
I'm a prisoner of love for an indefinite period of time

I had been imprisoned by my childhood friend when I I woke up from bed.  my wrists was tied in thin iron chains and all my communication tools were took away. Seeing me wake up, his deep eyes stared at me, and his voice said in a deep voice: "From now on, you will live here, and you are not allowed to step out of the house again. I have resigned for you, and you are not allowed to date with your colleagues and customers , I will give you three meals a day, what you want, I will also meet you ...". Is there such a good thing? I know that there is no such thing as a free lunch in the world, so I forcefully suppressed my inner ecstasy and cautiously asked, "Why?" His long and slender fingers that fell on my shoulder trembled slightly, and there was a little more pain in his eyes, "Faye, I can't tolerate other men talking to you, touching you, kissing you like that ..." I quickly grasped the point of the matter, "You like me?" His eyelashes fluttered, he gently closed his eyes and nodded. I slapped the bed, said: "Louis , why didn't you say it earlier?" If I had knew it earlier, I wouldn't still be a f*cking corporate slave!

cocoliu · Urban
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13 Chs

I've been imprisoned by my childhood friend.-4

Louis then sat on the edge of the bed and laid his head on my knee

He grabbed my hand, touching my palm, and whispered:''When I was in therapy and I almost couldn't survive. Faye, if I can't come back, will you completely forget about me ...?''

I was silent and didn't know what to say.

Louis came back to Califorlia half a year ago. And before he came back, I had already spent two and a half years living at the bottom class in California.

I was reprimanded by my leaders, scolded by my clients, made false promises to my coworkers, and relied on junk food and plasma tablets to maintain the superficial pleasure of stimulating my cerebral cortex.The monotony of day-to-day life was the whole of my life.

I was a kindergarten bully when I was a kid, elite and lovely in elementary school, and a ordinary teenage girl in middle school, not pretty, just a bit perky

If Louis hadn't come back and inserted himself into my life like an out-of-place movie, I'd have accepted the fact that I'd become obsolete.

When I met Louis again in middle school,by that time I'd already gotten the back and forth of that incident from years ago straightened out, knowing that he initially punked me because I beat him up, and then made up with me byggive me gift because he wanted to take me home to prove to his dad and stepmom that he'd really made friends in kindergarten.

Louis's father, was an asshole.Later Louis more and more serious bipolar disorder, a large part of it is his responsibility.

At first, I did not know that Louis was sick, not to mention that he left the country in order to cure his illness and escape his father's sanctions.

Because since childhood, Louis's nature character is paranoid and extreme, in front of others will also symbolically cover up this a little, to me, when the nakedness is exposed.Or, with a deliberately whitewashed false warmth, to confirm an answer to me repeatedly.

It was an answer he had never gotten from his parents.----"Whatever you are, I won't leave you behind."

Louis's mother came from a wealthy family and then, like all tacky. stories, fell in love with a penniless young man and insisted on marrying him.And because of her family's opposition, she stole a fortune and eloped with the man to another city.

She helps him start his own business, gets pregnant and gives birth to his child, then suffers from pregnancy depression after realizing he's cheating on her. Her condition was aggravated after Qiyan's birth ,then she leap out of the window of her hospital room.

Absurdly, the second month after her death, Louis's father married his mistress.

In the beginning, Louis finished telling me the story as if it were a story, then cocked his head and looked at me, "What will Faye think?"

I hesitated, but I couldn't hold back the emotions that welled up and gritted my teeth and cursed, "Your dad is a real pain in the ass."

Louis was stunned for a moment, then leaned back and laughed, "You're right." 

Because of this, I was particularly annoyed with Louis's father, and when we met at the door during the parent-teacher conference, he asked me in a human manner, "lady where is Louis's seat?"

As soon as I raised my eyes, he sank his face, apparently recognizing me

He also ran to our principal and told him that I was uneducated from a young age, assaulted elders and strongly demanded that I be removed from this top class.

Luckily, our principal was a sensible person, and in a couple of sentences, she shut him down with "children don't know any better when they are young".

Later, the more I thought about it, the angrier I got, and I couldn't help but be angry with Louis for half a day. As a result, he bought my favorite Angel Potato Chips and Calcium Milk and came to me, whispering, "If you hate him, I'll kill him for you. Don't ignore me."

