
I'm an Anomaly

Similar to all others where Mc wakes up in an Anime world but instead of some bs reason for being Isekai'd, his actually causes chaos across the multiverse. How will our Mc survive when his very presence is a mistake ? And will the multiversal changes affect what he knows of the story ? Credit for all works mentioned goes to their owners.

User_Name001 · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
25 Chs

Chapter 7

Looking on, each moment brought another layer of stress and shock to Yoruichi. It was normal if he ended up overwhelmed and she had to step in. It was even normal if he ran and went back to the shop. She even expected him to fight and while he may win in the beginning, she knew he'd tire eventually. However throughout the entire fight she had never seen him like this.

His every action turned another Hollow to dust, sometimes several. He occasionally received a few blows but his reflex minimized the damage and he then killed the attacker. Her concerns about him tiring soon disappeared because as the battle continued, he attacked more ferociously.

As an experienced warrior she knew what happened. Kagami was now relying on nothing but instinct and intuition to fight. Although she had seen that state countless times it was always from battle hardened veterans who had decades of experience behind it. Wasn't he only training for 2 months?! And what was with his rising Reiatsu?

When later asked Kagami would say he had no idea what he did. He was in a trance that only allowed for the most basic of thoughts. Slash, dodge, react, repeat. Both continued, unaware of how bizarre their current situation was. They were no scientists, so how would they know that the Hollows' behavior of ignoring souls to focus on a Soul Reaper was unusual.


Kagami awoke from his trance in a daze. Partially because he could now sense various Reiatsus on the field and also because he could feel a change in his sword. Shortly after that he saw an enormous pillar of ice pierce the clouds and clear a path straight to him. In the distance he could see a tiny, white haired figure standing in the air.

'White hair, tiny, ice? I know who that is. Shit time to go.' Almost as if reading his mind, Yoruichi in cat form appeared next to him.

"Time to go. That's a captain from Soul Society and I sense another not far from where he is. I'll grab your body, just mask your presence and run." (Yoruichi)

Before he had time to register what was said, Yoruichi was gone, leaving him behind. 'That lil b- Whatever no time. I supposedly can't be sensed so I just have to run like my life depends on it. But who's that other captain? Hitsugaya is definitely a solo kind of guy so I can't imagine who it would be.'

It didn't take long for him to escape the encirclement and he was now running in the direction on Kisuke's shop. Suddenly he felt a chill run down his spine. Looking back, he saw another white haired figure standing beside the first. Both dressed in the classic Shinigami uniform but with a white haori but the taller of the 2 was looking at him.


From the time the Soul Reapers appeared, it took exactly 23 minutes to clean up the Hollows and another 8 to help all the souls pass on. A gate in the shape of a traditional door appeared, and the cleanup crew came out to repair the damage and check for casualties. As they busied themselves in their work, 2 figures could be seen overlooking the progress from a nearby rooftop. The shorter of the 2 had a cold, stoic air about him while the other looked on as if the scene was unrelated to him.

"Any thoughts on what caused this?" (Hitsugaya)

"Now how could I know anything? I've been sent here same as you." (Gin)

"Mhmm..... I just don't see why they felt the need to deploy 2 captains. Just thought maybe you might've seen something while standing there." (Hitsugaya)

"My my! What could our dear captain be trying to say? Your lack of faith is really starting to hurt. We should be getting along as fellow white haired captains." (Gin)

Before more could be said an orange haired Soul Reaper appeared on the rooftop. Looking at the figures talking a variety of emotions could be seen on her face. To any normal person that saw her, they'd immediately be attracted to her rather large chest but these men displayed no reaction. This was lieutenant of the 10th squad, Rangiku Matsumoto.

