
The Pokemon Whisperer!?

[3rd P.O.V.]

~Pallet Town~

*Swish, Rustle!*

The townsfolk of Pallet town were suddenly assaulted by a strong breeze, something they don't experience every day.

Looking up, most of them saw a blue Pokemon, flying over the wind turbine located in Professor Oak's Laboratory.

Thinking it was something pertaining to one of his Pokémon they continued their daily routines without a worry in the world.

Landing on the steps in front of Pro. Oak's Lab, Cynthia hopped off her Garchomp, who was pointing at her in a manner similar to that of a child throwing a tantrum.

Even if she knew what Garchomp was trying to say she still couldn't put it into a human language as the only sound she was hearing is, "Gaaaaaaaaaaaarr!"

Ignoring the shouting she walked up to the door pressing the doorbell, more or less it was an alarm for the Professor to hear when a guest had come.

Out off Cynthia's back came 'Star' who fused with her similar to a stand, for the whole journey which didn't last long due to the speed and distance between regions.


The door slid open as a cold breeze blew by the trio as a man walked out of the door wearing a white coat.

Professor Oak is a middle-aged man with peach skin, grey hair, and thick, bushy eyebrows.

He wears a white lab coat as stated before, a light maroon polo shirt, a brown belt and beige pants, and matching brown loafers.

"Welcome once again Cynthia, it's nice to see you as well, Garchomp." In a friendly manner he waved at the two, as he couldn't see 'Star' he didn't do in kind for the latter.

"It's also nice to see you again, Professor." They shook hands as a sign of mutual respect between the two, as they made their way inside.

Walking through a hallway that had multiple doors, they eventually made it to Oak's living room which he normally uses to have a short break when he doesn't want to have anything to do Pokemon related.

"It's been around six or so months since I've last seen you young lady, is everything all right. The last time I saw you were looking for that strange Pokemon."

Sitting down on the couch he spoke in an elderly tone, though he miscalculated the time since he last met her.

Taking a glass of water, he took a sip resting it on the table next to him, putting his attention fully on the Sinnoh Champion.

"It's been a year since we last met, but it seems you're still forgetful. That's a good sign just now you'll go senile and your grandson would take over."


Choking on the mouthful of water, then hit his chest a couple of times, coughing to regain his bearings.

He knew she was somewhat a loose cannon around her friends and family, people she knew personally can be counted on one hand after all.

"Don't be so mean Cynthia, but truly why have you come here. It can't be that you're retiring, Carolina wouldn't allow it."

As someone in the same field of work, he knew Carolina from Cynthia, as they met in person as well.

He also told Cynthia to relay the message of the Pokemon that escaped from the Viridian forest, or so it seemed at the time.

"I have good news as well, the Pokemon you were looking for I knew where it is." At those words, Oak jumped right out of his seat.

Moving around like his younger counterpart he grabbed his knapsack and camera in an instant, ready to head out.

"What are we waiting for? Let's get going, can't let discovery like this be known by anyone else. Imagine what dangers that baby Pokémon could get into. Let's go!"

He was obviously worried, checking around the Viridian forest daily. He also caught a couple of Pokemon on the way, and a rogue Pikachu he gave to his friend's son.

Even so, he was a Pokemon Professor before anything else, and discovering new and exciting Pokemon was something to get his blood pumping.

Facepalming at his enthusiastic behaviour, but smiling at the fact he worried about a Pokemon he never met before, let alone seen personally

"You don't have to go anywhere Professor, he's right here. Wandering your lab at this very moment."

*Snap, Snap!*

Without a sliver of hesitation, he fully trusted Cynthia's words and concluded in an instant.

"So it's a Ghost-type Pokemon able to transform and hide its presence similar to that of a Hunter or Ghastly, maybe even a Gengar."

Once again Cynthia facepalmed, even Garchomp was giggling in her husky voice in the background, only to get flashed by his camera as he thought the noise came from the unknown Pokemon.

Multiple photos began to fall out of the groove in the camera, as he looked at them his face became pale every second.

Seeing the strange complexion in peach skin was turning to both Cynthia feared for the worst.

Dropping a photo in his hand Garchomp walked over with light steps, only to blush. rushing back to Cynthia's side.

