
Why would you even want a pet?

The mutor in the sky was still just floating around and it did nothing. There was a person on top of that thing. She was probably a woman but they were pretty high in the air for me to make out anything more. I'd never heard of people riding mutors before. Actually, I never heard of a lot of things. And coming to this academy had opened my eyes a little bit.  I sure wish it hadn't in this way though.

I took steps back and slowly cat walked my way out of danger. 

"Hey, You." The voice came from above. 


And a second later the woman jumped and made a solid thud when she landed. She'd shattered some of the pavement. "YOU," she repeated. 

Was something wrong with this woman? 


"Have you seen a man named Marcov? You know, looks weird and has an unshaved beard. He also has a girl with him." She was fairly calm till the mention of the girl came up. But wait, she was actually a lot saner than I thought she'd be.

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