
I'm a Kaiju?

Jackie had a good life, he had wonderful parents and a wonderful future. Until he had a marathon of intercourse non-stop. Now reincarnated in the Godzilla verse as a kaiju that he has never seen, Jackie must learn how to survive this world. Did I mention he had three heads now? An: Art ain't mine it's @spooky splash on twitter Or @moviac

StoryCraft · Others
Not enough ratings
42 Chs


Disclaimer: I do not own any anime, movies, music, comics, or games.

Dialogue guide




ANIME OP: When My Devil Rises (Man with a Mission)

End of Anime: Kick Back (chainsaw man)

AN: Thank you for the support of everyone.



Excelsus stood tall and imposing, with four extra blades as legs and a body that was covered in tough, armored exoskeleton. It had spent centuries biding its time, waiting for the perfect opportunity to exact its revenge on the bloodline of Dagon and Griesus, the ancestors of Godzilla and King Kong.

Now, as it gazed at Godzilla, Excelsus roared in frustration. The ancient arachnid despised the dinosaur-like monster before him, seeing him as nothing more than a pesky insect that refused to die.

But then, a thought crossed Excelsus' mind. It remembered the creature known as Gestroyah, the one who had fought so fiercely against it in the past. Was it possible that all of Dagon's descendants shared the same trait of being too stubborn to die?

With that thought in mind, Excelsus began to ponder its next move. It knew that it had the power to terraform entire planets with its legs, and it was more than willing to use that power to wipe out the bloodline of Dagon and Griesus once and for all. But it also knew that it needed to be careful, for these monsters were not to be underestimated.

As Excelsus ruminated on its thoughts, it couldn't help but marvel at the regeneration abilities of both Godzilla and Gestroyah, which were off the charts compared to Dagon's. It wondered what kind of creature the traitor mated with to spawn such an annoying foe.

Godzilla's muscles tensed as did Excelsus' before the two charged toward each other. The earth shook under their weight as they collided, each trying to gain the upper hand. Excelsus swung its bladed legs, trying to slice into Godzilla's tough hide, but the giant reptile dodged and retaliated with a powerful tail swipe.

The two continued to exchange blows, each one landing with tremendous force that caused shockwaves to ripple through the ground. As they fought, Excelsus noticed that Godzilla was different from other alphas it had encountered in the past. There was a primal rage within him that seemed to fuel his attacks, making him even more dangerous.

Despite Excelsus' incredible strength and terraforming abilities, it was struggling to gain the upper hand against Godzilla. The arachnid knew that it had to use all of its power to defeat this foe and reclaim its rightful place as the true alpha of the planet.


Have you ever heard of the saying, "you are what you eat"? Well, for Godzilla, that's not entirely accurate. Instead, it's more like, "you are what eats you."

You see, after battling Gestroyah, some of the monster's cells had gotten stuck inside Godzilla's throat. And like an unwelcome dinner guest, they refused to leave.

Over time, these cells began to bond with Godzilla's own genetic code, forming a parasitic relationship that would prove to be both beneficial and dangerous.

When Godzilla died (temporarily, of course), these dormant parasites suddenly sprang into action. They knew that their host was important, and they needed to keep him alive.

So they lent him their strength, turning him into a stronger and more powerful monster than ever before. It's like a symbiotic relationship, except instead of just one host, it's an entire colony of cells working together.

Of course, Godzilla himself wasn't too thrilled about this new arrangement. But as they say, "you can't fight city hall," and Godzilla couldn't fight off the parasitic takeover when he was dead.

So now, with his new powers, Godzilla is ready to take on any challenge that comes his way. But whether or not he can control these parasitic forces remains to be seen. After all, with great power comes great responsibility...and even greater danger.


/Battra and Mothra/

Mothra and Battra hovered above the battlefield, watching as Godzilla and Excelsus clashed with brutal force. Mothra couldn't help but worry about Godzilla's sudden transformation. The king of monsters had always been powerful, but something had changed within him recently, something that made him even more formidable.

As she watched him fight, Mothra could see that Godzilla was struggling against Excelsus. The ancient arachnid was a powerful opponent, and his strength was matched only by his hatred for Godzilla and King Kong.

But while Mothra was concerned for Godzilla's well-being, Battra had other thoughts on his mind. The demonic moth had always harbored a deep-seated hatred for Godzilla, and he took pleasure in watching the king of monsters struggle.

As he watched the battle unfold, Battra cheered silently whenever Godzilla was hit, reveling in his opponent's pain. He knew what was at stake in this battle, but he couldn't help but enjoy the spectacle of two titans locked in combat.

Despite their differences, Mothra and Battra both knew that this battle was crucial for the fate of the planet. The outcome would determine whether Godzilla or Excelsus would emerge as the dominant force, and the fate of all living creatures hung in the balance.


Gestroyah's body trembled as it locked eyes with the grotesque form of 'Shin-Godzilla', whose twisted laughter filled the air. The three heads of Gestroyah shared a silent moment of contemplation, each lost in their own thoughts.

Cody's expression grew tense, his eyes betraying a mixture of concern and confusion. He couldn't help but notice how 'Shin-Godzilla's' voice had sounded eerily like Mothra's for a split second. It was as if something else had taken hold of the body of their son, turning him into an abomination.

