
I'm A Great Villain So The Author Hates Me

Work In Progress Premise: Asani left a comment on a novel that he thought the villain should have won against the hero. It was due to bad writing and monologues that he lost. After getting hit by the legendary trucka-kun and being transmigrated into the novel as a minor villain with the same name, Asani's job is to be a better villain to defeat the heroes The problem is that the author of the novel hates him. He continually writes additional gifts for the heroes, sets pits for him, and does everything within his bounds as the god of the world to defeat him. Join Asani as he fights against his built-in character flaws, organizes the villains into a consistent state, and tries his best to defeat the author while being a successful villain.

Summer_Daze · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
53 Chs

First Dungeon (11)

As soon as Julius dropped me on the ground, I threw up everything I had eaten for breakfast as well as the night before. As I continued puking my guts out, I could hear a familiar arrogant voice in the background.

"Crimson why are you with that trash? And where's Nova" Lionel Lionheart asked.

"Found this kid along the way and Nova is doing his own thing like usual. You know how he is. What are you doing with Meraki?" Julius asked calmly.

"Found her hunting spiders and thought she would be useful so I asked her to stay."

Wiping my mouth, I stood up and glanced at them.

 Lionel Lionheart was standing at attention with his sword out and covered in what looked like green blood. As he glared at me disdainfully, I turned away from him. 

Standing slightly away from him was Lina standing next to her large troll-shaped golem with her large pack on her back while holding a large scythe covered in the same green blood.

When she caught my gaze she began snickering. "Looking a little pale there Asani. Julius moving a little too fast for you?"

"Shut up," I muttered while vowing to myself to learn mana reinforcement as soon as we got back to the academy. I never wanted to be carried like a sack of potatoes thrown on an unstable rollercoaster with no seatbelt again.

The little shadow mimic in the shape of a fluffy black baby crow cheeped at me in concern before settling comfortably into Julius' hair.

At the sound, Lionel turned to look at it while wiping his sword clean on the ground and sheathing it. He quickly approached Julius and immediately tried to snatch the bird away from his head but was quickly blocked by Julius's arm and shoved away. The little mimic chirped furiously at Lionel as feelings of anger were being sent my way before it sent over curiosity and hunger.

"I didn't know you had a pet Crimson. When did you get it?"

"Uh…" as Julius caught my eye, I held my finger to my lips before looking away as if the situation had nothing to do with me.

"I…uh… found it in the fires and thought it was cute? It's been following me around since then. It doesn't really like strangers though so don't touch it." hearing his clumsy lie, I wanted to smack him on the back of the head.

"Hmmm." Lionel still looked suspicious as the bird left Julius and came to settle on my head. As it settled in, all it kept sending was 'eat', 'eat', 'eat'. Weird.

Seeing Lionel's still suspicious look, I explained, "Animals like me."

"I wasn't talking to you trash."

"Enough. He's with me and that's final. Moving on, what's the plan, Lionheart?"

As Julius and Lionel began conversing, I backed away from them.

"Where are you going kid?" Julius turned to look at me with a raised brow.

"Going to climb a tree and scout around. I want to see if there are any spiders around. That's why I'm here right?"

"… Don't go too far."

"Yes don't go too far. You wouldn't want to get eaten like the trash you are." Lionel mocked.

Ignoring him, I quickly climbed up a tree while keeping them in sight. 

Grabbing the mimic from my head, I held it up to my face while whispering.

"Don't speak, just nod. Are you hungry? You want me to give you some meat?"

It shook its head in a confused manner before nodding yes, then no.

"You want to eat?"


"But not meat?"


"You want to eat him?" I pointed at Lionel.

It began nodding rapidly while sending pangs of hunger.

"Is it a mimic?" I whispered.

As it continued nodding, I looked at it incredulously.

Where all mimics cannibals or something? I had fed it breakfast this morning and while it had eaten the food, it had been with disinterest. Now that it had spotted another mimic, all it wanted to do was devour it. Staring at it, I truly wondered what manner of creature this was.

Still, this was good information to have, and if it could sense other mimics, maybe it becoming my familiar wasn't so bad.

"Good job. Let me know if you sense anymore got it?"

As it nodded, I affectionately patted its head before paying attention to Lionel and Julius' conversation. Seeing that they were in the midst of arguing heatedly, I decided to take the risk and analyze Lionel.