Looking at the picture they both squint their eyes, side by side looking at the spectacle that lay in front of them.

Floating in his spiritual form behind them was 'Star' who was enjoying the breeze from the AC unit.

Once again showing how weird anime world technology is, Oak uses a camera that printed the photos taken yet his entire lab would cost millions of dollars.

Equivalent to what cities gain in revenue on an annual basis, from infrastructure and such. Even resorts wouldn't be able to make something like this without external help.

Stretching a bit, the breeze blew through his legs as his schlong, felt uncharastically at ease.

Letting out a breath of air that he didn't know he was holding, he reopened his eyes only to go into a state of shock.

In the hands of the two females was a picture of him, with his loincloth waving around completely showing his manhood.

The real selling point was the size, even Garchomp was having second thoughts about getting a mate after seeing it.

Grabbing the picture without even realising he surpassed the speed of light, he looked at the two with an annoyed look.

"Oya, what in the world is wrong with you two horn dogs, you wouldn't be happy if I took some photos like this would I."

Cynthia looked away avoiding his question entirely, while Garchomp blatantly pointed at Pro. Oak as if saying it wasn't her fault.

The sudden appearance of the hulking and buff as heck, compared to normal humans at the very least, brought Oak out of his stupor.

His once shocked look changed instantly as he walked over to 'Star' respectably raising his hand for a handshake.

Hearing human language being spoken he was sure that this Pokemon wasn't normal, he knew some that were even experimented on to learn the human language or at least tried.

But if that was the case, he was putting himself at fault. He could have prevented this if he had kept a tighter watch on whom he transferred and shared information to.

He knew it wasn't that of any of his Pro. Colleagues, but he still took full responsibility as the first person to obtain the knowledge and the power to spread it.

Bowing in a full ninety-degree manner, "I'm truly sorry for my irresponsibility and would take any punishment you see fit."

Everyone in the room was in shock, while 'Star' was snickering to himself, he knew full well the reason for such behaviour.

In the anime, Meowth was experimented on to learn the human language with another female Meowth, which in turn rejected his love.

Turning him to the darker side of the world, joining the comedic group of Jessie and James forming the trio.

A small smile formed on his face, as he truly understood where the professor was coming from.

He didn't know his circumstances and his thoughts, but the fact he put away his pride to apologize to a Pokemon showed how much he cared.

Waving his hands in a manner showing he didn't deserve such formalities, 'Star' raised Oak's upper body to his level.

Their height wasn't that different, maybe a couple of inches but nothing too drastic that it would seem like a parody scene.

"I didn't go through any type of experiment, nothing of the sorts. Unless you want to talk about the Ice Cream addict and her diet then nothing of the sorts."


Gasping like that of betrayal, Cynthia stood up from her seat pointing her finger at 'Star' in an accusing manner.

"If you didn't make all those delicious and scrumptious flavours, then pack hundreds of pints of them in the PC then I wouldn't have eaten so many!"

Replying with a point that barely passed the valid mark, 'Star' and Garchomp looked on with disappointment.

She begged him since the day he made the first pint of ice cream to make as much as he could. she sat down in the kitchen just to spectate him creating it.

Even though her eyes couldn't keep up with his hand movements she was such a glutton she tried to lick his hands after.

Only to get tackled by Carolina, and locked in her room for the rest of the evening, only to steal his PC and steal some more.

Oak's mind came to a conclusion, one he hoped wasn't true as he might have ended his long and arduous journey.

"If what you said is true, then your ability to speak has to stem from some sort of ability or your.....a Pokemon of Myths?"

The topic change made the room deathly silent, as Oak thought he made a mistake, but what could he do in a situation like this.

It seemed that Cynthia and 'Star' were on good terms, and the topic of its identity might have been a sensitive one.

"I'm a Pseudo Legendary, maybe a Legendary. I'm not one hundred percent sure yet. But I can assure you I'm one of a kind."

If 'Star' knew of the person who caused the entire world to at least have common knowledge of his existence.

Then he would have never told Oak about his background, or any type of information a matter of fact....

AN: Filler Chapter if I waste be honest, also the gym battles will be longer like a whole chapter of 2000 words.