
I'm a woman!

Once upon a time, a baby was born, she had a bright red hair, sea blue eyes, slightly filled lips, almond shape eyes. She was considered the child from the goddess herself. But with all these exquisite features, Arias fate was just as other girls, which was to grow up and marry into a wealthy family with a working husband, thereby abandoning their own wishes and dreams. What happens when aria won't go according to these customes and norms

Mr_Passek · Urban
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3 Chs

marriage? think again

Mrs hilda watched as aria stormed off from the unruly scene, her mind was in deep thoughts.

Yes, happi had informed her earlier about her marriage and indeed she was sad to hear it.

There was serious gender inequality in their little community but no one is tough enough to bring about the change.

Aria wipes her tears as she enters a local restaurant, the restaurant belonged to her favorite aunty preet.

The local restaurant was an open one, that is, the chairs and table where customers eat were outside in the open while the kitchen and counter were combined under a built shade.

Aria walks over to the counter and greets Preet with a small smile and this gesture is returned with a much wider smile.

Preet loved aria, she was one of her most valuable customer who would always come and leave a good remark for her food. In other words aria was like a friend to her.

The smile on preet's face slowly faded as she noticed aria's dull mood.

"Is something wrong dear?", she asks as she kneaded her dough.

At first, aria thought to lie but decided not to, "it's happi she's getting married". It sounded like hell coming from her lips.

Aria considered Preet lucky as she was single and lived a stress-free semi successful life.

You see, Preet had a deformity growing up which caused her temporary blindness in her left eye but it soon became parmanent because her single mother couldn't afford her treatment. And because of this, men despised her and wanted nothing to do with her.

Though Preet found nothing wrong in getting married without proper education she also knew that marriage wasn't the last thing so she put her talent to good use and since then, she provides for her mom and herself.

"It's not too bad aria",

"I knew you wouldn't get it but it's okay", aria bows her head.

Preet's nods, aria was right, I'll never understand girls these days.

"Alright will you be taking your usual menu or you want to try something new?", preet asked hoping that eating might make her feel better.

"The usual please", Preet hands her a tray of her dish and aria walks over to her chair and table.

Her mind was packed with thoughts as she munched slowly on her meal.

'Were they right, am I just dreaming and chasing my fantasies in circles. Will I ever be a doctor or will I end up cooking and giving birth to children for a man I do not love?, is this really my fate, am I only destined to be married. I want a good life yes but is my definition of a good life wrong?, am I to give up now to save my future a lot of trouble. If I stop pushing now...no! I won't give up, I'll chase my dreams till I die'

Honk! Honk!

Aria looks up following the sound of the horn.

A car stopped not too far from her, it was packed with boys, young men to be precise.

"Hey pretty lady", the one behind the steering called out. Aria looked behind her to make sure they weren't talking to her.

"He meant you little mis Ariel", another boy called out. "Come join us let's have fun".

Aria sighed wearily, she was starting to think her good looks are actually the result of her misfortune.

Preet carries a large bowl of dirt water to where their car was, "hey! You better get that tin can out of here or I ruin it for you", she threatened, ready to splash the water.

The one standing at the vehicles sunroof glared at Preet but she was serious. He says something in a low voice and they drove away.

Aria stares at Preet helplessly, "what will I ever do without you aunty".

Preet smiles as she walks away triumphantly with her bowl.

After the meal, aria took a long walk home. When she got home, at the entrance, there was a man handing festive sweets to her mother.

Her mom happily brings them in , seeing her daughter, she brings out one of the sweets and held it to her face.

Aria raised a brow, "who was that mom?", she asked

Frowning, her mother kept the sweet. "dear why don't you ever celebrate, that was a relative from your friend happi's home, he came to deliver sweets and an invitation card to happi's wedding ceremony"

Aria narrowed her eyes at her mother.

Her mother walks away happily, "don't worry dear when it's your marriage I'll make sure everyone in the neighbourhood attend, it'll be a big graaaand wedding".

Once her mother was out of sight,

"Marriage?, think again mother...I'm not giving up yet" she scoffed.

She enters her room to freshen up and read.

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