
I'm A Time Mage?!

Chron has been a normal guy all of his life, he was average, his looks is average, his musicality is average, all that he does is just...average. That's why Chron tried all kinds of things in hopes that he would be more than average in said field, though it was all for nothing, because all his results come out the same---- "AVERAGE! AGAIN!" - Chron. Chron have wished all of his life that he can brag to anyone really that he can be the best at something, and he would do his best to make sure that once he finds that one thing he's the best at, he would work to his death to hone that skill even if it would cause his death. He did all kinds of things, until one thing he did, took his own average life. However, the moment Chron died he met someone that would change his life, for worse?

Corned_BEEF · Fantasy
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10 Chs


"Help me...Please..."

A call for help has resounded in the middle of the Mount Everest - no one heard it. The call for help has been repeatedly shouted by Chron for what felt like days now and no one ever responded. It was only now that he realized how stupid of an idea it is to climb the highest mountain in the world.

He couldn't help it, his hopes of finding something he would be the best at, spurred all the stupid decisions he made in his average life. Did his stupid decisions net him good results? NO! It never did him good, EVER! he's just unlucky that his current predicament finally put a stop to all the stupid decisions he would have to make after the stupid decision he made a week before. It's just sad that he would die without ever finding what he's been desperately searching for all his life.

After hours of fighting for survival, Chron finally felt something tugging at his soul as if it wanted to take a huge part of him out of his body and into a different dimension. Don't ask him how he felt that specifically, he also doesn't know.

The moment Chron felt the tugging, what came to his mind was, 'is God finally taking me?', which is ironic because he never believed in God. At first, Chron was resigned to his fate of being taken by 'God', however the moment he thought of all the bad things he 'tried' to do, he realized that maybe he's not being taken by God, instead he was being taken to hell. The moment Hell came up in his mind Chron fought the tugging.

The being covered with flames in the other side of the transparent rope was shocked that a mortal managed to even tug at the rope.

"This mortal dares to fight me? How dare he? Who does he think he is?!" He was mad that something didn't go the way he wanted to. He was mad, but his pride didn't let him put his all on tugging the rope he made from his Soul Magic. "Hmph, I shall see how much of this Great Immortal's power you can resist."

Chron used his all in fighting the tugging, to the point that his body, unknown to him was rapidly aging. His body would have been in a world of hurt, however his conciousness also unknown to him, instinctively left his mortal body and resided in his soul. Which is currently using up all the potential in his body as nutrients to fight the Soul Tugging.

This was just the start...