
First High Magic Academy (4)

I woke up a couple of hours later to the sound of someone repeatedly ringing the doorbell to my room. When I opened the door, there was a package inside of a short wall-e-looking delivery robot.

[ Delivery for Student Asani Martin. Please scan watch or ID ] a little robotic voice sounded out.

I sleepily scanned the watch and collected the package once the front of the robot opened up.

"Thank you, little guy. Get back safely." I told it, even if it couldn't understand.

[ You're welcome Student Asani Martin ]

The eye on the robot blinked and flashed as it stood there. Curious as to what it was, I analyzed it.

[Delivery Bot 1028]

[Creator: Stein Meraki]

[A Mass Manufactured Delivery Robot]

"Thanks again. Get back safe."

I patted the top of the robot's head gently before closing the door.

Inside the package were three black uniforms, six pairs of training clothes, extra towels, and an array of underwear and socks all in my size.

A quick glance at my watch showed me that it was 9 p.m. I had slept the day away and was now hungry. I quickly linked my bank account to my watch and changed into training clothes and my hoodie. As I left, I contemplated leaving my brick behind but decided to bring it along as I followed the map to the cafeteria.

As I walked through the large campus, I marveled at the difference between this morning and right now. The beautiful scenery that was visible during the day now had a different vibe with the globes of floating light balls illuminating everything. Even though it was late, students were still bustling all around in groups of twos and threes around the campus but it was much quieter now. As I passed different buildings, I saw some older-looking students walking by with weapons openly attached to their backs and sides. Apart from that it truly looked peaceful, as if this were really a regular academy.

I strolled around the entire campus for a couple of hours, enjoying the peace and quiet while memorizing the paths to all the important buildings.

Eventually, I ended up in the cafeteria, a large modern building near the center of the campus. The inside was full of students in line to get food or sitting at the multiple tables spread around and chatting. Since I didn't know anybody, I got in line and grabbed a simple meal of roast chicken, vegetables, rice, and some apple juice.

"That will be 300 credits. Please use your watch to pay." An older lady smiled as I went to her to ring up my food.

Asani: "..."

300 credits? I stared incredulously at the old lady and couldn't help but ask.

"Big sister, did you make a mistake? 300 credits?" For reference, at the diner that I ate at this morning, the total came out to 200 credits for over 10 plates of food. The total money I had taken from James Clerr was a little over 20,000 credits. If I limited myself and only ate 3 meals a day, the money would be gone in a little over two months.

The old lady gave me a kind smile before she whispered conspiratorily.

"You remind me of my grandson so I am giving you the employee discount. It's usually 600 credits for the chicken meal set."

Asani: "Big Sis are you sure you can't give me another discount? Like another 200 credits off?"

"Hahaha, flattery will get you nowhere young man. This I the best I can do for you. If you make sure to come to eat around midnight each day, I'm usually working and can give you a discount."


Rather than beating people up, it seemed I needed to become a robber instead. Otherwise, I would quickly run out of money eating three square meals a day.

After reluctantly paying, I took my food to a table in the corner before quickly scarfing it down.

Once I finished, I quietly left the cafeteria and slowly made my way back to my dormitory, taking the long way back through the forest path as I digested my meal.

As I approached The Grotto, three figures in black uniforms suddenly jumped out of the bushes and stood in different poses in front of me.

"Hand over your watch and credits or get beaten!"

"The three bandits are here to show you whose boss!"

"Get ready to face the wrath of the three dragons!"

Asani: "..."

I stared blankly at the three clown-like characters who couldn't agree on a slogan and yet were trying to jump me.

The boy in the center had a slim figure and bright orange hair parted down the middle. The boy to his right was both taller and fatter with dark blonde hair pulled back in a short ponytail and a potbelly that stuck out of his uniform jacket. The boy on the left had an average build with a buzz cut and burnt sleeves which exposed his muscled forearms.

"Hey, I thought we agreed to be direct! Where is dragon coming from?"

"Bandits Kyle? Really?"

"I thought mine sounded good! Dragons are cool!"

I watched the three argue before sighing to myself and continuing to walk away. What a bunch of losers. I would feel bad beating them up.

"Hey Rank 1000. Where the hell do you think you're going?" The red-haired kid pointed as he yelled at me.

"…do I know you?" I turned back to look at them.

"Heh. You'll soon know of our mightiness but everyone knows you. The last-place loser first-year student. It's all over the school forums. A loser who thinks he's so handsome and cool and dared to seduce a senior student yet is at the bottom of the ranks. We're here to take you down and take your credits. Then everyone will know how great the three dragons are!"

Asani: "..." What kind of cliched bullshit was this?

"First, I never said I was handsome or cool nor have I seduced any student. Secondly, what exactly is the plan here? You three are going to jump me and rob me to get praise from others? You think they'll praise you for jumping the last place student in a 3 vs 1" I asked just to clarify as I palmed my brick in annoyance.

"You can't trick us with your nonsense! Butch get him!" The redhead yelled.

Immediately, the blond boy charged at me at a speed surprising for his size.

I jumped to the side while quickly viewing their status sheets.

