
I was calm. Perhaps too calm (Part two)

I did my best to use the saber to defend myself, but there were just too many bullets. And they were too fast

Some of the bullets fell on my hands and some fell on my legs. The others? Yeah.

The saber fell from my hands on the floor while I got on my knees. 

My jewels were almost crushed: my abdomen felt like it'd fall off. My vision was getting blurry. But my rage was kind of boiling. The pain was kind of over the roof too. In a scale of one to ten-

As a certain alien once said, 'it's over nine thousand!'

"MUAHAHAHAH! How does it feel! Now you've lost your precious manhood! Ahahh haahas!" 

His English really did improve as his personality shifted. 

"Sorry, but I've got good healing, they'll heal in no time." I most certainly hope so. "But are you sure, you'd be fine?" Because I just fired a very lethal dose of gamma at him.