
I'm an Anomaly

Similar to all others where Mc wakes up in an Anime world but instead of some bs reason for being Isekai'd, his actually causes chaos across the multiverse. How will our Mc survive when his very presence is a mistake ? And will the multiversal changes affect what he knows of the story ? Credit for all works mentioned goes to their owners.

User_Name001 · Fantasy
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25 Chs

Chapter 6

2 people could be seen walking in the direction of Karakura river. They made an unusual sight because while one was a native, the other appeared to be a very tall foriegner. Despite being somewhat accustomed to seeing him, Sado was still an unusual sight to many. Of course Yoruichi was still tailing them but she remained out of sight.

Unlike most people, Kagami could care less about his appearance, afterall he came from a time where practically everyone had multi racial-friends. Using the knowledge of his last life, and the fact that he was already a social person, it took no time to start up a conversation with the giant.

Kqgami knew he would later go into boxing but at this point Sado hadn't yet made up his mind to enter any kind of athletic field. Kagami knew nothing of the UFC of this era but he had a friend whose hobby was martial arts so he was still able to hold a conversation. They stopped by at a convenience store on the way then sat on the river bank.

Kagami found that he could really relate to Sado and their conversation spanned many topics. Despite being good with crowds and socializing, he often preferred to be alone. But he knew the importance of having friends here so put in the effort to leave a good impression. Yoruichi watching this felt as if she was released from a burden. She'd been watching him for over 2 months and she was a little worried to see that he had no hobbies outside of training.

He would occasionally try his hand at cooking, or spend some time reading, but he was almost always training. If not for the few glances she caught occasionally she'd think he was nothing more than a training robot. She'd long noticed that he looked at her much friendlier than he'd look at Kisuke. He'd even get distracted by her clothing several times in the earliest days of their training.

Seeing him talk and get along with someone his own age made her think that it wasn't that he was antisocial, just that she and Kisuke were boring to talk to. It had been a long time since she'd had someone to take care of but she would admit it was nice having someone to tort- teach.

After a while of talking Sado got a phone call and had to leave. Before leaving he asked for Kagami's contact which made him realize something important.

'I haven't bought a phone. Damn it! The irony that me of all people would forget to buy a phone.'

He explained that he didn't have time to buy one but told Sado that he would be entering school in April so they might see each other then. After separating Kagami strolled around for a bit before making his way back to his house. By now it already repaired from the incident but he rarely came home. Another thing to take note of was that on his most recent visit home, he noticed the barrier around the house. It took no time for him to figure out it was caused by his experiment on the second night.

He explained it to Kisuke and together they found out that he had 3 main traits to his ability. 1) His body itself was capable of hiding from all types of Reiatsu scanning. 2) Through the spreading of his Reiatsu he was able to make a sort of barrier which would block all soul signals but would not stop the the use of Reishi itself. 3) He was immune to anything that targeted the Reishi in his body to bring about it's effect. The third one basically meant no one could drain him or make him self-destruct. He was even immune to certain Reiatsu induced effects

After hearing of the first 2 Yoruichi was delighted and became determined to make him the best assassin ever. Kisuke was more interested in the effect the barrier has, spending most of his time comparing it to his basement. His basement used a mixture of Soul stone, which blocked and absorbed Reiatsu, and various types of Kido. While Kagami's was based on the lingering effect his Reiatsu had on an area. Thinking about it now today would make a month since it was redone.


While he was only a few steps away the left side of the house was completely blown away. Before the dust could clear he heard a howl which shook his very being. Despite being here for over 2 months this was his first Hollow encounter. At first he thought it was weird considering Ichigo seemed to meet one almost daily. He later wrote it off as Aizen's interference or Ichigo's plot armour buy thinking about it now aren't Hollows attracted by souls ? And if all the souls are in a concealment barrier, what happens when that comes down ?

He wasn't the only one to come to such a conclusion, Yoruichi too understood what was happening but Kisuke specifically said only intervene if he encountered something he couldn't handle. It was obvious he saw this coming, but then again it was one Hollow. How hard could it be ?

Since he had started training with Kisuke, Kagami would walk around with his own mod soul in case of such events. Now in his Soul Reaper form he felt the surge of adrenaline as he prepared for his first fight. Noticing it's opponent, the Hollow roared and rushed him.

As the Hollow lunged to bite him, Kagami sidestepped and brought up his blade in an attempt to inflict at least some minor damage. Unknown to him that despite the lack of progress on his Shikai, his Reiatsu long surpassed the Hollow. In one move the Hollow was left headless and he was left stunned.

'Is that really it? Guess all that training paid off.'

As one who had a hand in his training, Yoruichi wasn't surprised because she long knew he surpassed the average Hollow. But what was this unease she was feeling? Kagami sheathed his sword and was about to gather the scattered ghosts but he heard another roar. Looking at the roof he saw a dog faced Hollow staring at him.

Knowing it was another weakling, Kagami wasted no time and took a combat position. Suddenly a black mass appeared out of thin air and sent him flying through what remained of the house. As the dust settled he walked out unharmed thanks to him reacting at the last second. What attacked was another Hollow but one that looked like an overgrown gorilla.

Now pissed at being sneak attacked Kagami shot forward and slashed at it's mask, leaving it in 2 halves. At that moment a tiger looking Hollow pounced from the left side but after his previous hit his guard was now raised. In an incredible feat of reflexes and flexibility, he bent his torso to dodge the attack and brought his sword in arc that finished the Hollow.

Looking around for the dog one he was shocked to see that 3 more Hollows appeared in the short time he took to get rid of the last 2. As he looked at the new additions, he was shocked as he saw 5 more appear from what seemed to be black mist hovering over his house.

Despite surrounding him the Hollows made no move to attack him and Kagami could only look on in horror as their numbers increased. Yoruichi who looked on was both surprised and horrified at what she saw. How could they both not know what was happening? As the coating around his house disappeared, the amount of souls gathered there sent out a signal which gathered an immense amount of Hollows.

Yoruichi felt conflicted when thinking about her instructions. 'Kisuke had to know this would happen. Is this why he said only intervene if he was in mortal danger?.....But this is too much. Forget real soul Reapers, even some lieutenants would die from this.'

Despite being scared beyond belief anyone looking at the situation would see a nervous smile on his face. 'Damn.... Am I gonna die again? But still.... something like this could've never happened on earth. Well....let's see how much it takes to kill me.'

Unknown to Kagami his experience training with Kisuke woke up a new side of himself. One that lusted for battle. If told just last week that he'd be smiling while In a Hollow encirclement, he'd never believe you. Now here he was dashing forward at the dog faced one.


Soul Society, Department of Research and Mystery.

"Captain Kurotsuchi. W-we're picking up immense Hollow activity in the world of the living and....it...it's still growing. Deployment of a class 3 extermination squad is advised" (Random scientist)

"Oh? In Karakura town huh? How interesting. Send word to the head Captain. Recommend either the 11th or the 10th... I wonder if he has anything to do with this?" (Kurotsuchi)


Soul Society, undisclosed location.

"Captain Aizen I think you might wanna see this. Seems like someones doing something fun without your permission. Would it kill to receive an invite?" (Gin)

".....Hmmm...seems like there's still something worth paying attention to... What are you playing at Urahara Kisuke?" (Aizen)


A/N: Just noticed I didn't set the timer for this to publish. As an apology there'll be a double release plus no change to the schedule.

Sorry and please hold back *nervous laughter