Ning's analytical mind was already working overtime, trying to piece together what was happening. His eyes darted between 'Shin-Godzilla' and the surrounding area, searching for any clues that could shed light on the situation.

Odin, however, wasted no time in coming to a conclusion. His eyes blazed with a fierce determination, and his body tensed in anticipation of battle. He knew that they had no choice now but to face their own flesh and blood, and end its suffering.

Cody bristled at the thought. He couldn't bear the idea of hurting his own son, even if it was necessary. But before they could act, they were interrupted by the sound of rustling leaves and branches.

Biollante emerged from the ground, her humanoid form radiating an otherworldly aura. Her vines writhed and swayed, as if sensing the tension in the air.

Gestroyah regarded Biollante with a sense of familiarity and affection, and the two beings shared a brief moment of silent communication. It was as if Biollante offered her support in this time of crisis, a reminder that they were not alone.

The heads of Gestroyah exchanged glances, silently agreeing on a plan of action. They knew what they had to do, for the sake of their son and for the world at large.

As the stand-off continues, Shin-Godzilla suddenly unleashes a powerful Spiral ray toward Gestroyah. The prince and princess of monsters were taken by surprise, but Biollante quickly springs into action. She leaps in front of the beam and uses her immense powers to create a massive wall of plants to protect herself and Gestroyah.

Gestroyah quickly reacts and covers Biollante with their wings to shield her from the impact of the blast. As the beam strikes the forcefield around them, it causes a massive explosion that reverberates through the city. Buildings crumble and debris flies everywhere, the force of the blast blowing away anything in its path.

The blast also unleashes a wave of radiation that spreads through the city, causing destruction and chaos. Cars explode, windows shatter and fires break out everywhere. The citizens who were still struggling to evacuate the area are now in grave danger.

The damage caused by the Spiral ray is devastating, and the city is left in ruins. The monsters stare at the destruction around them, the aftermath of the blast making it clear that they must act quickly if they are to prevent any more damage.

Shin-godzilla watched with glee as the destruction he had caused unfolded before his eyes. The once lively city was now reduced to rubble and ash, with fires raging all around him. He could feel the power coursing through his body, and he reveled in it.

Suddenly, from his grotesque form, dozens of smaller versions of himself emerged. They resembled humanoid versions of Shin-Godzilla, with twisted faces and razor-sharp teeth. Cody, Ning, and Odin growled as they recognized the army of clones marching toward them.

Gestroyah roared as loud as they could, causing the very earth to shake. They knew they had to act fast. With a quick glance at Biollante, they charged forward toward the army of clones, their wings beating furiously behind them.

Biollante followed Gestroyah's lead, creating a trail of plants and vines in their wake. They moved with a grace that belied their size, almost as if they were dancing as they charged forward.

As Gestroyah charged toward the army of Shin-Godzilla clones, their body glowed with an otherworldly light. With a deafening roar, Gestroyah unleashed a devastating blast of crimson energy from their maw, obliterating the first wave of clones in an instant. The remaining Shin-Godzilla clones seemed to waver in fear for a moment, unsure of how to take down the monster before them.

Biollante, on the other hand, sent vines snaking out from her body, entangling and crushing the clones as they closed in. Pollen drifted from her flowers, making the air hazy and difficult for the clones to navigate. Acidic bile spewed from her mouth, melting through the tough skin of the clones and rendering them immobile.

But the Shin-Godzilla clones kept coming, their numbers seemingly endless. They swarmed around Gestroyah and Biollante, their jaws snapping and claws tearing at their flesh. Gestroyah shifted their form, their body morphing and contorting into impossible shapes to dodge the attacks. The clones continued to close in, but Gestroyah was always one step ahead, anticipating their movements and striking back with their own attacks.

Biollante, too, fought fiercely. She sent tendrils of vine whipping through the air, slamming into the clones with incredible force. Her leaves rustled and shook as she let out a powerful scream, the sound waves blasting the clones back and sending them tumbling to the ground.

Despite the overwhelming numbers of the Shin-Godzilla clones, Biollante and Gestroyah fought on, their movements fluid and graceful. They were a powerful team, their individual abilities complementing each other perfectly. As the battle raged on, it seemed as though they might just be able to overcome the endless army before them.

Gestroyah and Biollante continued to fight against the clones, their attacks decimating the endless swarm. Cody, the left head of Gestroyah, suddenly paused and looked towards Shin-Godzilla, noticing that it had not yet made a move. Odin, the right head, also grew curious and wondered what Shin-Godzilla was planning.

Ning, who had been focused on killing the clones with his spiral ray, suddenly noticed something strange. As he fired his attack at one of the clones, he saw it begin to absorb the energy, almost as if it was feeding off of it.

It was then that Shin-Godzilla revealed its true intentions, a sinister grin spreading across its monstrous face as the chimera kaiju realized that they had been tricked.

An: hey guys, I'm just letting you know that while the story is back it might take a lot longer now to finish it as my entire free time will be occupied by working hours.Disclaimer: I do not own any anime, movies, music, comics, or games.

An: hey guys, I'm just letting you know that while the story is back it might take a lot longer now to finish it as my entire free time will be occupied by working hours.