
I'm a Harry Potter Wizard and I Ended Up in Hero World!

I was once a normal guy. Then I died and became the greatest wizard of my new world and got ostracized by morons because they are morons. Now I am in a world that has superheroes but somehow managed to convince themselves that leaving Nazis alive is smart. I got a lot of work to do. Warnings: •Superhero Crossover based on Worm •Every canon material can suck it •Harem •Morally a bit weird MC(he might enslave people or he might help kittens get off from trees) •OP MC(Harry Potter magic taken to the illogical extreme)

EgyptianDio · Anime & Comics
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21 Chs

Chapter 2

Alright, that small army of skeletons should keep them busy while I prepare. Never thought that there would be a day where I would use Öreks, undead created with Turkish magic, they were quite honestly some of the weakest form of undead. Just slightly above an Inferi. So they should be able to deal with them with at most one or two casualties, and that is only if they act stupid. Like not use fire even though they are zombies or use Stunners.

But if they are that dumb then it is better to just remove them from the gene pool anyway.

Admittedly I was somewhat ashamed of what I was about to do. It felt like running away. And I hadn't ran away from nobody since that time madame Zabini realized that I was fucking her granddaughter behind her back.

You people think Harry Potter was badass for killing one guy with no nose? That lady had over seventeen husbands and five wives who died tragically of natural causes and people were still trying to get a piece of that ass. I ain't gonna fuck with that woman… except for literally. That I would and did do.

Now though, here I was packing my packs with more objects that should be possible to fit into physically without the aid of magic before stuffing all my packs into my enchanted briefcase.

Putting them into a enchanted bag may have been easier but when life gives you a choice between some stupid bag and a cool briefcase that you would see in the hands of a man like James Bond, you always choose the briefcase.

So I put every pack into it. My pack of magical plants, pack of magical weed, pack of highly illegal weapons, pack of legendary items and even my pack of magic beasts. Though I have to wonder how all the monsters inside don't experience the mother of all earthquakes whenever I pick their bag up.

Doesn't matter. I had to put the finishing touches on the runic circle. I was kinda hoping to do this without an audience but hey, no plan survives the first contact with the enemy. Even if the plan was to have no contact with the enemy.

And… they broke through the wards. Somewhat faster than I had expected but not overly so. Oh well, didn't matter. My work was done and now I only had to wait.

Though… there were two of them who were getting closer far faster than the others. Fast enough to reach the hall before the ritual was fully charged. But hooww… broomsticks. Of course it was broomsticks. Never understood the obsession our community had with flying off on a long piece of wood that had less safety precautions than Hogwarts during Harry Potter's school life.

And while I was having an inner monologue, the twosome had arrived, Harry Potter and Ron Weasley. Great.

"Surrender John! This is the end!" Harry yelled as he pointed his wand at me.

"Yeah, yeah. I am starting to think that Voldemort didn't die to a disarming charm but killed himself so that he wouldn't have to hear your corny and cliche lines." I said with a laugh.

"Enough! This is where it ends, now!" Ronald Weasley yelled out with spit flying out of his mouth, gross.

"Ron, calm down, we need to..."

"Ends? You mean like your marriage?" I said with a shit eating grin over Potter and I could almost hear the inferior Weasley's self control snapping.

"Confringo!" The redhead yelled out as he wiped his wand out and sent a blasting curse to where my head was a moment ago.

"Come now Weasley, using spells like that is dangerous for you. It might have blown up in your face, I heard that your last wand did something like that!" I laughed at the incoherent yell of rage of Ron Weasley. He was just so easy to anger, it was hilarious.

"Ron, calm down!"

"Screw off Harry! This bastard ruined my marriage!" Say what?

"I didn't ruin your marriage idiot. You ruined your marriage trying to pull a Thomas Edison on your wife and the other Unspeakables. Which was a dumb decision even by your standards." I said with a smile before clapping my hands and then pointing my palms towards them.

"Fulmina Vehemens!" Two bright arcs of electricity formed in my palms before surging towards the idiot duo.

"Tell me John! How much did you dirty your soul with dark magics in order to obtain your wandless magic?!" Harry yelled as he sent a stunning spell towards me that I easily avoided.

Honestly, 'dirty my soul with dark magic'? Could he get any more cliche and self righteous. Also it's not like what I did was wandless magic in the first place.

I had just magically planted several magic cores in every bone in my body from my finger bones to my spine in order to become a wand. Not that I would tell the idiot that.

"You tell me this, Potter! You sure you want to fight me? You already died twice, third time just might be the charm!" I yelled out as I sent a fireball towards him.

"Don't take your eyes off of me you fucker!" Weasley yelled as he sent a spell that had a sickly yellow color, likely a blood curdling curse.

"Bored with you now." I said with a deadpan as I clapped my hands together and the earth around Weasley turned into a cocoon, trapping him.

"Bastard! Release me and fight like a man!" He yelled while trying to break free of the bindings, not that he could. The moron had dropped his wand, without it he was nothing impressive. Though to be fair, nobody in our little community was anything impressive once you took their wands away.

"Stupefy!" I tilted my head in order to avoid the red bolt of magic coming from behind. So predictable.

"Anything else you want to try?" I mocked Potter with my hands locked behind my head. He on the other hand simply glared at me and then started to wave his wand around.

Wonder if I'll get to see something interesting from him for once.