
I'm Actually A Fake Immortal Expert

Summoned by a bizarre system into the fantasy world of immortal cultivators, the mortal named Chico uses the 'Mortal System' to pretend to be the powerful immortal God who can raze mountains and dry oceans with just a wave of a hand. Follow the exploits of Chico as he bluffs his way to the top and conquers the immortals in the new fantasy world.

King_Fitjo · Fantasy
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Chapter 8: True Immortal Stage

Before the cave, Sect Master Phino is anxiously waiting for the person inside to come out.

The Sect Master didn't wait long before a feminine silhouette became visible to his eyes, and the figure left him in awe that he had never gotten used to.

The sect ancestor is a beautiful woman who appears to be like someone in her late twenties, and her body is flawlessly shaped like a goddess of fertility, charm, and beauty. Her curvy hips are alluring even to saints, and her bosom mounts are as lively and seductive.

"S-sect ancestor. Congratulations on your breakthrough." The Sect Master cupped his fist with respect as he awoke from his daze.

"Tell me what happened. Why did I feel a lot of terrible auras in the sect earlier today?" The sect's ancestor spoke coldly with her melodious tone, displeased and terrified by the auras she sensed during her closed-door cultivation seclusion.

Sect Master Phino humbly told everything that happened from the moment he and the elders met Chico, the miracle with Supreme Elder Katt, the 6th-tier disciple event, the matter with the flood dragon and the Mystic God Palace duo, and the cultivation technique request from the senior.


Sect Master Phino got mercilessly slapped by the sect ancestor, and his cheeks were left swollen like a fat man chewing the entire thigh of a pig.

"Anshestor, Whatsh dshid I doh? Why beatsh mee?" The scared and dumbfounded Sect Master said with swollen cheeks, feeling wronged for being beaten unjustly for no reason.


"You still dare to ask? After everything you told me, such a figure asks for a mere cultivation technique of the sect, and you still hesitate. How did I raise a fool like you?" The beautiful sect ancestor coldly said as she scolded the Sect Master like an adult disciplining a child. If someone who didn't understand the situation could see it, they would think the young lady was abusive to the old, dignified geezer.






"Shut up! Now, follow me to this senior. I want to thank him for protecting my Phuphu Mountain Sect from those horrible people from Mystic God Palace and the terrible flood dragon." The displeased sect ancestor said as she flew away from the cave.




Deep below the Wood Sea, the azure dragon queen lay lazily on the giant throne with a shocked expression. In the throne room, male and feminine elders of the dragons are watching like servants without saying a word.

"Little flood dragon, is everything you told me true?" The ancestor of the dragons let out a shocked tone.

"Yes, ancestor. Everything is as I said." Ridosy Hydron still in her gorgeous humanoid form, nodded her head to confirm whatever she told the azure dragon queen.

"He was able to tell your true name that only dragons could know, and his aura is even more suffocating than my own? In such a small sect and the backwater region, how can such a being exist? Are you telling the truth? I have never heard of such a figure in this world. Could he be the figure at the peak of the True Immortal Stage?" The azure dragon asked in disbelief. She has never thought that the flood dragon could meet such a figure before she does.

"Little flood dragon, come with this queen to meet that senior. We must ensure that he becomes the friend of the dragons before others.

The two came close to each other and teleported away from the throne room.


"This junior greets the senior."

In the grand palace, the ancestor of the Phuphu Mountain Sect is cupping her fist with a frown, 'No matter how I look at it, this person before me is just a normal mortal with no spiritual energy. Could everything little Phino told be true? Looking at the little Katt's cultivation base, no matter how I look at it, it has to be true that the senior is a genuine immortal expert.'

Chico's eyes widened with disbelief. He thought that Supreme Elder Katt was the most beautiful woman he had ever seen, but before him stood a beauty that could only be compared with goddesses. Back on planet Earth, describing such a beauty would sound like an exaggeration. Such a bewitching beauty with a refined, alluring body like a peerless model is something Chico never thought of when the elders spoke of the sect's ancestor.

"Ahem! G-greetings to you, junior."


Name: Ancestor Nsizi

Identity: Ancestor of Phuphu Mountain Sect

Gender: Female

Race: Human

Immortal Level: Advanced stage of Soul Unification

A status of Phuphu Mountain ancestor appeared before Chico.

"Forgive my negligence in coming to greet you earlier. This junior has been in closed-door cultivation for the past five years. With my sincerity, I will offer this cultivation technique to Senior. It is the most powerful technique we have in the entire sect that only I and my direct disciples could use. I heard Senior has picked the most outstanding disciple with incomprehensible potential. From his gaze alone, I could tell that Senior's disciple is destined for greatness." Ancestor Nsizi said as she tried to flatter Chico.

"Hahaha, there's no need to flatter me, junior. I accept this cultivation technique. With this, I owe your sect a big favour." Chico laughed as he accepted the book from Ancestor Nsizi.

[Cultivation Manual]

Name: Heaven Defying Hill

Element: Earth

Rank: High grade

Effects: Cultivation technique that builds the vitality roots of the earth element for high cultivation speed.

"Heaven Defying Hill? Not bad. My disciple, why don't you thank the sect ancestor for this gift?" Chico said as he looked at the nervous Chuki who was dumbfounded by the terrifying figures in the room.


"I, the dragon queen, have come to pay my respect to Senior." Just as Chuki was about to speak, a loud feminine voice resounded throughout the sky and shook the entire sect.

Ancestor Nsizi and Sect Master quickly came outside to see what was going on. That terrifying voice has a terrifying aura they've never experienced before.

"I-immortal Father, is the senior outside coming to look for you? Should we go outside to take a look?" Supreme Elder Katt lets out a nervous tone as she asks Chico.