[Shadow Mimic]

[Shapeshift - Lionel Lioneheart]

[Disguise - Lionel Lionheart]

[Rank C] 

[ Strength: C ]

[ Stamina: C ]

[ Speed: C ]

[ Perception: C ]

[ Vitality: C ]

[ Magic power: C ]

[ Intelligence: C ]

[Abilities: ▷ Blessed by Swords (C) ▷ Lions Golden Aura (C) ]


As if he felt my Analyze, 'Lionel' quickly looked up and glanced around. As he turned to look at me, I pretended to be diligently climbing the tree and scouting the area while not looking at him. Once he looked away, I continued looking around while gathering my thoughts.

It seemed that the Lionel Lionheart in front of me wasn't the true one. Either he had been captured by Darwinists and they had sent this mimic clone to trick students, or…he was working along with them. Which meant that attacking the spiders and rescuing students was either a trap or a distraction and that the Lionel Lionheart Solomon spoke to might not have been the original one and he didn't notice or Lionel had been switched out after they talked. Either option didn't bode well.

Mentally cursing Solomon out for giving me faulty information, I petted the little mimic on my head. Sure enough, I really couldn't trust that bastard. I could only depend on myself.

As Lionel continued talking, I analyzed Lina, and seeing as she was clean and looking around in confusion, I began planning my next steps.

Quickly climbing down the tree, I approached them while listening in on the argument.

"The frontal assault is not the problem Lionheart! I keep telling you, if I begin burning the whole den of spiders the flames will get out of control! I won't be able to see or protect the students if they're still alive. Not to talk of controlling the flames so they don't burn you all."

"I'm telling you it's fine. I'm strong and can take your flames, Lina can just stay away and control her golem to help attack, and that trash that came with you can stay away and attack from afar. He's a scout anyway, right? He can go hide in a tree somewhere like he is doing now. Oh, look he's back. Did you see anything?" Lionel turned to me with an arrogant smirk.

"Nope. The area seems clear except for dead spiders which I'm assuming came from you two." I cheerfully reported.

"See? He's useless, someone analyzed me and you didn't even see them did you? You're nothing but a hindrance." Lionel spat.

"I got analyzed too but I couldn't tell who it was. They have to be close by though." Lina added while still looking around.

"You were analyzed? I didn't feel or see anything." I lied while also looking around in confusion.

"Useless. And you're supposed to be a scout." Lionel said once again.

As Julius glanced at me, I subtly shook my head at him. Just don't say anything and keep your mouth shut you bad actor. 

Seemingly understanding my gaze, he looked away from me while slightly putting himself between me and Lionel.

Seeing that he could somewhat take a hint, I observed Lionel noting how he was standing closer to Lina now that her golem was gone and had his hand on his sword. Interesting.

"Anyway, allow me to interrupt your little plan. I'll be scouting the spiders along with Lina and when we come back we can decide how to attack. No movement from anybody until then"

"What the hell are you saying and who put you in charge? You can't even sense whoever was around us. And I'm supposed to trust you to scout the spiders? You'll probably alert them and they'll be prepared to attack us. You just stay away and let the rest of us handle it." Lionel began protesting while I simply ignored him and turned to my little moneymaker.

"Lina." I gave her a gentle smile while my eyes narrowed coldly, "Come here." I pointed to the ground beside me with my gun.


"I didn't stutter. Come and stand here. You're moving around with me."

Seeing as she continued to hesitate as she looked between me and Lionel, her head whipping back and forth, I began tapping my foot impatiently.

"Are you coming or should I drag you over? You know I have a terrible temper." I continued smiling but my eyes were full of threats. After all the potions and tips I gave you, you dare choose a fake Lionel? Should I beat you up? Shall I tie you up and steal all your mana cores? I'm here trying to save your life and you dare to choose the opposing side? Come here right this second or I'll knock you unconscious and dump your body somewhere else until this is over. I couldn't risk my bank account being corrupted by shady people.

I didn't know if she understood the threat I was sending her way but she gulped before coming to stand beside me.

"I'm going with Asani, Lionel. I think it's a good idea to scout before attacking. We can never be too careful." She quietly told him although she sounded confused.

An expression of absolute disdain crossed Lionel's face before he wiped it away with an amicable smile as he looked at Julius. 

What a little punk. Seeing that he kept pushing for a frontal attack, I was sure he had something planned. All I had to do was discover what. And then blow his head off after the fact.

"Julius. We've known each other for a while. Are you going to listen to him over me? Between the two of us, we can just overpower anything that is in our way. I don't understand why you're overthinking this and making it more difficult than it has to be." Lionel began trying to convince Julius but I quickly interrupted.

