
I'm a Pastor, what the hell is an Acute Gastroenteritis Outbreak Spell?!

I found myself in a parallel universe, awakening as a male priest. Everything seemed perfect; after all, as a healer, specializing in aiding women should pose no issue, right? However, I couldn't help but wonder about some peculiar spells in my repertoire. Firstly, what in the world is the "Instantaneous Outbreak of Acute Gastroenteritis" spell? And don't even get me started on the "Osteoporosis" spell. What purpose could these serve in my healing endeavors? The confusion only deepened with spells like "Blood Burn," "Gradual Freeze," and "Mental Chaos." Can I still peacefully focus on healing women with such ominous abilities? Comparing my spells to those of other professions, I couldn't help but notice the stark contrast. Mages wield "Doomstorm" and "Ice Age," swordsmen boast "Sword Rain: Homecoming" and "Wind-Cutter Slash," while archers showcase "Arrow Rain: Shooting Stars" and "Storm Arrow." Yet, my ultimate spells are disturbingly named "Cancer Cell Proliferation," "T-Virus Infection," and "Rabies Outbreak." In the midst of it all, a certain character, some crying girl, laments, "Noooo, I just took a bath, who would have thought that I would become infected!" Meanwhile, a villain chillingly asks, "Do any of you know what it feels like to burst apart while spouting blood? No! You don't know!" Even a boss character confesses, "Dear family, who can understand? I just took a nap, and when I woke up, I suddenly found that I have no kidneys!"

Yiqian Qingdai · Games
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601 Chs

Chapter 122 Destroy the Tribute, Blood Guanyin!

Translator: 549690339

"Nuclear bomb!"

Over the boundless black sea, extremely bright mushroom clouds were rising one after another, almost obscuring everyone's vision.

Zheng Cheng, who was far away on Izu Island, was also shocked at this moment.

Someone had detonated a nuclear bomb on radiation island.

"Ch... Brother Cheng, is that a nuclear bomb?"

Chen Xiao asked in shock, with the others also squinting in the distance.

"Yes, a nuclear bomb, our Blue Star's nuclear bomb..."

"How do you know it's our Blue Star's nuclear bomb, what if it's from Radiation Island..."

"Damn! Another one!"

"This is a freaking nuclear bomb, not fireworks, why are they using it like this?"

"It's that big shot..."

"So many..."

Zheng Cheng shook his head: "It's not from Radiation Island, a thousand years ago when the race of people from Radiation Island detonated a nuclear bomb, the global 'Deadhand System' was triggered and all nuclear bombs were launched."