
I'm A Villain In The Apocalypse

Everything was normal. Until an apocalypse entered the Earth, of course. [Scenario 1 - Try not to die.] It seemed like our planet had been caught in a game between constellations. . . . Additional Tags: Evil MC, Villain MC, Calm MC, Apocalypse, Constellations, No-Yuri, No-NTR, Fantasy, Sexual Content, Beautiful Female Leads, Multiple Lovers, Demons, Angels, Game-Elements, Monsters, Ruthless MC, and of course, the only tag that will remain in every single work that I make... YANDERE!!!

LuknameFanfics · Others
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29 Chs

Sponsor Selection Scenario!

"Damn it!"

— Baam!

"A-Alaine, calm down!" Daniel stammered as he tried to calm Alaine down.

But Alaine wouldn't calm down.

Ever since they arrived at this strange place, which Daniel had followed her to, she had been furious.

She looked around, finding nothing but empty space, and her frustration boiled over.

"Fuck, fuck, fuck!!" she shouted, punching the wall and leaving her fist in the hole she made.

'Damn it! I didn't expect this regression to be so messed up! Even Bianca isn't here!' She gritted her teeth tightly, her mind racing.

'First, Lucius started acting strange, and now Bianca's missing! How can my plans go right if everything's falling apart?'

'Tsk... let me check Daniel's status at least... please tell me that his unique skill didn't change...'

'Sage's Eye...'


[Name: Daniel Asriel (18)]

[Current Level: 4]

[Title: -]

[Sponsor: - ]

[Coins: 2.990]

[Attributes: Strength 18 | Dexterity 11 | Constitution 20 | Magic 0]

[Stat Points: 4]

[Skill Points: 4]


▶ Dash]

[Unique Skill:

▶ Hero's Reincarnation

Allows the user to receive a bonus for helping people.

Gives a 3x status boost against evil-aligned people/demons.


[Stigma: -]


Her jaw clenched even tighter as she looked at his status. 'At least his attributes are still the same...'

"Alaine... are you alright now? We need to get out of here eventually; the next scenario should be starting soon." Daniel spoke, looking at her with eyes full of concern.

"Huff... alright. We should go to the center of the city. That's where most of the supplies are." She took a deep breath, trying to steady herself.

"And if things go wrong?" Daniel nodded at her words, but it was still clear that he was worried about her.

"They aren't going to go wrong. I'll make sure of it...!" She clutched her fists as a panel suddenly popped right in front of her eyes.

[Extra Scenario #1 - Sponsor Selection!]

[Time Remaining: 4 minutes, 59 seconds...]

[Select a constellation. The selected constellation will become your only sponsor and help you when you need it.]

[1. Timekeeper.]

[2. Fair Ju—]

Alaine didn't even bother to look at the other options. She immediately pressed the first choice button.

[Sponsor has been chosen!]

[The constellation "Timekeeper" has granted you the stigma—"Limit Breaker 999"!]

"This time... I'll end it for all."

She stepped forward and started walking in the direction of the city's center, where a huge mall could be seen...

[Extra Scenario #1 - Sponsor Selection!]

[Time Remaining: 1 minute, 27 seconds...]

[Select a constellation. The selected constellation will become your sponsor and help you when you need it.]

[1. #$%&#?!? of the Sky.]

[2. Frost Queen.]

[3. Demon Queen.]

[4. Heaven Swallowing Snake.]

[5. Paragon Of...]


I stared at the panel, unsure of who to choose. Honestly, I might as well choose none.

But, I'm the only player with platinum authority, so I can choose multiple sponsors.

But... how can I choose more than one?

It says here that I can only choose one...

"Oh!" I immediately realized when I saw the "#1" on the screen.

There were probably going to be more extra scenarios like these.

[The constellations watch in anticipation, wondering who you're going to choose.]

"Oh...?" Seeing the notification, I couldn't help but smile.

"Alright, both the 2nd and 3rd options are a no-go." I spoke quite loudly.

I'm pretty sure that they can see the panel in front of me, so it should be alright to say that.

Besides, I couldn't simply utter their true identity.

However, I'm quite curious about this first constellation. It didn't appear or say anything to me.

[Both the constellations "Demon Queen" and "Frost Queen" say that they are sorry for laughing!]

"Yeah... go screw yourselves."

[Time Remaining: 20 seconds...]

Should I simply choose the first one...

[Special situation detected!]

[A special perk of the skill—"Secret Sight" has been activated!]

[The perk—"Fourth Wall" has been activated!]

[The 1st choice will be the most valuable for the host until the end of this game.]

Upon looking at the panel, I didn't have to think twice. I immediately pressed the first choice.

[Sponsor chosen!]

I was already leaning towards it, but if my skill tells me to do it, it means it will give me great benefits.

[#Private#—The constellation "#$%&#?!? of the Sky" is greatly satisfied with your choice, and has sponsored you 50,000 Coins!]

"Pfffff!" as I was about to drink a sip of water, I immediately splattered my water on the ground as I saw the notification.

It seems that I had indeed made a great choice.

"P-Papa...?" Bianca tugged my sleeves.


"Are you okay? Was the water that bad...?" She looked at me with teary eyes.

Oh, yeah.

I almost forgot that it was Bianca who brought me this cup of water.

"N-no! I simply... accidentally... um... bought an item that was very expensive! And I was shocked because of that." I quickly patted Bianca's head.

I needed to stay on the good side of this little lady.

She will be very valuable in the future, especially with those two broken-ass skills of hers.

"Mhm..." She lowered her head as she puffed her cheeks. It seems that she didn't trust my words too much.

Or she's simply... mad.

[The next scenario is going to happen in one hour.]

[Secret Sight: Please dislocate yourself to a place full of supplies, they are going to be needed.]


Does my skill also work like this? Isn't this... a bit too overpowered?

Then... we should get going to the Starship Mall. It's the biggest place in our city, and it's full of food, clothes, and etc.

So... without even asking for content, I picked up Bianca and jumped a few meters to the sky.

With that, I had a whole view of the city and immediately spotted a huge building with the symbol of a falling star on it.

"Little lady, hold firmly into me!" I warned her.

"Mhm!" She nodded her head as she buried herself in my arms.

I gathered strength on my legs and dashed forward.

The destination was obviously...

The Starship Mall!