
I'm a Harry Potter Wizard and I Ended Up in Hero World!

I was once a normal guy. Then I died and became the greatest wizard of my new world and got ostracized by morons because they are morons. Now I am in a world that has superheroes but somehow managed to convince themselves that leaving Nazis alive is smart. I got a lot of work to do. Warnings: •Superhero Crossover based on Worm •Every canon material can suck it •Harem •Morally a bit weird MC(he might enslave people or he might help kittens get off from trees) •OP MC(Harry Potter magic taken to the illogical extreme)

EgyptianDio · Anime & Comics
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21 Chs

Interlude 1

"Keep working you worthless smart asses, I want everything on that analyzed and given to me by tomorrow. Oh and if any of you try to sabotage the work in hopes that it might end up killing me, I will have each one of you and your families butchered! Keep working!" Her student yelled at the enslaved wizards of the department of Mysteries and she had to hold herself back from glomping her with a squeal. She was just so adorable while threatening weak wizards with violence!

She still remembered the day she found the little girl, heartbroken about the loss of her love.

Maybe that's what led to Perenelle taking her under her wing, the love she had. It reminded her of the love she felt, and still feels, for her own husband. Which reminded her of the great celebration they had after tricking his dumbass student. Why Nick wanted to take that moron under his wing, Perenelle would never understand.

Honestly, what kind of self righteous moron would believe that two of the oldest humans on the planet would give away their source of life simply because he asked and didn't have a less than pleasant reaction when he told them that the source of their life was destroyed.

No, the Flamel duo had given Albus, the old and stupid one, some bullshit about 'death is just another adventure' so that the stupid brat wouldn't bother them again, he always did like to think that the world was better off without things like their stone anyway. Self righteous prick.

At least she got to brag about her student being so much better than her husband's, so dealing with that moron Albus was somewhat worth it. Not to mention hearing his death had been far more enjoyable after dealing with the moron for years.

She had to admit though, she didn't expect little Lily to go full Dark Lady. No that wasn't right, she had expected Lily to go full Dark Lady on her father, it was the rest of her actions that had surprised her.

After learning the raid against John Walker that had ended up with the young man missing, Harry Potter scarred, Ron Weasley without his wand arm and the hideout they had been in in shambles; Lily had begged Perenelle to learn everything she could learn that would help her teach her father what it meant to cross her lover. And Perenelle had agreed to teach her the more darker subjects of magic and alchemy.

At first, it hadn't exactly borne much fruit. No matter how ferocious she was, Lily Luna Potter's magic simply wasn't attuned to battle. Her talent laid in more subtle magical arts like potions, runes, mind arts and of course alchemy. She simply would never be a magic powerhouse that could defeat her father like her beloved John.

That's when Lily decided to go a different route, instead of using her magic to battle; she used it to prepare for battle.

Forbidden rituals that would increase her strength, speed and durability. Runes etched into weapons in order to enchant them much like John Walker had discovered about the weapons of legend. Training that was all about making her into a powerhouse that the magical world had never seen the like of.

It was rather amusing that a young girl had taken over the magical Britain without a wand in a month while that weirdo with snake fetish couldn't do it in years.

It had been exhilarating to watch her little student though, the wizards who were so assured of their superiority over anyone who wasn't a British wizard were taken down by a girl swinging her axes enchanted with ice and lightning based magic, destroying their so called legacies before taking down her father; the so called savior of the world.

The ice and thunder she left behind her wake had caused the people to give her a new name, her name as the Dark Lady.

Despoina, the goddess of winter, a name that befitted her student very well.

It was after she had defeated her father that the real surprises began, Perenelle had been quite sure that Lily was going to kill the Potter patriarch but instead she used her axe in order to encase him in ice. She revealed to Perenelle that John Seith Walker hadn't perished in the battle against Potter and Weasley duo but instead had defeated them easily before using a ritual circle in order to leave their world to another.

Perenelle knew that such a thing was theoretically possible but she didn't think that there was anyone daring enough to actually attempt it, or stupid enough. Even Nick in his younger days wouldn't have attempted such a thing. Yet someone had actually done it and now her own cute little apprentice was trying to recreate the circle in order to follow after him and had enslaved all of the best and brightest of the magical Britain in order to do it.

Well, almost all of the best and brightest.

"Lily dear, don't you think you are a bit too harsh on our little friend here." Perenelle tutted with a small smile as she looked at 'footrest' Lily had her feet on. A 'footrest' covered in a rubber suit and folded in a way her forehead was on the floor with her bushy hair in a tight ponytail and her eyes devoid of any fight or will in them as she drooled around the enormous rubber ball between her teeth.

Honestly, Hermione Granger, the former Minister of Magic, had seen better days.

"No ma'am, I do not think that I am too harsh." Lily scoffed before conjuring a riding crop in her hand and struck her 'footrest' on the rear, causing a groan of pain mixed with reluctant pleasure to come out.

"Honestly, doing such a thing to your dear 'auntie'. I can somewhat understand the way you treat your mother and several of the others you keep but your contempt for miss Granger here is bit of a puzzle. Don't tell me it's because you are mad that she slept with your dear John, cause if so there is a certain widow and her granddaughter in Italy that you may have missed." Perenelle said with a smirk before taking a sip from her glass of wine while Lily snorted.

"Not at all ma'am, if John desires another woman then he is free to go for it. As a matter of fact I would go and get any woman he wants and present them to him if he desired. No, my animosity for my dear auntie is because unlike others who had the pleasure of being with John, she could have stopped that damn operation but did nothing!" Lily snapped as she struck the former Minister of Magic several more times.

"Hmm, then how about your mother and the daughter of miss Granger here? I know the way you keep those two, what did they do to earn your ire?" Perenelle asked with an amused smile, not bothered by the acts committed by her apprentice against those that she had once considered family. To be honest, few thing could bother Perenelle after living for over six centuries.

"Mother simply made the wrong choice when she chose father over my John and needs to understand that choices have consequences. Rose on the other hand..." Lily trailed off at the mention of her cousin whom she had a small grudge against due to the way she had treated Albus during their time in Hogwarts.

"Come now, it's not polite to leave a lady in waiting." Perenelle tutted at her student who averted her gaze with a small amount of pink on her cheeks.

"...she likes it." She mumbled.

"Huh, ok then." Perenelle said, her expression disappointed at the fact that there wasn't some juicy betrayal tale.

"You don't really sound surprised."

"Lily dear, my husband and I have lived for over six hundred years. Your cousin's fetishes aren't exactly freaky enough to surprise me." Perenelle said with a... not snort as she was a lady and therefore above such uncouth acts.

"I see... and have you thought about my offer ma'am?" Lily asked, wanting to change the subject.

"Hmmm, you mean taking my husband and coming with you to the next world? Still thinking about it. I guess it will depend on whether we are truly willing to deal with the fall of the Statute of Secrecy, which should happen in about two years with the rate those muggles are going. Your little snow storm in London was rather hard to conceal after all." Perenelle said before taking another sip from her wine, looking at Lily with a teasing look in her eyes.

Though, another world... Perenelle had to admit that there was a certain appeal to such a course of action. Maybe she should give Nick a few hints for their anniversary so that he could help her dear apprentice a little bit.