
I'm a Husk! in Honkai Impact!,

Yep... The title says it all, oh and this is a y/n story so ye Might sometimes do serious scene and comedic but meh, who knows. Read it if you want to find out. And this fanfic has many art pieces that drawn by me but I can’t or don’t know how to send the images here, however if you want the full experience with artistic images while reading it’s in my wattpad, same title, here is the link: https://www.wattpad.com/myworks/322232801-im-a-husk-in-honkai-impact Enjoy

DlinkerNovel · Video Games
Not enough ratings
17 Chs

Ch 9 Karma

Author: you Author here, just wanna say that im sorry im late and busy since i have lots of things in my plate but now i have free time again and im just making this chapter a bit more longer then the other chapters.

Author: so yeah..

Author: LETS DOO THIS!!!!

Author: and i wanna try a different writing style, like very novel like but Aeon still have the bold text every time he talks and the i forgot whats it called but like this is still being used like thoughts ok? good thats all ok lets start!





General POV

In the forest near Sezhou city (or was it Suzhou city?), Aeon had built a massive base that blended seamlessly into the surrounding forest, thanks to a camouflaging holographic barrier. The base was an impressive feat of technology, with its grey color scheme and glowing blue lines reminiscent of the sci-fi shows Aeon had enjoyed in his previous life.

Seated at his giant desk, Aeon contemplated his plans for the future. He had crafted most of the furnishings and equipment himself, ensuring they were scaled to his size, including the chair he currently occupied. His holographic screen displayed various images and text, forming a conspiracy board that only he could decipher.

Aeon muttered to himself, "Alright, I have already taken care of Elysia, and she is enjoying life before heading to the MOTH. Now I have to deal with Aponia and maybe even KalpASS." He moved the pictures on the holographic screen, contemplating his next moves.

Aeon continued his musings, "Of course, Aponia is one of the 13 MANTISES, incredibly strong with the ability to 'ask' others to do anything she wants. The MOTH organization has become more robotic due to her, and the leaders use this to make their soldiers go and kill honkai. But the downside is that they lack humanity."

He sighed and glanced back at the holographic screen. "I'll just need to change her way of thinking. She is too dependent on her power. And now for Eden and Sakura..."

Aeon's thoughts trailed off as he contemplated the two other members of the MANTISES. Eden had joined after losing everything to the Herrscher of Flames, while the other had lost her young sister and become the Herrscher of Corruption.

He pondered, "For Eden, I can go straight to PE Hemiko and stop her by killing her in advance. But why should I?" He chuckled and raised his hand, conjuring a glowing red orb that slowly transformed into his trusty device, the Red Void Archives, or Red VA for short.

Aeon muttered, "If Otto and Anti Entropy can implant cores in human bodies and create clones, then there is a way to extract them." He could use his Red VA to craft a Herrscher core extractor, but he had a few years before the events in question would come to pass.

Sitting back in his giant chair, Aeon looked at his holographic conspiracy board with his mechanical red eyes, adjusting gears and squinting at one of the pictures. He looked directly at Aponia and declared, "Starting with you."

Aeon's attention was drawn away from his intense work on the Holographic Conspiracy board as a knock echoed through the walls of his base. His expression shifted, becoming more calm and almost cheerful.

"Hmm? Oh! Could it be?" he mused, his metallic voice echoing softly throughout the room.

With a purposeful stride, Aeon moved towards his computer station, a sprawling network of thirty screens and a sleek, sci-fi keyboard. As he began to type, the screens flickered to life, revealing a complex array of CCTV feeds from all around the base.

One particular screen caught his attention, showing the view from a camera stationed at the front gate. Aeon's mechanical red eyes widened in surprise and his mind smiled in response to what he saw.


The sight of his cute adopted niece filled him with happiness, even though he was unable to convey it with a smile due to his robotic nature. He watched with rapt attention as Elysia stepped up to the camera, waving and smiling with joy and relief.

"Hi~~~, Uncle!" she called out.

