
I'm a Harry Potter Wizard and I Ended Up in Hero World!

I was once a normal guy. Then I died and became the greatest wizard of my new world and got ostracized by morons because they are morons. Now I am in a world that has superheroes but somehow managed to convince themselves that leaving Nazis alive is smart. I got a lot of work to do. Warnings: •Superhero Crossover based on Worm •Every canon material can suck it •Harem •Morally a bit weird MC(he might enslave people or he might help kittens get off from trees) •OP MC(Harry Potter magic taken to the illogical extreme)

EgyptianDio · Anime & Comics
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21 Chs

Chapter 17

"Why? Why in the name of everything logical and scientific did you call yourself Oberon?!" Monica snapped with her face in her hands, what a drama queen.

"It was the name of a king. He also was a fae, which means he had bullshit powers. Like me." I shrugged with a smile.

"Why are you making such a big deal out of it anyway?" Honestly, you would think me killing bunch of druggies and kidnapping another one, whom I threw in the dungeons, would have been far more important but no. She was stuck on the name instead and looking at me like I was some sort of idiot.

"It is rather frightening how ignorant you are about some things in the world while holding all that power." She said with a sigh, rude.

"People don't take it kindly when a cape takes their name from a mythology, doubly so if it is connected to fairies or Greece."

"Ok... why fairies and Greece?" Cause the first one was somewhat understandable. You call yourself by the name of a god, you are a try hard moron with a eight grader syndrome who likely wouldn't survive for more than a year as a cape.

"Fairies because there is currently a mental cape who is called the Queen of Fairies, Glaistig Uaine. She is probably the single most dangerous cape in the world, she can resurrect any cape who dies around her as a shade that can use their power under her command."

"Sounds like the kind of gal that most would want dead." I said with a raised eyebrow.

"They tried, the result was a Glaistig Uaine with more thralls under her command so she became one of the capes that the world decided to just back the fuck away from, out of sight out of mind." She said with a groan.

"I am guessing the Greece has a similar reason."

"A cape who calls herself Hippolyta. She is fucking mental as well; has the whole Alexandria package of flight, strength and invulnerability along with some sort of trauma master combo power that allows her to make women loyal to her and make them at least tier three brutes."

"Let me guess, they are called Amazons." I said with a raised eyebrow.

"With their own little island in Greece. She is strong by herself and has an army of parahumans who are all at least brutes and some that even have other powers because some moron heroes and villains tried to take over her island or bring her to justice. Morons." She said with a snort.

"You understand why your name was a bad decision?" She asked with a tired gaze.

"Yeah, but I don't think it will be a problem." I said with a smile as I shrugged. Let's be honest, what were the chances of somebody in the Bay making a big fuss out of my name anyway.


"This is obviously an attack on us!"

"Carol, just drop it."

"No Sarah, I am not going to drop it! Can't you see?" Carol Dallon, the Brandish of New Wave, said to her sister and the leader of their team.

"You heard Vicky's tale. A new villain, in expensive clothes, acting like he is a nice guy and naming himself after a king; it's same as Marquis!" She practically begged her sister to understand what she was saying.

"Only a coincidence Carol, and your senseless paranoid obsession about the coming of some 'new Marquis' has always been annoying anyway!"

"It's not some obsession!"

"You thought Skidmark might be trying to be the new Marquis!" Sarah snapped and Carol could feel the heat on her cheeks. That, admittedly, hadn't been exactly her brightest moment. In her defense Skidmark had acted like a competent guy at the first few days of his debut as a villain before revealing himself to be drug addled fool.

Even she admitted that she had been wrong about that, in her mind, away from any sentient life.

"You heard Victoria, he told her to tell us that he said hello."

"So he wants to screw our heads, it's not exactly that unusual for a criminal to do." Sarah rolled her eyes.

"So you're just gonna let him go?!" Carol snapped, not liking the way the conversation was going.

"Don't try to twist my words, sister. We will go after him, because he is a villain and has kidnapped Whirlygig; meaning that it was likely him who kidnapped Squealer and started the rampage of the Merchants. Not because he reminds you of Marquis." The leader of the New Wave said firmly, not willing to let her sister have any other ideas.

"Fine." Seeing that she couldn't exactly convince her sister of her side of things, Carol decided to give up. For now.

"But you are aware that him choosing a name like that will attract Glaistig Uaine, right?"

"That's why the PRT will try to keep this as quiet as possible, hopefully we'll be able to catch him before he makes himself properly well known." Sarah said with a sigh, not even needing to look at her sister to know the chances of that happening.

They were never that lucky.


Ryuunosuke Kenta, these days better known as Lung, looked at the reports his grunts, and that's that they were, brought him.

Things were getting worse.

He hadn't cared much at the start when that little weakling Skidmark started to rampage because someone took his bimbo from him. The only reason he hadn't smashed that little druggie and his druggie crew was because he knew those bastards from the Empire would pounce on his territory the moment he took his eyes off of them. But now things were getting worse, the reports said that there had been a few Merchants who rampaged outside of their territories.

That wouldn't do.

Sure they weren't in his territory but at the rate they were going, one of those morons would try to get smart in his territory and then he would have to clean off the blood from his mask after popping them like a pimple. So he had to make a show to remind them not to get in.

A week, that's how long he would give to Skidmark to get his men under control unless they barged into his territory. Otherwise he would remind these people why he was the dragon of this city and the reason he stood at the top.