
I'm Actually A Fake Immortal Expert

Summoned by a bizarre system into the fantasy world of immortal cultivators, the mortal named Chico uses the 'Mortal System' to pretend to be the powerful immortal God who can raze mountains and dry oceans with just a wave of a hand. Follow the exploits of Chico as he bluffs his way to the top and conquers the immortals in the new fantasy world.

King_Fitjo · Fantasy
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9 Chs

Chapter 9: New Abilities

"A-ancestor..." The flood dragon Ridosy Hydron was speechless by her powerful ancestor's actions. Didn't the dragons vow never to become pets to anyone? Why is her ancestor submitting to the Senior? What did she experience to have such a change of heart? The flood dragon stared at Chico with fear overwhelming her.

Everyone in the scene was shocked, as they had never expected to witness a day where a bigshot was suppressing another bigshot. In their lifetime, they've never thought to see a True Immortal Stage expert in their presence. On top of that, such a figure is being suppressed and begging for mercy.

"This..." The Phuphu Mountain sect ancestor, Lady Nsizi, was speechless as she felt like her knees were giving out.

"Hmph! You shouldn't try that again, or I will not show mercy next time." Chico arrogantly said while showing displeasure. He was indeed displeased by the event that took place. If the system hadn't taken the measures to threaten the other party, he would have been history by now.

"Y-yes, senior. I... I am to serve senior to rectify my mistake." The graceful and elegant Azure Dragon Queen, who brings fear to the hearts of her enemies, is now reduced to a pathetic woman pleading to serve the other man to calm his anger.

"I accept your submission to me, but what will your seniors think of this?" Chico was not foolish enough to not understand that by doing this, he might offend the seniors of the dragons related to her.

"Senior, I am the ancestor of all dragons. I have no other seniors." The Azure Dragon Queen, Napelona Woodrona, calmly said without showing the natural arrogance she is always showing on her pretty face.

Everyone in the scene except Ridosy Hydron was dumbstruck by her statement. What does it mean to be the ancestor of all dragons? Does that mean she is a primordial being who was created in the beginning with all the other primordials?

"Are you saying that all the dragons are your descendants?" Chico asked while trying to hide the shock on his face.

"No-no senior, I didn't mean that. From all the primordial dragons, I am the only one remaining." Queen Napelona Woodrona clarified the misunderstanding with a panic.

"You are from the primaeval time, but you are still in the early stage of True Immortal? How is that possible?" The confused Chico asked, looking for clarity.

"I... I was the youngest and the least talented amongst my kin. I was born from the spiritual energies of heaven and earth at the early stage of Undying Body. It took me my entire lifespan to reach the final stage of Undying Body. Just when my lifespan of 2047880 years was coming to an end, I met a fortuitous encounter and breakthrough into the True Immortal Stage. From then on, I had difficulties and was stuck in this stage until this day." Queen Napelona Woodrona spoke in the voice of melancholy, reminiscing about her past failures in life.

"2047880 years?" Everyone excluding Chico and the flood dragon said in unison shocked by the longevity of the Undying Body Stage. Though Phuphu Mountain is a super sect, this part of the eastern region never produced an Undying Body expert, and they have never heard about such a ridiculous lifespan that is over a million.

Phuphu Mountain Sect has countless rivals in the eastern region, and none of the super sects in this place ever produced an Undying Body expert before. In this region, a person, who is at the final stage of the Soul Unification Stage can become an overlord of the entire eastern region.

Beings like the flood dragon, Ridosy Hedron, can destroy entire living beings in the eastern region in just one day. If a being like the Azure Dragon Queen, Napelona Woodrona, decides to act against the eastern region, wouldn't that be akin to a single ant trying to block a wave within the ocean?

It is shocking to others to see such a figure as a powerful goddess begging mercy on an ordinary-looking man wearing strange clothes.

"How old are you now?" Chico asked, and everybody took a cold breath. Is this the thing they should be hearing? Wouldn't the other party retaliate the other day in the future and kill them for witnessing her humiliation?

"I... I lived for over 800 million years." The Azure Queen said it with uncertainty.

Her answer made others feel like they were in a dream. None of these people here has lived over 15000 years, and to breathe the same air with the primordial being is something unbelievable.

'Does that mean this world is 800 million years old? Or just the dragons that appeared 800 million years ago in this world? I am not necessarily interested in this world history, but it is better to be aware.'



-Body Reshape: With just a touch, the host can reshape the body of anyone he wishes.

-Lotto: With 10 large crystals, the host can draw to win treasures.

-Divine Conception: By just looking, the host can impregnate any female with their seed.