Aeon couldn't help but chuckle softly as he observed her through the screen. Despite the distance and the limitations of the camera, he felt as though he could almost reach out and touch her, remembering the times he stroke and pat her head with his giant Mechanical golden finger as she helps Aeon back when his old Base use to be strong and fortified,

"Long time no see, Uncle," Elysia said, her smile faltering just slightly as she spoke.

Aeon understood the concern that lay just beneath the surface of her words though cant hear it, he cant understand it by reading her lips. Although he was unable to reply through the camera, he felt the reassurance and comfort that her presence brought him after so many years apart.

"That's my little girl right there," he murmured to himself, his Mechanical heart if he ever has one is felt glad and a little happiness with slight left of his humanity still holding on.

Aeon smiled warmly as he looked down at Elysia, his beloved niece. It had been 16 long years since they had last seen each other, and the sight of her brought a wave of joy and relief crashing over him. He activated the skating rollers on the back of his mechanical golden feet and slowly made his way down the iron and sci-fi hallway, his mechanical heart beating with anticipation if he has one.

As he approached the iron giant gate, Aeon paused, looking at the password button before pressing it and watching as the gate opened with a soft hiss of air. And there she was, Elysia, with a wide smile on her face and a look of wonder in her eyes.

Without hesitation, Elysia ran towards Aeon, throwing her arms around one of his golden mechanical feet. Aeon slowly bent down on one knee, touching her head and stroking it gently, patting her head with his metallic fingers.

As they embraced, Elysia couldn't contain her excitement any longer. "Uncle Aeon!" she exclaimed. "You're alive! How did you survive? How did you repair yourself? I remember you were heavily injured!"

Aeon chuckled softly, mentally smiling as he looked at her. "You're doing alright in the human society," Aeon said, a note of pride in his voice. But when Elysia pressed for details about how he had recovered, Aeon hesitated. The truth was that he had received help from the Red VA, which had given him information and instructions on how to use the time powers ability of Husk Nihilous. It had been a small but vital contribution to his recovery, and Aeon decided to keep it a secret for now.

"That's a story for another time, my dear," Aeon said, ruffling her hair gently. "For now, let's enjoy our reunion and catch up on lost time." And with that, they both smiled, feeling happy and uplifted in each other's company once again.

Aeon smoothly glides through the hallway, giving Elysia a tour of his base. He shows her the mundane areas of the facility, deliberately avoiding any mention of his plans or intentions. It is too soon to involve Elysia in his schemes, but Aeon knows that someday, she will be instrumental in bringing about the changes he seeks.

Eventually, he leads her to the dining area, a spacious room with a long table and a human-sized kitchen beside it. Aeon has designed the room to accommodate guests, whether human or otherwise. He retrieves some vegetables from the fridge, all miniature in size, to suit his own proportions, but plenty enough to feed his guests. He has also stocked up on boar meat, having taken up hunting in the forest around his base.

Elysia is puzzled by the amount of food, considering that Aeon is a robot who doesn't need to eat. "Uncle, aren't you supposed to no need to eat?" she asks, her smile mixed with confusion. Aeon looks down at her, mentally smiling behind his robotic face, and replies, "For guests."

He doesn't explain further, but it is clear to Elysia that Aeon is preparing for the day when he will welcome others into his base. For now, she is content to accept this as another aspect of her enigmatic uncle's antics.

Aeon then begins the cooking process with practiced precision, his giant hands deftly manipulating the various pots and pans with ease. He moves around the kitchen, grabbing ingredients from various shelves and compartments, his towering figure dwarfing everything around him. As he works, steam and fragrant aromas fill the air, making Elysia's mouth water.

First, Aeon makes a hearty vegetable soup, using a mix of fresh produce from his own garden and those he had collected from the nearby forest. He stirs the massive pot with a long wooden spoon, adding spices and herbs to flavor the broth. Next, he prepares a large batch of rice, which he seasons with soy sauce and sesame oil.

While the soup and rice simmer, Aeon gets to work on the main courses. He sears several thick slices of boar meat in a giant cast-iron skillet, the meat sizzling and spitting as it cooks. On another burner, he stir-fries a medley of vegetables, including carrots, broccoli, and bell peppers, which he flavors with garlic and ginger.