Butch Forger

Age: 17

Rank: F


[Strength – E]

[Stamina – F]

[Speed – E]

[Perception – F]

[Vitality – E]

[Magic power – F]

[Intelligence – F]

Gifts: ▷Harden(F), ▷Charge(F)

Familiar: None

Mana attribute: Metal.

Kyle Barrett

Age: 17

Rank: F


[Strength – F]

[Stamina – F]

[Speed – E]

[Perception – F]

[Vitality – F]

[Magic power – E]

[Intelligence – E]

Gifts: ▷Heat Palm (F), ▷Flurry(F)

Familiar: None

Mana attribute: Fire.

Chester Warren

Age: 17

Rank: F


[Strength – F]

[Stamina – F]

[Speed – E]

[Perception – E]

[Vitality – F]

[Magic power – E]

[Intelligence – E]

Gifts: ▷Archer(F), ▷Hawk Eyes(F)

Familiar: None

Mana attribute: None.


Glancing at the status of the trio, I had no choice but to take them seriously. Their individual stats were higher than mine and their group seemed very balanced with two close-ranged fighters and someone who could attack from a distance.

I caught a flash of light behind me and dropped to the ground, ducking the three blue arrows that swiftly flew past me. Almost immediately a flurry of fists flew rapidly at my face and as I guarded with both hands, a foot slammed into my chest, sending me rolling and coughing on the ground.

I immediately got up but was immediately knocked over as the blond boy clotheslined me as he charged by. As I struggled to my feet, three more arrows flew past me causing me to duck behind a tree.

I squatted on the ground, wiping the dirt from my clothes, as I listened to the three boys laughing as they chatted with each other while surrounding me in a triangle formation.

"What a loser. He doesn't even know how to use his gifts."

"Maybe his gift is getting hit? He's doing it pretty well haha. I don't even need to activate my fire since he can't take a regular punch."

"Man, I thought he was some hot stuff with the way he was talking to us and his eyes were glowing. This is such a waste of time. I hope his credits are at least worth it."

As they continued chatting and joking, I coldly peeked out from behind the tree and looked between them before ducking again.

I had dropped my brick after the first hit and was currently weaponless. It was easy enough to dodge the arrows but the problem was the other two students that jumped in while I was distracted. The buzzcut was a close-range fighter while the fatty dished out surprise heavy hits. One on one it wouldn't be a problem but it was a surprisingly good combo when they worked together. They had good synergy and have definitely done this before. If only I had a weapon to create some distance or even isolate them so I could take them one-on-one.

My only hope was my Mana Craftsman gift but I had only ever used the imbue function. I wasn't even sure how to activate it but I had to try.

Focusing on my hands, I imagined what I wanted and whispered.

"Craft me a handgun."

[Unable to craft as not enough knowledge on how to create the object. Please analyze and try again.]

"Then a taser."

[Unable to craft as not enough knowledge on how to create the object. Please analyze and try again.]

"Tsk. How inconvenient." I complained. If I had known I couldn't just create things I had seen before, I would have analyzed the taser James Clerrr had. Since this ability had such a severe limitation, I would have to visit the library, and an armory, and then analyze everything I could see.

Thud. Thud. Thud.

The tree I was leaning against shivered before an avalanche of branches fell, causing me to dash onto the path once more.

"Why are you hiding like a rat? You're tough Rank 1000 I'll give you that. Are you ready to surrender to the three dragons pretty boy?" Butch, the blond boy called out with a smirk.

"I'd rather die to be honest," I replied honestly before focusing again.

"Craft me a metal baseball bat. 33 inches. Made of aluminum. 38 oz." I muttered. Almost immediately, I felt energy drain from within my body and a black baseball bat fitting my specifications appeared in my left hand.


[Aluminum Baseball Bat]

[Creator: Asani Martin]

[An aluminum baseball bat created with mana. It will disappear within 30 minutes unless the creator supplies it with additional mana.]


"Yeah. Give me something with defense and power." I had a good read on the overall speed of these boys, I just needed something that would give me the opportunity to counter without flying backward from getting hit. A black light flashed and more energy drained out of me.


[Aluminum Bat]

[Creator: Asani Martin]

[An aluminum created with mana. It will disappear within 30 minutes unless the creator supplies it with mana.]

[Incorporeal (C): Under the cover of night, allows the user to temporarily phase their body through any physical entities for 3 seconds. Use (5/5) ]

[Fortified (C): The bat becomes as strong as the average between the creator's Magic Power, rank, and intelligence*

*Due to a high mana affinity, two ranks have been added.]

Reading the updated status of the bat I couldn't help but grin happily as I spun it around.

"What are you smiling at? And where did that bat come from?" The buzz-cut kid asked as he approached me while cracking his knuckles.

"Oh, this? It's a secret. I'll admit, I took you clowns lightly but I plan on fixing that. Let's start round two." Without waiting for a response, I immediately dashed at him.

Hmm, would it be helpful or harmful to put the description of all gifts in the status screen or should I only do that for important people? Or do people prefer to guess what a gift does?

Summer_Dazecreators' thoughts