
First High Magic Academy (5)

"You think now that you have a bat you can fight back? Dream on!" The boy with the buzz cut immediately put up his fists and they began glowing red.


I chuckled and continued running at him. Once he got within distance of the bat I lightly swung it at him. He immediately jumped back and I saw the familiar three blue arrows flying at me.


As I ducked, the expected large figure began dashing towards me, arms extended to sweep me to the ground. Smiling to myself at their predictable pattern of attack, I thought 'Incorporeal'.

My body immediately looked faint and shadowy and I let him dash through me before swinging the bat as hard as I could at the back of his head. 


My arm vibrated as if I had hit metal and I almost dropped the bat from the rebound. Thankfully, the fat blonde boy staggered a couple of steps before he dropped to the floor with a thud. 



The two students screamed and stared in horror at their friend laying on the floor without moving.

"That's one."

 I shook out the hand holding the bat before dashing back at the boy with the buzz cut. He immediately swung his red fist at my face which I easily ducked before kneeing him in his crotch.

"That's dirty." He squeaked as his face turned red from the pain. I had to give him props though since his hands stayed up, guarding his face.

"And a 3 vs 1 isn't? Funny." 

Ignoring his nonsensical words, I swung my right fist at him. The moment he tried to block it, I swung the bat at him, watching in satisfaction as he flew sideways and his arm snapped with a large 'crack'.

"Ahhhhhhhhhh! You broke my arm, you bastard!" He screamed before dropping to the ground, his right arm hanging limply. I could see his face covered in sweat as he clutched his arm and vomited on the ground.


I turned towards the last one standing, noting the three blue arrows floating behind him.

"Since you're the archer, you must be Chester? Ready to give up?" I smiled softly as I watched his eyes roll between his two friends lying on the floor.

"Wait- wait! Let's talk. Violence is not the answer" Chester took one step back, then another.

"Is that right? Yet I seem to remember you attacked me first?" I quickly approached him as he continued backing away then sprinted once he turned and tried to run.

Swinging the bat, I gently whacked him on the back, knocking him to the ground. Before he could move, I kicked him in the face and repeatedly stomped on his chest.

"Ughhhh. Please spare me." Chester groaned as he stared up at the golden eyes looking down at him coldly.

Ignoring him, I kicked his face once more while happily looking at my status screen.


Asani Martin

Child of the Nox Clan

Gifts: 3/3

Gifts: ▷Eye of Odin (D), ▷Beloved By Mana (F), ▷Mana Craftsman(F)

Curses: 5 Effects.

Blessing: 5 Effects.

Crimes committed: (1/1)(Assault & Battery)

Familiar: None

Mana attribute: N/A ]

Good. Another crime was completed for the day. Now it was time to get some money, after all, I needed to be able to eat.

"Spare me. I'll do anything." Chester groaned once again while trying to protect his face. 

"Then transfer some credits over to me. Otherwise, I'll whack you again. Think carefully and take a look at your friends before you answer. I'll wait." I nudged his face with the bat while stomping on his chest once more. Although he wasn't the one who kicked me earlier, he was part of the cause and my chest still hurt.

"That's enough of that. Didn't I warn you not to cause problems, Asani Martin?" A cold voice spoke out.

I turned to look at the person walking closer, waving with my free hand while continuing to grind my foot on Chester's chest.

"Hello again Professor Lee. Fancy seeing you here. Here to sniff me again?" I gave her my most charming smile.

"Lose that flippant attitude and let that student up, Asani Martin. Why are you causing trouble when you haven't even been here for a full day?" Professor Rebecca Lee sighed in irritation as she stared at the carnage around the student smiling happily at her. 

One boy lay on the ground foaming at the mouth while lying unconscious. His body twitched every now and then but apart from that he lay completely still.

Another one sat on the ground covered in vomit while cradling what looked like a broken arm and was groaning in pain.

The third one was currently being stomped on with a bat resting on his face while the culprit who had beaten everyone had a cold smile. His golden eyes were glowing as he fearlessly stared at her and apart from a few leaves stuck in his hair and a few smudges of dirt on his face, he looked completely fine.

I glanced at the Professor noting the hand that was reaching for her spear before snorting once and removing my foot from Chester's chest.

"I don't know why you're saying I'm the troublemaker instead of asking why three other students attacked me, professor. I was only defending myself from their attack."