As the dishes start to come together, Aeon carefully plates each one onto small human-sized dishes, arranging them artistically and adding a sprig of fresh herbs for garnish. He then brings them all to the dining table, which is already set with silverware and napkins.

Aeon then makes a chef's kiss expression using his giant claw-like mechanical fingers and kissing them with a mwah sound. "Magnificto!" he exclaims proudly. Elysia gazes at the human-sized plates on the table and then turns her head to the massive kitchen, seeing the giant Aeon-sized pots on the stove. She can't help but giggle a little and says, "Uncle... I don't think you should waste that much food." Aeon, however, looks down at his feet, seeing his tiny niece, and says, "It's been like 16 years, Elysia. Of course, we must celebrate."

Aeon then gracefully sits down on the floor, the sound of his mechanical joints echoing through the room as he crosses his legs. "Come, eat," he waves his hand to the table. Elysia looks up at her uncle with wide eyes for a moment before her expression softens into a thankful smile, "Thank you... Uncle."

Together, the two continue to eat, sharing stories and memories. For Elysia, it's a celebration of reuniting with her long-lost uncle after all these years. For Aeon, it's a reminder of the joys of having guests, of sharing his creations with those he cares about. As they eat, the giant robot uncle and his tiny human niece share a moment of warmth and connection, surrounded by the aromas and flavors of Aeon's magnificent feast.

As Elysia finished her meal, her eyes wandered back to the massive stove with concern for the leftover food. She approached Aeon and asked, "Uncle, can you at least give me some for myself?" A smile crept across her face as she requested for some 'few' leftovers, and Aeon nodded in response, saying, "Sure, I will give you as much as you want." He then handed her eight small Bento boxes, tied up together for easy carrying. Elysia beamed with gratitude and replied, "Thanks, Uncle~."

Aeon sat down on the floor, crossing his feet, and continued the conversation, "Say, what are you doing here, Elysia? Well, I know it's a weird question, but I would like to know if you have anything you'd like to ask or do before you leave." His low mechanical hum echoed in the room as he looked at Elysia. She replied, "Oh, well...you see, Uncle, we are going to have an event in school, and...parents can be invited, of course. And, of course, you're not really my parent, but I would like you to come...it would be nice if you could, but..." Elysia's sweat drop was visible as she smiled with concern in her eyes, looking at Aeon's giant robotic and mechanical body with visible gears.

Aeon chuckled, saying, "I see, I see." He scratched his sharp golden metallic chin, pondering for a bit before looking back down at Elysia, mentally smiling behind his robotic face. "I think I know what to do," he said. Elysia tilted her head, making a confused, innocent yet curious expression, wondering what her uncle was thinking.

8 days later

Elysia walked down the school hallway with a device that looked very similar to a phone, although it was 4 inches bigger than a normal one. She held it with both hands facing it in front of her. The phone thing was Aeon, more specifically Aeon using it as a way to come to her school as he used the golden phone as a camera to watch in his base on multiple screens. It was better than going as a giant alien robot being. The students of the prestigious school were staring at her as she walked.

"Well... according to what I remember that is..." Aeon said in his mind.

Elysia went to the headmaster's office. The headmaster was an old woman with wrinkles yet still looking youthful and strict but a warm atmosphere around her.

(Not mine, got this from pinterest, check out the wattad version for a full experience with images)

"Hello Headmaster!" Elysia greeted, holding the golden phone with one hand and waving with the other. She sat down in a chair and the headmaster smiled.

"Hello Elysia, what brings you here, dear?" the headmaster asked.

Elysia put down the golden phone, which had a stand, and placed it on the headmaster's office table. "This is my uncle!" she said, raising both hands and introducing Aeon on the phone. The phone was 4 inches bigger and had a golden case, and on the screen was a red dot. This was Aeon's plan, and the only way to join Elysia at her school event.

The headmaster widened her eyes a bit, surprised by Elysia's statement. "Oh my, Elysia, you didn't tell me you have a relative. If you have a relative, why didn't you go to him?"

