
Chapter 11: teaching x surprises

Mirror Dimension

Riki POV

I now have a position with the Wandenreich as a trial member but since from the sternritters perspective I am a random nobody, they may have objections to my being appointed to this position. Knowing how humans and by extension quincies can be, theres a chance that members of the sternritters will come after me but I won't let them stop me. But for now I'll discuss the next move with bambie and her team.

Me:"Alright, surprisingly I spoke to his majesty and he name me as the head of operations in this world. Also he tasked me with making you stronger and too recruit individuals from this world to join our forces."

After I told them what Yhwach told me their eyes widened with surprise which was to be expected. I am sure that Bambie and Candy were about to make an objection and complain but Meni spoke up first.

Meni:"It does make sense that he would be put in charge of things regarding this world since out of all of us hes been here the longest. He can use the magic of this world and may have already formed some connections during his time here."

Candy:"You have to admit that is a valid point, we don't know much about this place other that weird voice we heard before arriving here. and we dont even know what that voice was."

Bambie:"Yeah your right." She said before turning to me and continued."Ok boss, where do we start?" she asked as the rest of the team nodded with her.

Me:"Okay, first I'll explain what that voice was since I also heard it when I came to this world a month ago and several times since. From my travels I learned that this world has beings so strong that could even give sternritters and soul reaper captains a run for their money."

Bambie:"Seriously there are individuals that strong?"

Me:"Stronger actually." they looked at me with shock before I continue."The strongest beings of this world are known as True Dragons. The very first True Dragon known as Veldanava was the one who created this world. The voice you heard when you came her is the [words of the world], a natural phenomenon that announces important events such as acquiring skills, racial evolution an other similar events."

After I explained about the [words of the world] Gigi raised her hand.

Gigi:"Sir I have a question."

Me:"What is it Gigi?"

Gigi:"Is it possible to find and talk to Veldanava?"

Me:"It is not possible for the time being."

Bambie:"Why is that?"

Me:"That is because for the moment Veldanava is dead."

After I said that they had a look of surprise and confusion because of words I used.

Candy:"What do you mean for the moment? Is he dead or not?" she said looking mad.

Me:"Please calm down and I'll explain." After i said that she gestured me to continue. "You see true dragons cannot be completely killed. When a True dragon dies, a new True Dragon of the same natural characteristic will usually be born again somewhere else in the world. But there hasn't been any evidence that Veldanava was born again."

Meni:"Out of curiosity, how many True Dragons are in this world?" she said while raising her right hand.

Me:"If you exclude Veldanava, there are three true dragons. From oldest to youngest there's Velgrynd the Scorch dragon, Velzard the Frost Dragon and Veldora the Storm Dragon."

Liltotto:"Do you know where they are? What are our plans for them?" She asked while raising her left hand

Me:"I know where they are located but at the moment since we have other things to do so for the time being we'll leave them alone. Besides they are so powerful that they could kill us in less than 20 seconds. So we are not going after them, is that understood?" I said with a commanding tone while unleashing my [haki] to make sure they (especially Candy and Bambie) dont get any cray ideas that could get themselves killed.

"!"x5 They seemed to be reluctant until they felt my haki put pressure on them to realize that they are still weak compared to the stronger individuals from this world.

". Understood."x5

I sighed as I released the [aura] I was emiting thanks to my [emperor] skill. Afterall, I know I can't fight a True dragon as I am now. Now I'll teach them how about skills, or better yet I will give them a demonstration while giving them the information they need.

Me:"Now, next on the agenda: is to teach you about skills. There are unigue skills, common skills, extra skills, and intrinsic skills. Magic does not count as skills but most people in this world could use magic. Give me one second." I said manifesting a screen infront of me causing to look with wonder.

Bambie:"What is that screen!?" she said while pointing at the same screen.

Me:"This is my one of my unique skills called [archive] it allows me to access information I posses and if needed transfer that information to other people. I will transfer the information of skills straight into your minds. Don't worry it won't hurt, you'll just feel a weird sensation once the transfer is complete."

I set up the file that contains information on skills except for ultimate skills. I get the feeling that if I tell them about ultimate skills then they might end up killing themselves trying to get one. Besides, their sould may not be strong enough to bear the strain of using an ultimate skill, therefore they are not ready for that kind of power yet.

I drag the file to the icons that looks like Bambie and her friends to send them the information. As I release the file I see loading bars above the heads of everyone except Nacha which fills up after 2 minutes. They then had a look of surpise at the new information I just gave them.

Me:"How do you feel after recieving this information?"

Bambie:"It feels a bit wierd but now I know about skills." she said while the others nodded agreeing with her assessment.

Me:"There's other things you should know, such as in this world there are 10 beings known as the 10 great demon lords and despite the title not all of them are demons. From chronological order there's Guy Crimson, Ramiris, Milim nava, Dagurl, Dino, Roy Valentine, Carrion, Frey, Clayman, and Leon Cromwell. I already have connections with the demon lord known as Ramiris."

Candy:"Wait a minute. Milim Nava? Is this demon lord related to Veldanava by any chance."

Me:"Actually, she is Veldanavas daughter." They eyes widen as I continued. "She is a dragoniod: the child between a dragon and a human. But in her case she is the child of a True Dragon and a High Human. I heard of her story from Ramiris since she was there at the time. Wait one second as I transfer that story to you it will be easier that way."

I pull up the file marked (Milims story) on [archive] and send it to the others. The loading bars appear again which they noticed and i explained that they pop up when I transfer information to someone using [archive]. After the the loading bar filled and vanished, I see tears falling from their eyes as they learn about Milims story.

Bambie:"Holy shit! How could they do that to a child!"