"The centre of the Hollows had signs of a conflict. Weirdly enough it would seem it was against someone with a sword but there was no residual energy on the scene. We were also the only ones sent but 18th seat, Okashi, swore he saw a Soul Reaper fleeing the scene." (Rangiku)

Both men displayed different reactions to the news. Hitsugaya displayed shock and a look of pondering and Gin simply smiled, his brows lowering slightly. As the one in charge of the expedition, Hitsugaya could feel a headache coming on. First they were sent to clean up a gathering, next they had to go around gathering an abnormal amount of souls. Then they found signs of a fight but no clue who it could be and now unconfirmed soul Reaper sightings. If it was one thing he hated it was paperwork.


Of course they weren't the only ones to notice the disturbances that evening. Various parties were affected in various ways and the consequences of which, Kagami would later find out.


By the time Kagami arrived in the shop he was greeted by Yoruichi, now in human form, and a smiling Kisuke. Both stood there quite composed while Kagami was quite ragged from the fighting and the energy spent getting there.

"Thank God you were able to come back unscathed. Who could've predicted that such a simple test could have such disastrous results. I had other plans but after tonight you've officially graduated from basic training. Let's eat and celebr-" (Kisuke)

Seeing his fake concern and cheerful attitude, Kagami couldn't help but feel aggrieved and attacked Kisuke. Kisuke was beyond smart so there was practically no way he didn't anticipate that outcome. He was sure that if things got bad they'd step in but what about the souls or civilians that were hurt.

"WHAT THE HELL MAN?! Don't play smart with me. We both know damn well you knew something like that would happen. Yeah I made it out but how many people paid for it?!" (Kagami)

Kisuke simply tilted his head to dodge the thrust and Kagami's blade stuck into the wall. Yoruichi said nothing but she was obviously ready to part the fight if it escalated. Moreover in her time watching Kagami this was the first time she saw him serious, even somewhat angry. She also had questions about Kisuke's method but after knowing him this long she knew there was always an explanation.

"....So you can get mad huh? Anyways weirdly enough there was a traffic accident earlier so all traffic was diverted from the area. And I suppose it's quite unusual that so many people from the same area took a Christmas vacation...... All in all it's quite the gathering of favorable conditions." (Kisuke)

The more he listened, the more he calmed down. Due to his time with Kisuke, and his knowledge of the anime, he knew Kisuke wasn't the type to needlessly risk lives but he couldn't fully calm down until he heard the series of 'coincidences' that led to there being no casualties.

"Of course even I didn't expect the scale of events. There were several hundred Hollow tonight. Usually a figure like that could level Karakura town and maybe 2 of the neighboring towns but for some reason....they all focused on you. It's natural that you'd be targeted by some because soul Reapers have long been hated by them.....but for them to outright ignore the fleeing souls.....?" (Kisuke)

Seeing the situation was defused, Kagami calmly took a seat but the more Kisuke spoke his expression gradually changed. He knew exactly what Kisuke was saying because it was something he felt as well. It was as it the presence of the souls brought them there but as soon as they saw him, he took priority. The obvious answer would be that it was because he was from another world...but was that really it?

Kisuke stared at Kagami from under his hat as he explained his theory. He long had the feeling that the boy was hiding something and knew more than he let on. He set this test not only for him to get some experience but also see where his heart was. He wanted to believe he was a good person but the strangeness of his circumstance left much room for doubt.

Another question he had was why Kagami seemed to hate him. It wasn't a serious problem but often times during their spars he see a look of hatred. Almost as if Kisuke stole his favorite snack or ate his ice cream. Immediately he'd attack with more vigor, as if to vent his frustrations. Most puzzling.

He was glad to see he was right about Kagami's character but there was now a new problem. Should he come out and ask about what he knew? He'd prefer not having to use force but what if Kagami's presence meant danger to him and his loved ones? Before Kisuke could decide his course of action Yoruichi stepped in.

"Alright boys that's enough fun for one day. Kagami you should get some rest, you did good out there. And Kisuke we need answers for what happened out there. I know what you want to say but hold on for now. Kagami off you go....go....Eh???" (Yoruichi)

Following Yoruichi's outbreak both men followed her line of sight only to see that Kagami now had 2 katanas on his waist.