
The night is long (Part three)

Neither of the two men was from this country. 

The moment her mother saw her, she only spoke one word. "Run."

But Leilis was too afraid to run. And when she finally understood the situation and gathered the courage to do so, someone grabbed her from behind. Shivering, she looked back and it was another man in uniform: the third man. The moment their eyes met, the man grinned in a very not too manly manner and ripped off her wet clothes.

Water dripped from her bare body as she shed tears with a scream. She tried to struggle but the man was just too strong. 

"Not bad for a kid," he said.

Her mother screamed loud and struggled to get to her, but the man near her slashed her throat and started to enter her lifeless cold body. 

"This isn't as fun as I thought." One of them laughed hysterically.

"Yeah, you just had to kill her. It's been three years since I last enjoyed some fun you know." The other man said.