"And kill us if we're swarmed and screw the captured students over? You've done no scouting. You don't know the entirety of where the spiders are located, what the lair looks like, or even how many there are. You have no clue what the strongest one is or if there are other threats in that location. For a rank 1 student, you seem unbelievably stupid." I openly mocked him, smiling as his expression became dark and he began thumbing his sword.

"Just because you're weak doesn't mean the rest of us are trash. We don't need to overthink and can handle it. A direct attack is best." Lionel insisted.

"Then, by all means, go. I won't stop you. Go and take on the spiders by yourself. I promise to retrieve your remains and give you a respectful burial if you die. It's the least I can do for a fellow student." 


"What? You don't want to go? Too scared to? Then shut the fuck up and fall in line. I'm in charge and Julius and Lina are coming with me. If you don't agree, get out. The way you're acting right now, it would be more useful for you to leave Mr. Rank 1." 

"I don't know where you're getting the audacity to talk to me that way. Do you think I won't attack you or that Julius will protect you?" Lionel narrowed his eyes as he placed his hand on his sword in a threatening manner.

"While I'm on the island, Julius is my very dependable guard dog. If you attack me, prepare to become charcoal and directly collect a bullet to your head. And once we get off the island? Hasn't Evelynn told you? If you mess with me I'll go running to the professors and snitch. Poor old me getting bullied by the supposed strongest rank 1 student." 

As he gritted his teeth, I smirked at him, "Oh silly me. I guess I can't do that since your aunt is the dean. You might go run and cry that you're being bullied by a 16-year-old. How brave of you. So strong. So powerful." I openly mocked him, happy to finally relieve some frustration even if it wasn't the real Lionel.

"Asani, what are you doing? Why are you antagonizing him? That's Lionel! The number 1 student" Lina hissed as she grabbed my arm.

"Oi kid, just because I said I would protect you, doesn't mean you can just go around picking fights and talking crazy at everyone. Cool your tone." Julius warned.

Ignoring the two of them, I continued staring at Lionel, "Are you going to properly listen to me or are you going by yourself? As I said we don't need you and I would prefer if you were gone." Although, If he decided to leave I would immediately attack him but I doubted he would.

As I expected, after glaring angrily, he acquiesced.

"Tch. I'm coming along before a weakling like you ruins things."

"Glad to have you then. Lina and I will go scouting and return. You and Julius hang out here and don't agitate the spiders. Julius, I'll pass over the things you asked me to hold. Come here."

"I didn't ask-" As I shot him another look, he quickly corrected himself, "Oh…you meant from last night. Yeah, leave some meat and the seasoning you used. It was delicious."

As he threw his hand over my shoulder and turned me away from Julius while walking away, he created small flame letters saying 'One of these?' while grabbing the mimic from my head.

"Exactly. Keep your flames at that level. You have to watch the meat carefully and not disturb it until it's time to cook it. Let it rest until I come back from scouting. Don't agitate the meat and watch it carefully, got it?"

"You don't trust me to cook the meat?" his arm tightened around my neck and I patted it for release before he choked me to death.

"I trust you but wouldn't it be tastier if we had variety? It's boring cooking only one type of meat. Just properly watch over the meat here and roast it if it starts to go bad."

"Why are you guys talking about your meat? Is it a euphemism for something dirty?" Lina asked curiously as she craned her head to listen.

"Men things. You wouldn't understand." I ignored her nonsense while giving Julius an intentional look.

"Are you even a man? You're like what 12? How did they even let you into the academy?" Lina mocked me and I vowed to get her back later. Truly, I couldn't wait until puberty finally hit this body and I could grow out of the baby face I had. Although it was handsome and was good against adults and elderly people, being constantly called kid was annoying, to say the least.

"Shut it, Lina." I turned to glare at her and she snickered.

"Anyway kid, I got it. Give me the meat. Yesterday's meal and breakfast today were actually delicious." Julius patted my back before releasing me.

Giving Julius a rascally smile, I laughed. "The first batch was free. It'll cost you 20 points for more."

"… Aren't I the one protecting you while you're going around causing trouble?"

"That is that, and this is this. You'll be killing some spiders and collecting points anyway so hand it over. I have things to do." I shot a glance at Lionel who was standing impatiently while glaring.

Sighing, Julius sent the points over before sharing his location and I passed him some packs of meat.

"Just this?"

"Plates, vegetables, and utensils will run you another 40 points.

"You're a fucking scammer you know that kid?"

"I prefer the term opportunist. I never said I would feed you. Or is it that you want to eat monster spider legs for lunch?" at his disgusted glance, I chuckled.

