
I'm a Kaiju?

Jackie had a good life, he had wonderful parents and a wonderful future. Until he had a marathon of intercourse non-stop. Now reincarnated in the Godzilla verse as a kaiju that he has never seen, Jackie must learn how to survive this world. Did I mention he had three heads now? An: Art ain't mine it's @spooky splash on twitter Or @moviac

StoryCraft · Others
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42 Chs


Clash of the Titans: Chaos Unleashed!

Disclaimer: I do not own any anime, movies, music, comics, or games.

Story Guide:




ANIME OP: When My Devil Rises (Man with a Mission)

End of Anime: Kick Back (chainsaw man)


King Kong, Slenra, Sparx, and Ymir trudged through the dense foliage, their massive footsteps echoing through the ancient forest. Kong's eyes burned with determination as he led the way, his colossal form brimming with excitement and trepidation. He knew they were heading to his ancestral home steeped in history and mystery.

As Kong stepped into the cave, the flickering light of torches revealed a sight both primitive and strangely futuristic. The walls were adorned with ancient carvings depicting the battles and triumphs of his ancestors. The cave resonated with the spirits of generations long gone.

Inside the cave, Kong found a breathtaking collection of artifacts. Bones from long-extinct Kaiju were repurposed into weapons and ingenious inventions, a testament to the intelligence and resourcefulness of his species. Kong couldn't help but run his massive fingers over the smooth, weathered bones, feeling the echoes of his ancestors' ingenuity reverberate.

As Kong marveled at the relics of his heritage, little did he know that both Apex and Monarch were observing through cameras mounted on a floating ship. The teams from both organizations watched in awe, their eyes wide with amazement and respect for the great King Kong and his remarkable lineage.

Monarch and Apex researchers marveled at the ingenuity displayed within the cave. They whispered in hushed tones, contemplating the implications of a civilization that could wield such power. Their understanding of the world seemed small and insignificant in the face of this ancient heritage.

"Did you ever imagine something like this?" one Monarch researcher muttered, amazed by the sight.

The Apex scientist shook his head, a mix of admiration and envy in his eyes. "No, never. It's beyond anything we could have imagined. This changes everything."

"They were more than just giant apes," Another Monarch scientist whispered in hushed tones. "His kind... they're innovators, creators."

"Truly remarkable," murmured an Apex researcher, his voice filled with genuine admiration. "To think that such intelligence and power reside within these colossal creatures."

The atmosphere was bewildering as the experts from both organizations exchanged amazed glances. They had only scratched the surface of the capabilities of Kong's race, and the revelation of his ancestral home unveiled a whole new level of understanding about his species.

Meanwhile, Kong turned to Ymir, a gleam of pride in his eyes. He knew that he was more than just a brute force; he carried the legacy of his ancestors, their ingenuity flowing through his veins.

"Ymir," Kong rumbled, his voice tinged with gratitude, "we have a rich history to uncover. Together, we will honor our heritage.."

Ymir nodded, a deep rumble echoing from his chest, signifying his unwavering loyalty. They were bound by blood and purpose, ready to face challenges.

At this moment, surrounded by the remnants of his ancestors' creations, Kong felt a sense of belonging and purpose that he had never experienced. His ancestral cave was a place of bones, relics, and a sanctuary where his strong lineage came to life, propelling him forward on his journey as the King of the Titans.

The colossal great ape and his companions pressed forward, their footsteps echoing through the uncharted territories of his homeland. The air was thick with anticipation, a sense of adventure that tingled in their veins. They were explorers on a quest, uncovering the secrets of Kong's ancestors.

As they ventured more profound, their eyes widened in awe as they stumbled upon a hidden chamber concealed within the heart of the ancient landscape. It was a sight that took their breath away, a treasure trove of ancient artifacts and cryptic writings that held the key to unlocking the mysteries of Kong's lineage.

The chamber was illuminated by a soft, ethereal light that danced upon the walls, casting eerie shadows on the ancient relics. Dust particles floated lazily in the air as if the secrets of the past were waiting to be revealed.

King Kong's gaze swept across the chamber, his eyes drawn to the intricate carvings adorned the walls. They told a tale etched in symbols and hieroglyphs, waiting to be deciphered. He could feel his heart pounding with excitement and curiosity.

"Look at these markings," King Kong exclaimed, his voice filled with wonder. "They hold the knowledge of my ancestors. We must uncover their meaning."

His companions huddled closer; their eyes fixated on the enigmatic writings. Slenra nudged a stone tablet with her snout, causing a cloud of dust to rise, revealing ancient symbols etched upon its surface.

With his keen intellect, Ymir traced his finger along the markings, his brows furrowing in concentration. "These symbols tell a story of a great battle, a struggle against darkness. It seems your ancestors fought valiantly to protect their land."

Sparx, her wings fluttering softly, chimed in, her voice filled with curiosity. "But what do these symbols mean? What are they trying to tell us?"

