
I'm a Harry Potter Wizard and I Ended Up in Hero World!

I was once a normal guy. Then I died and became the greatest wizard of my new world and got ostracized by morons because they are morons. Now I am in a world that has superheroes but somehow managed to convince themselves that leaving Nazis alive is smart. I got a lot of work to do. Warnings: •Superhero Crossover based on Worm •Every canon material can suck it •Harem •Morally a bit weird MC(he might enslave people or he might help kittens get off from trees) •OP MC(Harry Potter magic taken to the illogical extreme)

EgyptianDio · Anime & Comics
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21 Chs

Chapter 12

"Water on the whore!" John yelled before a sphere of water about as big as her head formed before them and hit the bound form of Squealer.

"Wh-What the hell?!" The bound tinker sputtered as she tried to get up only to wince at the pain from the rope that bound her to her chair.

"Greetings Squealer!" John said with what Monica assumed to be a very big smile, she couldn't see because of his new mask though. Which looked like a metal hockey mask with some sort of occultist symbol on its forehead.

"Who the fuck are you?! You fucking…" the rest of Squealer's tirade against John was cut off short as he grabbed her by her cheeks and squeezed them.

"Yeah quiet now, we'll need to get rid of the waste you accumulated till now." He said before pulling a crystal vial from his trench coat, opened the cork and then forced it into Squealer's mouth. Force feeding her whatever it was inside the vial.

"Take a few steps back." John said as he did as he said and Monica did so as well, already used to John's shenanigans.

And thank god she did cause right after they did Squealer opened her mouth and some sort of pinkish sludge started to fly out of her mouth.

It was like a train wreck. You couldn't avert your eyes no matter how wrong it was and the scientist in Monica wanted to know how exactly Squealer managed to puke out so much liquid without any obvious side effects. Other than smell.

"Oh boy, this is even nastier than I imagined." John waved his hand in front of the nose of his mask, as if he was trying to wave away the bad smell.

"Scourgify." He said and clapped his hands, which somehow made all of the sludge that came out of Squealer to vanish. Even the sludge on Squealer.

Though Monica was a bit more interested in the word John had said before using his powers.

"Now for the smell." John said and clapped his hands again, this time causing an impressive amount of water to appear out of nowhere and fall on Squealer.

"Puh, you fucker! I don't know what you just did but when Skiddy finds out that you kidnapped me he will fuck you up! And make your lil bitch watch!" The Merchant with rather impressive assets yelled at them and then kept screaming some other less than polite things about them. Not that Monica had expected much more than a Merchant, they were notoriously uncivilized after all.

"Cute. Except Skiddy isn't here now." John laughed as he walked towards his captive and clapped his hands, which somehow caused Squealer's hair and clothes to dry.

"I am the one who is here. So let's talk about how you'll tell me everything I want to know about the Merchants." He said as he finally stopped behind Squealer's chair and put his hands on her shoulder. Which the tinker of the Merchants tried to shake off, causing her enormous chest to bounce around.

"Go fuck yourself in the ass with a rake! I ain't telling you nothing!" Squealer yelled and Monica could almost feel a smile appearing on John's face.

"Wrong answer." He chuckled for a moment before he harshly said…


And then Squealer started to scream while trashing in her chair.


I was a big enough man in order to admit that I didn't really like torture much. But I kinda liked a woman with huge chest trashing under my hands, which was why I was actually doing this to Squealer rather than just rip the knowledge out of her head.

And also because I didn't like her attitude.

Honestly, I kinda think the way she was hyperventilating and the way Monica was looking at me was bit of a overreaction. I didn't even use Crucio on my little captive. Mostly because I wanted to hurt her, not to turn her into a vegetable.

"Ok, are we ready to talk now?" I asked kindly, to which Squealer just responded with a fearful look.

"You… you are crazy, you just broke every unwritten rule." She whispered harshly, looking on the verge of a panic attack. Though, unwritten rules, really?

"Please, we both know that those rules don't mean shit and you people just use it as an excuse when the heroes actually get serious and become a threat. I couldn't care less about that shit." I said with a tone of finality in my voice.

"Now then, are you going to talk? Or should we continue as we were?"


"How bad is it?" Armsmaster asked Battery who was sitting next to him with a depressed look.

"Bad enough that Assault isn't making inappropriate and tasteless jokes." The Protectorate cape said with a sigh as she badmouthed her husband without a second thought.

"That's pretty bad." And Armsmaster agreed with her, not caring that Assault was right next to them.

"Yeah, it is pretty bad." Miss Militia agreed with them with a nod.

"You guys are dicks." Finally at the end of his patience, Assault glared at them.

"Jokes aside, the situation is pretty bad. If nothing changes soon, the rampage of the Merchants might cause the ABB and the Empire to act as well." Battery said with a sigh, not even wanting to imagine the disaster such a situation would cause.

"And we still aren't getting more heroes to the city, why?" Assault asked with a frown.

"I have no idea. But I'm starting to think that the government may have actually given up on this city." Miss Militia said with a sigh. Nobody was happy with such a thought process, but it was telling that none of them were able to outright say that she was wrong.

"How are the wards?" Militia asked Armsmaster, hoping to change the subject to anything that might be more positive.

"Excited, the brats just want to go out there and punch bad guys. Though the way Shadow Stalker is acting is a bit worrisome."

"You think she'll try to go vigilante again?" Assault asked with worry, he might not like the former edgy vigilante but he didn't like the thought of a teenager just going against villains with no back up either.

"No, I don't she'll risk it. But I'll keep an eye on her anyway." Armsmaster said, it was his job after all.

He just wished that his job didn't suck so much.