Candy:"Seriously! If Milim didn't destroy them, then I would have burned them to a crisp myself!"

Gigi:"How cruel of them to kill her little pet! I would have done the same thing in her shoes if they did that to me!"

Meni:"It is a surprise that her pet came back to life after destroying that kingdom."

Liltotto:"But because it lost its soul after it died, she had to seal it away."

Me:"Yes and she is still alive. From what I've heard she still has a rather childish personality despite living for more than 2000 years and hasn't aged at all since becoming a demon lord. Though that could also be because of her dragon blood."

Their anger about Milims story was replaced by shock at hearing how old she is and her personality despite what she went through. I should warn them just in case.

Me:"Listen very carefully everyone." I said in a commanding tone before continuing. "I am certain that we'll end up meeting Milim in the future, so DO NOT make her angry. Her power is on the level of a weapon of mass destruction, her tantrums could wipe a nation off the map. Do you understand?"

"We understand."x5

Me:"Good because I don't want any of my comrades." I said with sincerity.

"Comrades?"x5 with a surprised tone?

Me:"Yes are you really that surprised that I consider you my comrades?" I asked them and they nod in response. "sigh. Well just like you I am a quincy and unless I am given a reason otherwise, I consider quincies as comrades. Well those are my feelings on the matter; as we work together I will make sure you see me as a comrade."

It seems I surprised them with my saying that they are my comrades, but I will win them over to my side. There is something I'm curious about and want to try; is it possible to remove their schrift and give them a new one?

<Answer, Using the art [Sankt altar] it should be posible to take their schrift just like how Yhwach took Ichibe Hyosubes Monoko oshos power. then use [soul distribution] give them a new schrift.>

Thanks for that answer [spirit sage], I'll see if they would like to their current schrift/[unique skill] and trade abilities.

Me:"there's something I'm curious about, Do you like your schrift and if not would you like a different ability instead? I might be able to do help with that but if you like the schrift you have now then I won't force you."

Bambie:"Thanks but no thanks, I like my [explode]."

Candy:"Yeah, I like my [thunderbolt] and I won't give it up."

Meni:"I don't mind keeping my [power]."

Gigi:"Yeah I don't want to give up my [zombie] sorry."

Liltoto:"Actually, I wasn't a fa n of my [glutton]." We all looked at her in surprise as she continued."But since it was given to me by his majesty I figured I had make due with what I got. So if I can get a different ability I would appreciate it, especially since the ability changed since coming to this world. Also I seem to have gained a unique skill called [supporter] which allows me to increase the power of my allies. Do you think you can give me an ability that can be used with [supporter] but without changing the letter G?"

Well this is surprising, I didn't expect her to not like her [glutton] ability. Given what her power was before coming to this world, it must have become similar to [predator] or [starved], I could make use of it. But what surprises me more is that she got another unique skill, one that increases the strength of her allies.

Since [supporter] is like the name suggests is for support her allies by increasing their power. If she wants to support her friends without changing her schrift, maybe the unique skill [guardian] would be suitable because it for protecting your allies. Not only that, she could still be called sternritter G but instead of 'the glutton' she would be called 'the guardian'.

<Notice, If you bestow the schrift "G" to individual known as Liltotto Lamberd and she truly desires help her friends, chances of shcrift becoming unique skill [guardian] is around 98%.>

Me:'98% huh. what about the remaining 2% [spirit sage]?'

<Answer, the remaing 2% would be that schrift become a random unique skill begins "G">

Me:'I see, well the odds are in our favor. may as well ask just to be safe.' I thought before talking out loud."Hmmm, I think it's possible to do that, but the odds of getting the right ability are 98%. While the chances are good, there's a 2% chance that the ability you get will be random. Knowing that, will you still go through with it?"

I can tell she is contemplating what I said, after all sometimes even the most unlikely can happen. Like me reincarnating into the bleach world as a quincy, ending up in the cardinal world to name a couple. So when making a choice like this, its best to put careful thought into it or you might regret it later.

Liltotto:"I still want to do it. Can you please grant my request?" she asked while bowing her head to everyones surprise.

Me:"Very well, I have seen your resolve and will grant your request."

Liltotto:"Thank you sir."

<Question, do you want to use (sankt altar)?>

Me:'yes' I thought as I rose my right hand and gather magicules an orb over each of my fingers my fingers and launch them toward Liltotto. The orbs then flew into the air above her and converged into becoming a quincy cross in the air.

Me:"Now for (sankt altar)." I say before a yellow flame left from Liltotto and went toward my hand and was absorbed into it.

<Confirmed, acuisition of the unique skill [glutton] successful.>

Me:"It is done your [glutton] is now mine." I said causing them to become wide eyed before continuing."Now for the ritual." I said taking out a small saucer.

I then cut my hand to let a small amount of my blood flow while using [soul distribution] before using healing magic to close the cut.

Me:"Once you drink this you'll recieve a new schrift that you could use as you wish." I said as I hand the cup to Liltotto. She immediately took the cup and started to drink it until the cup was empty. I then continued. "That completes the ritual and soon your new power will awaken. It will begin with the same letter as before, the letter (G)."

Well this has been quite the day; meeting Bambie and her team, recruited into the wandedreich, teaching them about this world, obtaining Liltottos [glutton] and giving her a new schrift. After we leave the mirror dimension, we need to get stronger, gather allies and maybe even establish a base for ourselves.

I learned about spirit summoning and otherworlder summoning from Ramiris; I thought maybe we can summon allies from another world but my version will summon the souls of those who died in another world and incarnate them into a new vessel. This way I won't be rippping anyone away from their families and loved ones, but thats for another time.

A/n: will post a poll about who to summon later.