Ymir focused intently on the ancient paintings, slowly translating the first half of the story depicted on the walls. The atmosphere in the chamber was charged with anticipation, each character hanging onto Ymir's every word.

Ymir's voice trembled with a mix of sorrow and determination as he revealed the fate of King Kong's ancestors. "They fought bravely, but despite their valor, they were unable to defend their home. They were overwhelmed."

A heavy silence descended upon the chamber as Ymir's companions absorbed the weight of his words. King Kong's eyes filled with a mixture of grief and determination. His ancestors' struggle resonated deeply within him, fueling his resolve to protect his homeland.

But as Ymir continued translating the second half of the paintings, the expressions on their faces shifted from sorrow to shock. The Monarch and Apex researchers, too, stared wide-eyed at the unfolding story on the walls.


Mark Russell, a seasoned member of the Monarch team, sensed the gravity of the situation. He swallowed hard and, with a voice laced with urgency, addressed his team, "Circle back to the second painting. We need to see it again, to understand the full story."

Monarch and Apex researchers exchanged worried glances, their faces growing pale. The air crackled with an underlying fear, an instinctual survival response triggered by what they were about to witness.

As they returned their gaze to the second painting, their hearts pounded with terror and awe. The familiar sight of Gestroyah facing the world was now accompanied by something even more monstrous lurking in the shadows behind the illusion.

Despite the image lacking details, everyone can feel it, the eyes of a starving animal setting its sights on easy prey. Yet in an ironic twist of fate, the monster they feared as their end, who their ancestors warned them desperately, was now depicted by Kong's ancestors as some form of the guardian.

"Dear God," whispered one of the Monarch researchers, his voice barely a breath. "What is that...thing?"

"This... this changes everything. We knew Gestroyah was dangerous, but this... this is... I don't even know where to start."

Both humans and Kaiju felt their survival instincts coming to life, a primal sense of danger and urgency gripping their hearts. The stakes had been raised, and they realized that the battle they were about to face was far greater than anything they had ever imagined.

"We need to prepare. We can't let history repeat itself," Mark Russell declared, his voice filled with urgency. "Gestroyah might be the key to our survival, but there's something greater at stake here. We must be ready."

Were they wrong this whole time? No, yet, as Mark, Rick, Ilene, Ling, and many more thought about it. Gestroyah has never done anything toward them; most of the damage the monster caused was due to the battle.

Adding to their discovery of the little girl, Jia, having imprinted herself on the monster's psyche, meant the girl might be a piece or the key to their survival after all.

Mark glances at the monitor where Godzilla, Battra, Mothra, Biollante, and Gestroyah face the old alpha. Then the effects of their battle... Tsunamis, Earthquakes, Volcanoes, all-natural disasters happening at once.

Japan had sunk not too long ago, Russia and America were about to be split in half, and many more were about to suffer the same fate.

This monstrous war... cost millions of lives; how many had died? How many are left? How long has humanity gone before its so-called 'savior' kills them all? Honestly, he was surprised that humanity hadn't gone extinct yet or the planet was still in one piece.

"Um sir... I think you might want to see this." One apex researcher said. Everyone turns to the screen and finds themselves staring in shock. Japan was... Rising? Soon Continents that they believed to be lost forever were coming back, rising from the depths of the sea.

New reports of miracles were happening all over the globe. No one could believe it, yet there it was, as much as they wanted to deny it. There was only one monster they knew had the power to achieve this feat.


The battleground shifted to America, where Godzilla, Mothra, and Battra faced off against the formidable Excelsus. Once boasting four serrated blade legs, this monstrous tarantula Kaiju now only had three, as King Kong had taken one in their brutal clash on Skull Island. Half of Excelsus' face was a twisted, scarred reminder of King Kong's devastating power. As the fight commenced, the air crackled with tension, each monster driven by its motivations.

Godzilla and Mothra moved in perfect sync, their attacks coordinated like a deadly dance. Godzilla's thunderous roars shook the earth, his massive tail slamming into Excelsus with bone-shattering force. Mothra's graceful wings fluttered as she unleashed her blinding rays, enveloping the battlefield in an ethereal glow.

But it was Battra, with his unpredictable fighting style, that brought a new dimension to the battle. His erratic movements and lightning-fast strikes kept Excelsus on edge, never knowing what chaos would come next. With each attack, Battra showcased his mysterious power, adding an element of uncertainty that even Excelsus struggled to anticipate.

Excelsus, drawing upon his battle experience, met their onslaught with unyielding ferocity. His remaining blade legs sliced through the air, leaving behind trails of destruction. Despite his physical scars, his godlike terraforming abilities remained intact. He shaped the earth beneath them, creating treacherous terrain and using it to his advantage.

The clash of these colossal beings shook the very foundations of the land. Mountains crumbled, forests were reduced to splinters, and the once serene landscape transformed into a chaotic battleground. The cataclysmic effects of their battle rippled outward, sending shockwaves rattling nearby humans' hearts.