Elysia scratched her head and nervously chuckled. She looked at the headmaster's eyes and replied, "Well no... he isn't my blood, hehe. He adopted me, but however he wasn't able to take care of me because of reasons that my uncle don't wanna talk to me. It must be important and all of that, hehe. And now we are able to reunite." Elysia follows every word Aeon told her to say.

The headmaster was even more surprised. "My, my... well then, I'm glad that you're both back together."

Aeon finally spoke on the golden phone. "That's right, and I'm Aeon. I am here because I want to see my little niece in this event. Forgive me, but I have some fatal injuries and I'm currently in bed. Therefore, I would like to have some circumstances for my condition."

It wasn't entirely true, but some of it was. Elysia had said they hadn't seen each other, and Aeon had made up the rest to make it believable. "Truth is the key, as my mother says before I got isekaied... well, not fully, but I have to mix the truth and lie to make it believable so that it would be more convincing. I know it's wrong, however, can anybody believe that a giant Husk Nihilius, gold, and I think the Husk Nihilius hasn't even recorded about it would adopt a Herrescher before the 1st Herrescher? No? That's what I thought."

Aeon mentally talked to himself, defending what he was doing. Honestly, no normal being would believe that story. The headmaster nodded at Aeon's statement and smiled. "Of course, I'll do all I can. You don't have to worry."

Elysia emerged from the Headmaster's office and closed her eyes, taking a deep breath and letting out a big sigh of relief. She looked down at the golden phone and smiled softly.

"Yay uncle! You can finally watch me in the event! Fufu~" Elysia exclaimed happily, holding the golden phone high up as the red dot on the screen still glowed. Aeon's voice echoed with a low deep voice of a chuckle.

"Indeed... Say you haven't told me about this event of your school, is this a personal like an anniversary for the school? A holiday? Or something else?" Aeon asked through the golden phone.

Elysia made a small "oh!" sound as she lowered both of her arms down, lowering the golden phone as she smiled softly. "It's Bunkasai festival! And me and a few of my friends made a group, and we think we should do a dance performance at night since we discussed with the other students about that we are going to hold a dance in the auditorium!"

"Bunkasai? Oh, I see," Aeon said, understanding what was going to happen.

Allow me to explain.

Middle school, high school, and some universities. Elementary schools can have a separate event called gakugei kai, which is more like a showcase of performances.

Bunkasai or gakuensai is a popular school event that makes an appearance in most high school anime and manga. It's an event that is organized by each class that puts together an "attraction" like a cafe, game, food stand, or performance. Although teacher's supervise the event, the students are mostly in charge and can decide on the event theme and jobs for each student.

This is a great way for a class to build team spirit and learn how to work with their peers. Bunkasai usually lasts two days and the public is invited to come. The student's family, alumni, and prospective students can experience what the school is like.

Aeon thought of it and mentally smiled in his base as he then spoke through the golden phone again. "Well, alright, could you show me your performance then?" Elysia beamed and was so excited that she was about to jump for joy, but instead, she vibrated her whole body and tried to control herself.

"Sure uncle! While we are at it, I'll show you my friends!" Elysia dashed to the school's Gym, as she then met her friends for practice and introduced her uncle through the golden phone. They could not see Aeon's actual face on the screen of the golden phone because it only showed a red dot on the screen. Elysia placed the golden phone and activated its stand and ran to her friends as they started their rehearsal again.

As Aeon watched Elysia dancing with her friends, he then realized and thought, "I wonder what anime do they have.... Probably Homu." Aeon quickly thought of it since it's the most widely known thing. Then he realized again and thought, "Wait a minute, doesn't Homu supposed to be in 2013? ... Meh..." He didn't want to think about it and enjoyed watching the rehearsal of Elysia and her friends through the camera of the golden phone.

After her rehearsal, Aeon watched on the camera as Elysia carried the golden phone and went to other classes without saying much. Only Elysia mentioned that it was a phone her uncle used to see her since he couldn't come to visit due to his injuries, which left him bedridden at home.