"How can I believe they attacked you when they're lying on the floor looking like that and the only one who has a weapon here is you? The only weapon you're allowed to have on campus is school-assigned weapons and class hasn't started yet so where did you get that?" Rebecca Lee retorted coldly while glaring at Asani's disrespectful tone. She glanced down at the black bat giving off an ominous aura before looking up at him.

"Oh, this?" I swung the bat around before willing it to disappear in a flash of black light. "Do you see a weapon professor? Because I don't. And besides, once you have a gift, aren't you automatically a walking weapon?" I gave her a smirk before dusting my hands off and stretching.

"Now am I in trouble or can I go back to my dorm? After all the opening ceremony is bright and early tomorrow morning and I need to get my beauty sleep."

Rebecca Lee: "..." What kind of cheeky student with no respect for authority was this? She was used to this kind of behavior from children of the 9 clans as their pride knew no bounds. Yet this cocky student who was ranked last in his year was confidently talking down to her as if she was his age and a mere subordinate.

"Fighting anywhere outside of the training center and the arena is prohibited by the school rules. As the discipline committee head, I should be taking you in for punishment."

"Oh. But classes haven't started yet so am I actually in trouble?" I asked again while smiling at her. I watched as her eyes flashed yellow before returning back to blue and she relaxed her grip on her spear.

"I'll let it slide this once. Go back to your dorm and stop causing trouble. The next time you do, I won't be so lenient."

"Yes ma'am." I gave her a careless salute before strolling over and picking up my brick.

I began walking away before turning back and gazing at the three students. 

"Ohh, before I forget. Chester Warren, Kyle Barrett, Butch Forger? Let's do this again tomorrow. Officially on the training grounds. I haven't forgotten that you wanted to steal my credits and beat me up to get brownie points from others. Make sure you come find me at some point tomorrow. If you don't, I'll find you and give you a beating 10 times worse than today."

"Stop threatening students and get out of here Asani Martin before I change my mind."

"Sure thing professor!"

I watched in satisfaction as the two conscious ones flinched before avoiding my gaze.

Focusing on activating my mana vision, I glanced at the professor, then the surroundings noting two giant bodies of mana hiding just out of sight in the forest. Considering the fact that she was from the Domare family, those must be her beast familiars.

"Good night professor. You should introduce me to your lovely pets sometime." I casually waved at the beings in the forest and the disgruntled professor before whistling and walking away.

As she watched the laid-back student amble away, Rebecca Lee couldn't help but sigh. Truly another troublemaker had appeared.

She whistled softly and two giant black wolves that came up to her shoulder quietly walked out of the forest.

One had red eyes with a large red jewel on its forehead while the other had blue eyes and had a blue jewel. The wolves came to nuzzle her and she affectionally patted their heads before ordering them.

"Little Red, grab the unconscious one. Little Blue, grab that crybaby over there. We need to take them to the infirmary for healing."

The wolves walked over and with a practiced motion gently bit the students on their uniforms before carelessly tossing them on their backs.

Rebecca Lee turned to the red-haired student in irritation and asked, "Oi redhead, can you walk or do I need to carry you?"

"I can walk professor." The student replied in a shaky voice as he carefully stood up. His face was swelling up but apart from that, he looked the least damaged.

"Good. Names of you and your friends? And don't try to lie to me."

"I'm Chester Warren professor. The blond is Butch Forger and the other one is Kyle Barrett. Are we in trouble?" Chester asked in a shaky voice.

"I think the beating you got today was enough so I'll let it slide. If I catch you all causing trouble again, you'll be disciplined harshly."

"Yes ma'am," Chester replied with his head facing down. He couldn't believe that he and his friends had been defeated so soundly by the lowest rank student. There had to be some sort of mistake! That student had to have cheated somehow!

"And this should show you that school rank is not equivalent to combat ability. In real life, things like rank can be somewhat meaningless. There are plenty of strong people who don't care about such things." Rebecca Lee calmly told them as she led them to the infirmary. Seeing the unwilling looks on the two boys' faces, she couldn't help but shrug. They would learn the hard way then if they didn't want to listen.

As she walked she couldn't help but think about the student Asani Martin. Such a handsome kid had such a terrible personality. She had a feeling that even though he was ranked last, his true strength was higher than that and based on his personality, he would be getting in a lot of trouble this year.

Thinking about the incidents she would have to deal with in the future as the head of the disciplinary committee, she couldn't help but grimace.