
I'm a woman!

Once upon a time, a baby was born, she had a bright red hair, sea blue eyes, slightly filled lips, almond shape eyes. She was considered the child from the goddess herself. But with all these exquisite features, Arias fate was just as other girls, which was to grow up and marry into a wealthy family with a working husband, thereby abandoning their own wishes and dreams. What happens when aria won't go according to these customes and norms

Mr_Passek · Urban
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3 Chs

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Aria had her responsibilities in the house, so after freshing up she walks to the kitchen to prepare the afternoon meal.

Aria was the only child of Mr and Mrs Sahil. After her mother gave birth to her, she was sadly told that her womb will not be able to carry another child, since then her father has only thought of her as a curse to his blessed family.

The thing was that during the ultrasound they were told it'll be a boy, a lot of celebrations went on but the outcome was then a girl followed by a curse of no other child. I was overwhelming.

Arriving at the kitchen, aria stopped at the sound of a loud slap.

"Do you think I strive everyday to get money so I can come home and my food is not yet served?" Mr Sahil shouted at his face with anger.

She tried explaining but got a hot slap for interrupting her husband.

"How dare you open your mouth to even speak up for your ugly actions, you're nothing but a lazy fool", Mr Sahil says while pointing a finger at her.

Aria rushes over in between them.

"Stop it! dad, mum isn't the one to blame I am. You always scold her for every little thing, mum isn't lazy and she isn't a fool either so stop scolding her", aria said in aloud voice.

Mr Sahil stared at his daughter with wide eyes, where had she gotten the audacity.

" I see you've grown a lot haven't you?, to be able to talk at me in such manner. It's the school isn't it? That God for men instructor of yours is now teaching you how to disrespect me right?, okay....no more, you're not allowed to leave this house any longer",

Mr Sahil had made the final call, aria will stay home and wait for her husband to come take her and it was final.

Aria's eyes widen in shock and her heart skipped a bit. She shakes her head, "no no dad I won't stop going, I already told you I will finish my education and ill-"

Before she could finish, her mom pulled her shoulder and slapped her access the face. "I never trained you to be like this, whatever your father says is final".

Bewildered,aria looked at her mother with tears warming in her eyes. She couldn't believe that the one she was trying to protect would actually be the one to hurt her.

She storms away to her room slamming the door behind her.

Both her parents stared at her as she walked away. One of them with a wounded heart and the other with a hardened heart.

"I want my food prepared now!", Mr Sahil said before walking away and his wife nods in obedience.

Aria's room....

Aria pulled out her laptop and placed it on her reading table. She began her research for scholarships opportunity to college or any winning competition.

Aria knew her tertiary education will never be funded by her parents but that won't stop her perseverance. She would look for other ways to fund her education.

Her door creeks open slowly, noticing this aria quickly used her cloth to cover the laptop assuming that it might be her dad. 'who knows what he'll do if he sees it's.

Her mum walks in with a tray of food.

Aria sighs relieved.

After closing the door behind her, her mother stood with the tray looking at her daughter with sad eyes.

Aria moves from her study desk to her bed to sit and her mother follows suit.

"Dear if you don't eat you'll get thin", she holds out the tray to aria.

Aria ignored her.

"Oh common dear you have to eat this, you know I care so much for you". Her mom said.

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