"Wow, Elysia has a lot of friends... how fitting," Aeon thought as she observed Elysia being greeted by other students on the camera. As they spoke to her with respect, some of the boys blushed, making her seem like the princess of the school.

At 4 pm, the school day ended, but some students stayed longer to prepare for an event. Elysia was not only beautiful but also an excellent student who acted as a leader when needed. Whenever other students had trouble or problems, Elysia sprang into action.

"I'm proud of you, Elysia. I'm glad you're living so lively after 16 years," Elysia's uncle said through the golden phone, causing her to giggle. Aeon, with her deep, humming mechanical voice, also giggled and said something through the phone. "Alright, I'll end this call, Elysia. Do you want to come back to my base? I have some guest rooms," Aeon suggested.

Excitedly, Elysia gasped and replied, "Of course! But what about the trip, Uncle?" She released a tiny sweat drop from her forehead as the location was outside of the city, making it a bit of a hassle.

Noticing Elysia's expression, Aeon giggled again and said, "Alright, I'll grab a transport airship drone so you can wait somewhere quiet and without people. I'll send you the location with the golden phone you're holding now." He sent a map on the phone, and Elysia smiled and nodded in appreciation. "Thank you," she said.

Aeon hummed in confirmation and said through the phone, "Alright, take care," before ending the call.

As Elysia walks out of the school gate, she takes another look at the golden phone to find the destination where the transport aircraft drone will land. "Now let's see..." she murmurs.

Suddenly, she hears someone sobbing nearby. "Hm?" Elysia looks around to see who it is.

*sob sob...*

She spots a boy, dressed in the same uniform as hers. "One of my classmates?" she mutters. Elysia approaches the boy and pats his back, "Hi! The name's Elysia!" She smiles softly and asks, "Yours?"

The boy looks at her, still crying and stuttering, "Takumi..."

Elysia smiles and asks, "Hello Takumi, care to explain why you're crying here in front of the school gate? Want to talk about it somewhere private?"

Meanwhile, in Aeon's secret base, he proceeds to his office, makes plans and prepares for his first encounter with Aponia. He looks back at the hologram and types away, focusing on Aponia's profile, and makes a serious expression, producing mechanical low and very low hums. Aeon wants to make plans for other projects and starts making blueprints about a Herrescher core extractor. However, he throws away his 340th attempt and takes out a new large paper. He grabs the giant pen with his giant mechanical black and golden streaks claws and starts making another blueprint, letting out a groan.

"Hmmm... Hm?" He stops when he looks at a sketch portrait of his mother framed on his table.

(by the way not mine, just found it on google and edit it to black and white, see the images in Wattpad if you want the full experience)

Aeon stops stressing himself out and relaxes on his giant chair, grabbing the framed sketch of his mother. He sighs and thinks, "Hah...I didn't want to forget myself and who I was..." He then caresses the front of the picture frame of the sketch he made.

He sighs and says, "Mama..." before placing the sketch back on the table. "Sorry I wasn't honest about going to Elysia's school...but I know you would understand," Aeon talks to himself and rests his head, looking up at the ceiling.

"Can I even go back?" Aeon wonders. It's been almost 17 or 18 years since he started living in this world, and he thinks that his old body may have been in the grave a long time ago.

Aeon was about to mumble again, but then he heard his niece Elysia clearing her throat and realized she was on the line. He quickly put back the framed sketch and answered the call, "Elysia, what is it?"

Elysia's voice sounded worried and concerned, and Aeon could hear the sound of a child crying in the background. "Uncle... I need a little help here, uncle," she said.

Aeon changed his metal robotic face into a calm expression and asked, "Of course, what do you need?"

Elysia explained about a boy named Takumi from her school who was crying and couldn't join them. Aeon initially thought that the boy was just being lazy, but as Elysia continued to explain, he realized that Takumi's mother was unable to come due to their family's financial situation. She had to work long hours to pay off their bills and taxes.

"They will make her pay the bills and taxes if they 'help' them, uncle," Elysia said, her voice shaking with emotion.