Buildings quivered and crumbled under the devastating force of their blows. People ran for cover, their eyes wide with fear and awe as they witnessed the clash of these mighty creatures. The world around them seemed small and insignificant in the face of such immense power.

Mothra, driven by a desire to protect the world she cherished, fought with unwavering determination. Her wings beat soothingly, creating gusts of wind that momentarily disrupted Excelsus' attacks. She weaved through the chaos with elegance and purpose, channeling her ancient power to aid Godzilla in their common cause.

Godzilla roared with unyielding resolve, fueled by his duty to defend his territory. His atomic breath surged, lighting up the battlefield with its brilliant blue glow. Each thunderous step he took reverberated through the ground, leaving destruction in his wake.

Excelsus, consumed by his hatred and thirst for revenge, fought back with a cruel tenacity that knew no bounds. Despite the scars he bore from his encounters with King Kong, he remained a formidable adversary. His remaining blade legs sliced through the air while his terrifying terraforming abilities reshaped the battlefield to his advantage.

In this epic clash, emotions ran high. Godzilla's eyes burned with fierce determination, Mothra's unwavering loyalty shone through her every movement, and Battra's enigmatic nature manifested in his unpredictable attacks. Excelsus, his mangled face a testament to his past battles, fought with relentless fury, determined to make those who had scarred him pay the ultimate price.

The battle between these colossal creatures unleashed a cataclysmic spectacle that forever changed the land and its inhabitants. The fight raged on, a clash of titans that would determine the fate of the monsters and the fragile world they inhabited.

Excelsus seethed with rising anger as Godzilla, Mothra, and Battra continued their relentless assault. The destruction they caused fuelled his fury, pushing him to the brink of madness. With a thunderous roar, he unleashed his godlike terraforming powers upon the land, transforming America into a desolate wasteland.

But just as Excelsus reveled in his destructive triumph, a shadow fell upon him from above. From the sky, descending with grace and absurdity, Gestroyah plummeted towards Excelsus with astonishing speed. And as if defying all logic, Gestroyah let out a goofy meme war cry just before the impact, a sound that echoed through the air like a burst of unexpected joy." Yeet or be Yeeted!!!" Odin, Ning, and Cody yelled.

Biollante, witnessing Gestroyah's daring act, couldn't help but let out a wry comment, "Well, there goes your grand plan, darling." She knew all too well that Gestroyah's unpredictable nature often threw a wrench into the works. Nevertheless, she couldn't help but admire the audacity and power of her mate.

Godzilla, caught off guard by Gestroyah's unexpected intervention, looked on with a mixture of begrudging respect and annoyance. He couldn't deny the sheer strength and bravery Gestroyah possessed, but his rebellious spirit clashed with Godzilla's sense of duty and order.

"I guess chaos has its uses," he grumbled.

Mothra, her deep disdain for Gestroyah ever-present, scowled at the chimera. "Of all the creatures to save the day, it had to be that chaotic animal." To her, Gestroyah represented destruction and chaos, the antithesis of everything she stood for. She couldn't fathom how anyone could admire such a being, let alone consider it an ally or mate in the case of her mother's avatar.

Battra, however, saw Gestroyah in a different light. He treated the chimera as his nephew, offering support and guidance in their shared journey. He admired Gestroyah's free spirit and rebellious nature, seeing it as a necessary counterbalance to the rigid structures of the world. "I love those hatchlings…" He said.

As Excelsus rose once more, his anger intensified. The presence of Gestroyah only served to enrage him. Further, his grand plan is now disrupted by this unforeseen interloper. Within the depths of his mind, Excelsus ranted, his thoughts a torrent of frustration and fury. Nothing was going as he had meticulously plotted, all because of Gestroyah and their reckless actions.

Drawing upon his connection to the hollow earth and his "Alpha" call, Excelsus summoned all the monsters lurking in the depths. They emerged from the shadows, their menacing roars echoing the desolate landscape. Excelsus, bolstered by an army of loyal followers, prepared for the final, cataclysmic clash.

Author's Note:

Hey there, awesome readers!

First off, how's everyone doing? I hope you're all having fantastic days and enjoying life's little adventures. It's been a while since we last caught up, and I sincerely apologize for the long hiatus. Life can get pretty chaotic sometimes, but I'm thrilled to be back with a brand new chapter of "I'm a Kaiju."

I want to take a moment to express my gratitude to all of you for joining me on this wild storytelling journey. Your support and enthusiasm mean the world to me. Your encouragement keeps me going, and I can't thank you enough for being there.

Now, let's dive back into the action and see where our Kaiju protagonist's path takes us. Brace yourselves for more heart-pounding thrills, unexpected twists, and some giant monster mayhem. Get ready to embark on an adventure like no other!

Once again, thank you for your patience during the hiatus. I'm thrilled to have you here, and I hope you enjoy the upcoming chapters. Stay tuned, buckle up, and let's unleash the Kaiju!

Wishing you all the best,