stayed at home today.'

Kagami wandered around aimlessly as he thought about his new problems, relying on instinct to dodge any passers-by. He thought of possible changes this could have and frankly speaking he was worried. There was even the possibility of Rukia not even coming anymore. Worse yet what if Ichigo happened to be nearby and was somehow dragged into that fight. Who's to say Kisuke couldn't have been neglectful of something.

'DAMN IT!!!!! Haven't even started the plot yet and look at how much stress there is? I wish all those isekai winners could see me now. I need to relax, i'm supposed to be a smart, lazy type...not as far as Kisuke but still! That's enough danger for now, the goal is power and girls. Of course Yoruichi would be ideal but if she really is with Kisuke then I'd have to change that plan. Honestly Rangiku is next but she's flirts with too much other people. And then there's....'

"Hey you! Why don't you watch where you're g-... what the hell?!" (???)

"Huh?" (Kagami)

Thanks to Yoruichi's training, Kagami was always aware of his surroundings to an extent that there was no way he'd bump into someone. So when he was broken from his thoughts from someone he was understandable caught off guard. It might've been brief but there was no hiding the look of shock that was on his face. Hitsugaya, being a captain, saw the look of recognition that followed and was determined to question him.

Originally it was just a matter of being bumped into but now whether it was the fact that he couldn't sense this person, or the fact that he somehow recognized him, he couldn't let him go. One way or another a confrontation would happen. Being the more experienced of the 2, Toushiro caught himself first.

"Huh?? Why don't you have any...what are you? And what's with that look? " (Hitsugaya)

'Damn it! He definitely won't let this go and the longer I take to answer is the worse this could get. Aside from his temper, he's shown to be pretty smart and have good senses so there's no way...that's it'

"Sorry KID. It's just super rare to see someone with this hair color. Are you lost? Where's your PARENTS? If you need help getting somewhere this BIG brother will get you there no problem." (Kagami)

Kagami rattled off his questions rapidly without giving him a chance to reply. Even shamelessly calling himself big brother and going as far as patting him on the head. Toshiro hated anyone talking about his height so he was now wondering whether he had sufficient justification to attack a human. Before he had the chance to make a choice however they were both distracted by an incoming head of orange hair.

"Captain!... How could you just leave me back there with those ruffians? What if they brought harm to your cute little lieutenant?" (Rangiku)

"If they could bring any harm to you then it's because you let them. Enough fooling around we're here to investigate, not have a vacation. And I have some questions for...." (Hitsugaya)

"Hmmm.....I'm pretty sure I saw someone else standing here but where are they?" (Rangiku)

"Damn it! I'm not sure if he's related to the incident but there's a person wandering around here who has some kind of concealment on. If not for bumping into him I'd even wonder if he was even real. Send an update to Soul Society and Ichimaru. Have him on the lookout." (Hitsugaya)

Needless to say Kagami ran away the second Hitsugaya turned his back. And due to his special body he had nothing to worry about in terms of being followed. Only after covering half the city did he stop breathlessly.

'I guess using an unperfected Flash Step so many times really takes it out of you... I need to lay low for a bit....maybe I'll just train until school starts. I wonder what I would've been doing back home? Definitely not running from soul monsters or Japanese midgets with swords...'

Letting out a depreciative laugh, Kagami continued his aimless wandering while staying consumed by his thoughts. Meanwhile following him as usual was a stealthy black cat, hopping from rooftop to rooftop who was slightly impressed at his quick thinking. She had already prepared herself to intervene but luckily Kagami seized the opportunity perfectly.


As soon as he got back that evening Kagami's first request was more training. His run in with Hitsugaya helped him realize that he'd have to train a lot more than Ichigo did if he wanted to survive. Heck even Rangiku could currently defeat him with ease .

Tailing him throughout the day, Yoruichi was slightly concerned about his state. Maybe he had one too many close calls yesterday and left him with some kind of trauma. She had seen it happen too many times and honestly she wouldn't blame him if he wanted to back out of training from now on. But to her surprise he attacked with renewed vigor and amazing reflexes throughout the evening. Seeing her smile one would think Yoruichi was having fun teaching but only Kisuke looking on felt sorry for Kagami. Yoruichi loved nothing more than a punching bag actively seeked out punishment.

Soaking in the hot springs, Kagami could feel all his sore muscles being soothed. He might've overdone it a bit with his recklessness because as soon as Yoruichi started having fun it was too late to regret. Despite her never attacking, he felt her 'Super Omega Reflex Course' wasn't made for human beings to attempt. He swore from now on Kisuke was his favorite teacher.

Not long after, the sound of someone entering beside him caught his attention. Turning to see Yoruichi stark naked left him speechless. He knew it was a possibility because he had seen her do it before but that didn't make her any less stunning. After a thorough look he simply looked away as if unbothered.

Yoruichi seeing that seemed somewhat impressed that he didn't ogle her more. Only Kagami knew that the only reason he could be so relaxed was that he was too sore to react physically but his head was a mess of thoughts. 10 minutes passed and it seemed Yoruichi was content to pass the time in silence but despite calming down, he was filled with questions.

"Yoruichi I have a question." (Kagami)

"Oh? Finally decided to speak up about whatever's bothering you huh? Shoot." (Yoruichi)

"Why are you here? Aren't you and Kisuke together?" (Kagami)