Aeon was shocked to hear this and thought, "Oh my god, is this actually happening?" He realized that he had been so focused on his work that he hadn't paid attention to the problems in Suzhou city. But he quickly shook off those thoughts and focused on the situation at hand.

"Right, I'll know what to do. Just give me the details of what is happening with his mother, and I'll be on my way," Aeon said through the computer.

Elysia was confused but relieved that her uncle had found a solution. "Of course, uncle. I'll ask Takumi... but what are you going to do to help?"

Aeon replied on the golden phone, "Paying them for her, of course."

(author: But does he really though?)

After ending the call on the Golden giant phone, Elysia breathes a sigh of relief and looks at Takumi. She says, "My uncle will help you," and then giggles. Takumi wipes his tears and asks, "Why are you helping me?" Upon hearing this, Elysia can't help but give him a soft and gentle smile. She takes his hand and responds, "Why not?"

As the transport drone arrives to pick her up, Elysia turns around, sighs, and smiles. She says, "Seriously uncle... a bit too much?" Then, still holding Takumi's hand, she asks, "Want to go to a store?" and smiles.

At 6 p.m., a woman is inside her house when she hears a knock at the door. She turns around, opens it, and her eyes widen as she sees two men standing there. These men are loan sharks who have come to collect money from her. The woman, whose name is Nami (for the sake of having a name), feels a sense of fear as one of the loan sharks demands, "Where is the money?"

Nami shivers in fear, knowing that if she doesn't give them the money, she will be forced to do something unpleasant with them. She stutters, "I'll get the money... just not now. Please, I need more time." Nami looks down, unable to meet the gaze of the loan sharks, terrified of their potential refusal. Unfortunately, her fears prove to be true as the two loan sharks grow impatient, snarl, and grit their teeth.

"You've said that five times already! It's time to pay up!" one of the loan sharks says, licking his lips and leering at Nami's body. Feeling vulnerable, Nami instinctively covers herself with the door she's been holding onto.

"No... No, please..." she pleads. Desperate to protect herself, she tries to push the door closed. However, one of the loan sharks, who is big and beefy, pushes her back, causing Nami to shake and tremble. She continues to exert force against the door, refusing to succumb to their demands. She doesn't want to engage in "that"!

(this is mine, im doing it a quick one so its bad, I want to see my drawings, it's either on my Instagram or in Wattpad)

Suddenly, a loud bang is heard in the distance, followed by a sonic boom as something speeds through the air. The object collides with the motorcycle belonging to one of the loan sharks, creating a massive explosion. Startled, both loan sharks and even Nami stop what they're doing and look around. They turn their heads towards the source of the sound, and one of the loan sharks screams, "MY BIKE!!"

One of the two loan sharks screams in shock as his bike is destroyed. In the distant forest, Aeon is positioned with a golden SMG, ready to take action.

(mine, and its a little comic like panel, the star shine thingy is Aeon in the distance)

"It's time to pay," Aeon declares as he begins shooting at the other bike.


The second bike explodes, leaving the two loan sharks bewildered. Startled, they decide to flee and scream in panic. However, a bullet whizzes past them, causing an explosion that further terrifies them. The loan sharks continue screaming and running away from this unknown "phenomenon," growing more and more distant.

Meanwhile, Nami is left utterly confused and terrified for her life, unable to comprehend what just happened.

"W-w-what was that!?" Nami stutters, unable to make sense of the events unfolding before her. In a state of confusion, she panics and asks, "How... did that happen?"

(mine, and yes, i draw thicc too, this is not my type but i too also)

Just as she speaks, three gold bars are dropped right in front of her door. Nami stands there, trying to process the extraordinary events taking place. Overwhelmed, she exclaims, "GOLD BARS?!?" She looks around, but the night is empty, with no one in sight, not even her neighbors who have come out to witness the spectacle. Nami quickly seizes the gold bars and hurries back inside. She may not know who or what was responsible, but she feels immense gratitude toward the mysterious benefactor.


The loan sharks flee for their lives, running in a zig-zag pattern to evade any potential threat.

