
I'm a Harry Potter Wizard and I Ended Up in Hero World!

I was once a normal guy. Then I died and became the greatest wizard of my new world and got ostracized by morons because they are morons. Now I am in a world that has superheroes but somehow managed to convince themselves that leaving Nazis alive is smart. I got a lot of work to do. Warnings: •Superhero Crossover based on Worm •Every canon material can suck it •Harem •Morally a bit weird MC(he might enslave people or he might help kittens get off from trees) •OP MC(Harry Potter magic taken to the illogical extreme)

EgyptianDio · Anime & Comics
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21 Chs

Chapter 4

It took me a few moments before I realized why the name sounded familiar.

Brockton Bay, the place where all the events of the novel 'Worm' took place.

God I wish I had read the novel now.

I was mostly a wiki warrior and may have read some fanfics but all that I truly knew was that the main character was a bullied girl who ended up getting superpowers and then started to make several bad life choices.

I had also heard that the novel was kinda like Attack on Titan as in everything that could go wrong would go wrong. AoT had been bad enough for me so I never touched the novel again.

I really wished that I did now.

After realizing that I was in some sort of real dark world where even heroes were assholes, I went into the city. Sure there was a part of me that said 'why are we going towards the place where the shitshow happens?!' but the answer was simple.

Why not?

It might sound stupid but I was still the same guy who robbed Gringotts just because the goblins had sent aurors after me just because I stole silver from them. Making potentially bad decisions was fun when you can live through making them.

Which was how I found myself in an Internet cafe, trying to find out as much as I could about this world through the power of internet. It was kinda weird using a computer after years though.

What I found in the internet was... somewhat concerning.

As in I was pretty sure that neither Allmight or Atomic Samurai or Wonder Woman were characters in Worm. I knew that these guys were supposed to be from other medias but for some reason they were here.

This was also bad news since I knew very little of their respective fandoms too.

DC was a mess with their constant reboots so I had stopped following it long ago.

My Hero Academy's main character had been crying non stop and definitely had Stockholm syndrome so I put it down later on.

One Punch Man… actually that one was pretty good, the problem was chapters came out with too much time between them.

Point being my already spotty knowledge of this world now had even more spots in it due to spotty knowledge of other medias.

And those three along with their fandoms were only the tip of the iceberg. I could see articles about people, heroes and villains alike, who definitely shouldn't be in this world.

There were also some stuff just missing. Like the golden guy, he wasn't a thing here. The first parahumans had appeared over a hundred years ago but at least the world wasn't populated by them, superpowers were a minority.

Endbringers on the other hand... there were more than three of them with each having their own ridiculous themes but in exchange they came around very, very rarely. As in an Endbringer attack happening more than once a in a decade was an ridiculously unlikely thing with the latest one being Leviathan that destroyed Musutafu city in Japan seven years ago, forcing many citizens to immigrate to other countries. Because of course a Kaiju attack would happen to Japan.

Final conclusion: I was in a world that I knew very little about with many characters who were strong and had their agendas that likely wouldn't tolerate someone like me and there was always a chance of some giant monster attacking cities.

I could already feel a smile forming on my face. This would be fun.


This was boring.

Honestly, I thought that Brockton Bay was supposed to be something like Gotham city where a crime would happen with each step I took. Yet nothing was happening.

I had thought that a little walk that would lead to some sort of fight would be a good way to start my new life. After that I would use my magic in order to get or create a hideout and start planning.

Instead I had been walking for an hour with nothing out of ordinary happening.

I feel ripped off.

Then I hear some footsteps from behind me, erratic and somewhat messy, stopping whenever I stopped or looked around. Interesting, might as well see what my little stalker wants. So I changed my path and went into one of the darker alleys; all shadows, trash cans, cats moving around and sewer smell. Perfect place for a mugging.

"Hands in the air!" My stalker said from behind me and I turned to see that my esteemed stalker was actually a woman. I'm already liking where this is going.

She had tanned skin, straight black hair and green eyes. She was also holding a gun that looked like it might fall apart any second.

"You really don't want to do this." I said with a smile.

"Just be quiet, and hand over whatever you have!" She said with a slight Italian accent while her hands shook, not from fear though. She looked like she was about to fall down and sleep any moment, her cheeks were also slightly sunken, depraving her most of her beauty. Shame.

"Nah, I don't think I will." I said and then she pulled the trigger. But instead of a bullet, some sort of green energy came out of the gun's barrel.

She seemed rather resigned and even had a sneer on her face, which turned into a look of shock as the energy just stopped in front of me.

"W-what?! How?! Parahuman!" She yelled but before she could alert anyone, I knocked her out with a simple stunner.

I was right, this world was fun. It had been almost a year since the last time I used this trick to stop any kind of projectile.

The idea was simple enough. In America any wizard worth their salt who entered dueling circuits could use a small protego around their wand. Then they would intercept the coming spells with their wand like a baseball bat, sending the spells back.

What I did was creating a small protego and then changed it's shape into a sphere at the moment the energy made contact with it, trapping the attack midair. Simple in theory but ridiculously hard to pull it off in real life.

I had more important issues now though, staring with this lady who attacked me and her gun that looked shoddy but shot energy blasts instead of bullets.