"My disciple, wait here. I have to go out and see who dares to come to disturb my peace." Chico said as he tried to act brave, but honestly, he was shaking in his boots. In his knowledge from fantasy stories, only bigshots can let out such voices that can shake the land.

"Y-yes, Master." Chuki nervously said as he cupped his fist.

Just as Chico and Lady Katt exited the grand palace, they see two beautiful figures descending from the sky to land in front of the Sect Master and Ancestor Nsizi.

"Fellow Immortals. I welcome you to my Phuphu Mountain Sect. What did the fellow immortals come for this time of the season?" Ancestor Nsizi said as she welcomed the two immortals. She was cautious because she couldn't sense either of their cultivation level, even though she's in the advanced stage of Soul Unification. These two figures are not simple, and the aura emitted from the voice terrified her.

"I am the ancestor of the dragons, Queen Azure Dragon, and this is the little flood dragon who was here before. I came to apologize to Senior for the little flood dragon's mistake of disturbing Senior earlier, and I also came to pay my respects. I wonder where I could find this magnanimous sinior." The Azure Dragon queen said this without showing humbleness as she landed on the floor tiles outside the grand palace.


Name: Ridosy Hydron

Identity: Flood Dragon 

Gender: Female 

Race: Immortal Dragon

Immortal Level: Early Stage of Undying Body

'Wait, what? That terrifying flood dragon has a humanoid form? And she is back again after I used my means to scare her away. Am I going to die today? And she brought another big problem, which is calling herself the ancestor of the dragons. Let me see her status."


Name: Queen Napelona Woodrona

Identity: Queen of the Wood Sea, Ancestor of the dragons

Gender: Female

Race: True Immortal Dragon

Immortal Level: Early stage of True Immortal Stage

'T-true Immortal Stage? Damnit! How could I meet such a figure on just the first day of my arrival? It looks like my luck has run out this time around.' Chico thought as a cold sweat dropped from his face. Except for Chico, the weakest person present amongst these figures is Sect Master Phino at the advanced stage of Soul Perfection. Such a person like Sect Master Phino could squash Chico like a bug. How can Chico be anything in front of a True Immortal Stage expert, then?

'I have no way out but to keep pretending to the end, or I will not know how I died,' Chico thought as he moved forward to meet the unexpected guests.

"Hahaha! Junior Ridosy Hydron, you brought back junior Napelona Woodrona to meet me?" Chico nonchalantly said with a laugh, but deep in his boots, his feet were cold with fear.

The two figures and everyone became stunned. Ridosy Hydron was stunned that even her ancestor could be called a junior by the mysterious man, and Queen Napelona Woodrona was stunned because her true dragon name was called out by an ordinary man she just met. 

The other three looked at Chico with admiration because Chico is the mountain they can't hope to reach in their lifetime. Such a figure to even call the ancestor of the dragons, who was an impossible figure to meet in their lifetime, a junior. Chico became even more terrifying and more mysterious in their eyes.

"A-ancestor. This is the Senior I told you about." The flood dragon, Ridosy Hydron, nervously said as she showed her ancestor Chico.

The Azure Dragon Queen frowned even more than the ancestor of Phuphu Mountain did before. In her eyes, Chico is an ordinary mortal. If Chico was at the peak of the True Immortal Stage, she could at least feel it in his breath, but no matter the angle, Chico is a pure mortal who never cultivated before. The ancestor of the dragons wouldn't bow her head without testing the strength of the other party first.

The ancestor of the dragons tried to emit her aura to suppress Chico but in an instant...


She puked like a girl who swallowed a fly and a worm by mistake.

Out of the blue, Chico felt like his little life was being threatened, and...


'My... my death? W-what happened?' Chico hastily asked with a pinick.


Hearing the system's warning, Chico felt like his soul was about to leave his body because of fear. By just her aura alone, she can kill mortals without lifting a finger. How can Chico stay and not run?

Just as Chico was about to swallow a flying pill and escape, "Senior! Have mercy! I will not try this foolish act again. This foolish junior learned her lesson." The Azure Dragon Queen, Napelona Woodrona, cried while pleading for mercy.

Everyone in the scene was shocked. Nobody has seen what happened.

"A-ancestor? What is wrong?" Ridosy Hydron bellowed with fear.

Chico, who was about to flee, suddenly gained courage out of nowhere, "Hmph! A foolish junior is trying to suppress this Immortal Father with your puny True Immortal Stage aura? Aren't you courting death?"

When everyone heard Chico's arrogant words, they understood what happened, and fear penetrated their hearts. The others were terrified to learn that the ancestor of dragons was a True Immortal Stage expert, and the other party called her aura puny. In the eyes of Phuphu Mountain Sect members, the person in the True Immortal Stage is akin to a God. How can they not be terrified to hear that a God is pleading for mercy in front of the man who came to live in their sect?

Before, when the Azure Dragon Queen Napelona Woodrona was about to release her aura, out of a sudden, she felt like she stared at the eyes of death itself. She has never felt anything like this that could threaten her true immortal life. If the other party moved his finger, she would have died by now, but the other party decided not to attack and scolded her instead.

"Senior, thank you for showing mercy. I pay the Senior back by being subservient to you from now on. I hope the senior will be magnanimous enough to accept my apology." The Azure Dragon Queen, Napelona Woodrona, let out a relief as she saw the other party not angry at her anymore for the foolish sin that she committed against him. Everyone in the scene became dumbstruck and speechless.

"A-ancestor..." The flood dragon Ridosy Hydron was speechless by her powerful ancestor's actions. Didn't the dragons vow never to become pets to anyone? Why is her ancestor submitting to the Senior? What did she experience to have such a change of heart? The flood dragon stared at Chico with fear overwhelming her.