Loan Shark 1 exclaims, "Shit! What the hell was that?!"

Loan Shark 2 responds, "I have no idea, man!"

Exhausted, they come to a stop, attempting to catch their breath. However, they are denied a moment of respite as they hear distant thuds. The thuds continue, growing louder and more distinct, indicating the presence of something heavy and mechanical. They turn around, only to be confronted by Aeon, a menacing figure with a body made entirely of pure gold, a chest design resembling a second face, and glowing red eyes.

The two loan sharks are rendered speechless and overcome with fear, paralyzed in their tracks.

Aeon stands before them, emanating an intimidating aura. He reaches for his SMG but hesitates for a moment, pondering the impact of his actions on his mother's perception of him. It's a question that lingers in his mind, a remnant of his dwindling humanity after spending 16 years in his golden machine husk. Though his emotions have dulled, fragments of his humanity remain. Yet, as he contemplates his mother, Aeon steels himself, closes his eyes, and regains composure.

"No, she doesn't need to know. Besides, I can't return home anyway," Aeon declares, determined to proceed. Without remorse, he fires his weapon, taking the lives of the two humans. It marks his first experience of killing fellow beings, but the 16 years of residing within the golden machine husk, known as Husk Nihilius, have eroded his ability to feel empathy, shock, or fear.

"They were merely thugs," Aeon justifies his actions, as he carefully arranges the scene.

Now the question arises: how can Aeon navigate the city without being detected, considering his imposing stature? The answer is simple: he skates through the streets under the cover of night, destroying surveillance cameras along the way. Aeon sees no need to conceal his presence entirely, for he knows that without evidence, nobody would believe what they cannot see.

"After all, seeing is believing," Aeon remarks, reaffirming his approach before retreating to the mountains and his secret base.

A few days later, Elysia arrives at school and notices Takumi, who appears unusually happy.

"Elysia-san!" Takumi turns his head and greets her with a smile.

Elysia approaches him, beaming. "Takumi-kun~ How have you been? You look so happy! Did something happen?"

Takumi smiles and explains that his mother, Nami, had a strange incident one night where loan sharks were about to take her. However, there were sudden explosions, and the loan sharks fled. Takumi finds it difficult to explain what exactly happened, but Elysia can't help but imagine and understand who was behind it.

Elysia thinks to herself, "Uncle... he really took a somewhat aggressive approach, huh?"

Elysia sighs, smiles, and feels happy for Takumi. Now that his mother is safe, she can join him at school.

Entering the school premises early, Elysia hears a lot of gossip and chatter among her peers. Intrigued, she raises an eyebrow and spots one of her friends.

Elysia asks in a curious tone, "What are they all talking about?"

Her friend shows her phone and excitedly exclaims, "Apparently, a few nights ago, there were numerous explosions and blast craters all around this area."

Another friend joins the conversation, saying, "Wait, isn't that where Takumi lives?"

The first friend replies, "Yes, it seems there was some kind of monster or fight happening there."

The second friend laughs and dismisses the idea, "Come on, a monster? That's ridiculous!"

While Honkai beasts and the Honkai itself aren't widely known, Elysia's first friend gets flustered and insists, "We don't know! It could be monsters!"

The second friend smiles and rolls her eyes. "Of course not, silly. Right, Elysia?"

Elysia mentally chuckles, having seen her friend's phone and knowing that Aeon acted aggressively. She thinks to herself, "Uncle... seriously." Shaking her head, she simply smiles and sighs, as that's just how her uncle is. She replies to her second friend, "Of course, there isn't."

Elysia ponders, "I wonder what Uncle Aeon will do next?"

Meanwhile, Aeon returns to his base and sits at his giant desk. He taps the desk, revealing a holographic screen that displays multiple pictures. However, Aeon's focus is solely on one particular picture, which depicts Aponia.

"Aponia, one of the main reasons behind the MOTH. What awaits us in the future is..."

To be continued.....

Again I'm sorry I didn't update! And I'm sorry that the characters personalities might change, it's been a long time! Any way I'm gonna update this again! Whenever will it be!