Mortal Status]

Name: Chico

Age: 32 (Lifespan: 1092)

Race: Human

Potential: None

Immortal level: None


-Fake Aura

-Immortal Technician

-Devine senses

-Online Shopping

-Body Reshape


-Divine Conception

Infinite Inventory:

-100 Large Crystals

-18 Flying Pills

-Heaven Defying Hill

Chico smiled at the notification, but his smile quickly vanished after seeing the kind of abilities he just gained. It looks like he gained yet other useless abilities, but the 'Lotto' ability sounds a bit more useful than the rest.

'What the f*ck? Divine Conception? What kind of ability is that? Body Reshape? What will I do with this? Reshape other people's bodies? Well, that doesn't sound like a bad idea.' Chico thought as naughty ideas ran in his mind.

'Well, I will experiment with these abilities later, as for now, I need to create a miracle to make others impressed. To make believe, I will need to constantly create miracles, but not very often, as I still need to maintain my mysteriousness to keep pretending as an immortal expert.'

"There's a fresh air outside and I am having a great epiphany. I need something to write to modify this cultivation technique for my juniors and disciples to practice diligently in the future." Chico said as he brought out the 'Heaven Defying Hill' cultivation manual from his infinite inventory.

Everyone became dumbfounded by Chico's sudden change of mood. If Phuphu Mountain leaders were not convinced before, they now understand that Chico is a being whom their sect can't manage to offend or displease. Chico is someone whom their sect members should lick his feet to make sure that he is happy to stay in Phuphu Mountain.

"I-Immortal Farther, should this brush do?" Supreme Elder Katt quickly said as she took a calligraphic brush out of her spatial storage ring.

"Senior, this brush is of the highest quality. You will need this one, Senior." Sect Master Phino quickly said as he took out a stunning brush.

"Nonsense! Senior, this pen is a high-grade immortal item. With this, Senior can achieve the results he desires." The beautiful Sect Ancestor Nsizi hurriedly said as she joined the fray to please Chico and took out a beautiful black pen with gold flowers.

"I will use this pen. Though it is shabby, it is still fine for such a minor thing." As Chico saw the dragons wanting to join the argument, he quickly took the pen for a reason. First of all, Chico is a mortal with no spiritual energy. How can he then use a calligraphic brush to write using spiritual energy? It looks like the sect's ancestor unknowingly saved him from embarrassment.

"Junior Nsizi, it looks like you will be the one to receive this modified technique after my new disciple is done with it. Anyway, it was yours to begin with." Chico nonchalantly said as he began to open the 'Heaven Defying Hill' cultivation manual to modify it.

Sect Ancestor Nsizi was shocked to realize that the senior could know her name the same way he knew the dragons' names. She became ecstatic to know that the modified version of the 'Heaven Defying Hill' cultivation technique would still belong to her in the end.

With guidance from the system using the 'Immortal Technician' ability, Chico used the pen to modify things in the book, only for five minutes. In just five minutes, everyone looked at Chico without breathing, afraid that they would disturb his work. Their heartbeat could be heard, as everyone was afraid and excited at the same time to see an expert modify the technique.

[Cultivation Manual]

Name: Heaven Defying Hill

Element: Earth, Water, Metal, Fire, Wood

Rank: Celestial grade

Effects: Cultivation technique for crazy cultivation speed that can be cultivated by all levels of cultivation stages of all elements.

"Done!" Chico said as everyone was looking at him with disbelief, "This cultivation technique is no longer a High-grade treasure, but a Celestial-grade treasure. I hope that no one here will spread the word, as your Phuphu Mountain Sect won't be able to defend itself to keep such a top-grade treasure. Do you understand?" Chico said as his words penetrated their terrified hearts to hear about such a level of technique.

"Y-yes, Senior!" Everyone said in unison as they were startled to hear such terrifying information.

What is a Celestial-grade treasure? This is a treasure only spoken in myths. not even the Azure Dragon Queen have any treasure of this level in her treasury. One should remember that in this world, treasures are levelled with grades known as Low grade, Medium grade, High grade, Superior grade, Celestial grade and God grade.

Just as everyone was losing their minds in shock, Chico added more to shock them even further, "With this cultivation technique, anyone from any stage and any element could use it to cultivate. With its cultivation speed, it can turn any person with poor potential into a genius."

Everyone who heard Chico was left with their mouths agape. Only mortals with potential can open their channels and build vitality roots with a cultivation technique that suits them in their element. To change a cultivation technique means that you have to abolish an entire cultivation base and start from the beginning. It is the first time all of them, including the Azure Dragon Queen, have heard of such a heaven-defying cultivation technique that anyone from any cultivation stage could use to progress their cultivation. On top of that, it is not any cultivation technique, but a celestial-grade cultivation technique.