I took a sip of my calcium milk and finally remembered that when I was a kid, Louis got blood drawn from his dad's knife over two chicken legs."That's right, he treats you so badly, if I go cold turkey with you, won't that be to his liking?

That's how I made up with Louis. Actually, I made up unilaterally, because Louis had no intention of messing with me at all.

This time when he returned home as well, because I was really busy with work, most of the time, Louis asked me to go out and meet, I could only unilaterally refuse.

Louis just contacted me the same night he got back and offered to take me out for a steak dinner.

When I received his phone call, I was working overtime at the company to catch up with the program, and I couldn't even be surprised that he had returned to Canifornia: "Oh, oh, let's meet again some other time, I'm so busy."

After I finally found the time to meet with him the next month, Louis smiled and told me, "Actually, the food was already ordered when I called."

"Huh?" I froze and apologized, "I'm sorry Louis ... but I was really busy at the time, I think you can return any dishes that haven't been served yet, right?"

"Faye didn't come, so I finished it myself, bite by bite." Louis was still smiling, the waves under his eyes not moving at all, "I'm not backing out, I'm going to wait - for the day you come to see me."

He lifted his chin slightly, "I waited."

Delayed memories finally awakened, and the Louis in front of me gradually overlapped with the gloomy-eyed handsome boy in my memory.

I've been in the red world for too long, and the people I deal with are mundanes who are as trivial as myself.So I nearly forgot that Louis and I were not the same.

He was as delicate and fragile as a crystal figure, but fate had cracked him all over, yet he still maintained his natural arrogance.

The strangest thing of all is that someone as vulgar as me could have become friends with him by accident.

Then Louis often sent me requests to go out, but I was tortured like a dog by work and I turned down most of the requests.

Half a month ago he said he wanted to go to a hot spring with me on the outskirts of the city, and I had agreed to all of him, and then called the next day and apologized to him that I might have to break the date.It's unethical to blow off an appointment, but there's really nothing I can do about it.

After all, my good friend, lucy is in some trouble. Her hobo ex-boyfriend, Bille, is stalking her, chasing her around, and she can't get rid of him.

Lucy even call the police,however, the police detained the person for ten days, as a result, that the son of bitch came out and continued to harass her, a dead pig is not afraid of boiling water rogue-like: "lucy, it's useless, you provoke me, this life can not get rid of me.

Lucy was so angry that she cursed, but the other party was still indifferent, she really had no choice but to find me.

lucy is a skinny girl, the kind can't even unscrew mineral water. But I am different, I have lifted the iron, I have gained muscle, in the wind and rain through the delivery of takeaway, practiced a good strength.

After dinner,we go out, and I wait for this guy ready to indecent assault me then I let out a scream.At the end, a fist smashed in his chin.

This is not enough, I raised my knee and hit him hard in the abdomen, waiting for him to fall to his knees in pain and vomit before he began to wail and fake cry: "You you ... I kindly invited you, a beggar, to eat, you even molested me, shameless!"

Bille was dumbfounded, he spat out everything he had just eaten, then spat out a mouthful of spittle with blood in it and looked at me with hideous eyes, "You're playing with me!"

He came at me, and I clenched my fists and leapt forward, only for the punch to miss Bille.

Because Louis suddenly appeared out of nowhere, carrying the back of Bille's neck collar, his eyes cold as he watched Bille flop around in the air like a little chicken, and then punched and punched him to the point that his face was covered in blood.

Only when Bille spat out a bloodied tooth did he slowly release his hand, letting him slide to the ground like a puddle of mud, and said expressionlessly, "Get lost."

Then Bille really rolled.

I looked at Louis who was a few steps away, my heart was very embarrassed. After all, the reason I gave him for breaking the appointment was that the leader had to force me to work overtime at the company, and now this, it looks as if I deliberately broke the appointment to him.

I held my tongue and stammered, "... I can explain." "I saw it all." Louis looked at me with a dull, cold gaze, "From the moment you fell in love with him at first sight."

Ah this.

I am very embarrassed, stammered half a day, a word did not say out.

Louis also stopped making a sound, he looked at me and smiled very sparsely, the bottom of his eyes foggy.Then he turned around and left without looking back.

After that, for half a month, he never said a word to me again.

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