Once he sent additional points over, I went over and slung my hand around Lina's shoulder dragging her along while waving to Lionel and Julius.

"See you later, you two. Remember stay quiet and don't be discovered."

"Watch out for yourself kid. If you find trouble shoot up in the air or set something on fire. I'll be able to sense it for a couple of kilometers."

"What's that in miles? You know we don't use the metric system in America."

Seeing his disgusted expression I laughed once again, "I'm kidding. See you later Crimson. Take care of yourself. Watch the meat carefully."

"You what the hell is going on? Why are you still talking about meat? Also, I told you no touching," Lina asked in confusion.

"Shut up." I hissed at her as I continued walking. Once we got a fair distance away, I squatted down and pulled her to squat in front of me.

"Are you finally going to explain?" Lina asked with an angry glare.

"First of all check your tone when you talk to me. I just saved your life."

"You were rude first! And what does that even mean?"

Ignoring her nonsense, I smacked her hard on the head with the butt of my gun. As she clutched it with her eyes watering, I rolled my eyes before responding.

"That's not Lionel."

"What the hell are you smoking? Of course it is."

"No, it's not, you dumbass. I have it on excellent authority. What do you know about mimics?" 

"Oh shit. We're so fucked." She whispered as her eyes went wide with shock.

"That's what I thought. Instead of saying thank you Asani. I'm glad you saved my life Asani. How can I ever repay you Asani? You're out here making silly jokes like a middle schooler. Feeling stupid yet?"

"Wow. Thank you, Asani. How was I supposed to know he was a mimic Asani? This is an academy test so what are the odds Asani? You act like I'm a mind reader Asani. He seemed like a nicer version of the Lionel I knew Asani." Lina replied sarcastically.

"Still talking back? You didn't find it suspicious that Lionel, mind you, he is ranked 1. But Lionel Lionheart approached you to partner up? Mr. I'll show the whole year in the strongest wanted to team up? No offense to you but you're not even top 10 in the year, why would he partner with you? How did he even find you?"

"Hey! At least I'm better than a certain rank 1000." She retorted but seeing my fierce expression relented.

"I hadn't seen any students to scam, ehem trade with in a while, so I was hunting spiders since the ratio of cores they give out is quite high. He came up to me and wanted to team up in hunting them while waiting for Solomon Nova to show up so we could raid their lair. Of course, since he said I could have any cores that showed up and split the points evenly regardless of who killed the monsters I said yes. After all his kill efficiency was crazy and Solomon's will be even better. Who am I to turn down free money."

Seeing her eyes begin to sparkle because of money, I brought her down to earth with a head smack.

"Focus. You didn't find it suspicious for him to approach you?"

"Why would I? It was all beneficial for me. And he was polite. Unlike somebody." She muttered.

Polite? Thinking about the Lionel Lionheart who called me trash with every single sentence, I couldn't associate the word with him. Sighing as she continued grumbling, I decided to change the subject.

"You said he was nicer than usual. That's suspicious and if you noticed why didn't you analyze him." I asked her.

"First of all, it's rude to do that. Secondly, I don't have Analyze, I have something called Insight, and it's artificial. Doesn't work on people."

At my confused expression, she touched her right eye for a couple of seconds before fishing out a fake eyeball that matched the one still on her face.

Glancing between the eyeball in her hand and the void of her right eye, I blinked.

"I'm intrigued. Explain."

"As I said, it's artificial. All Meraki's have something like this. In case you didn't know, most of us have bad mana sensitivity. According to research, you can't develop a gift that allows Analyze or Insight if your mana sensitivity is bad, and learning how to do it without one is pretty close to impossible unless you're a genius. So the Meraki's created a portable artificial version for members of our clan. Unfortunately, this one only contains insight that works on nonliving objects. I'm too poor and don't have enough mana for a higher-ranking one that has Analyze."

"You're too poor for a higher-rank eyeball but you continually buy S-class contracts, own a warehouse with a bunch of items, and are pouring millions into some research?" I asked incredulously

"S-class mana contracts are not hard to get if you have the right connections. And my pocket money is pretty large. But this? It's proprietary. If you knew how much research and crafting went into creating a working eye with this skill you wouldn't believe it. I can't even afford to buy this. It's a present to all members of the Meraki clan once we get our gift."

"Is that right? Good to know. Tell me how it works later." I lightly commented while trying to analyze the eye but unfortunately, not a lot of information came from it.

[Magic Prosthetic Eye]

[Rank: ??]

[Target: Lina Meraki] 

[Creator: Stein Meraki]


Seeing the eyeball, it seemed I had to thank the bastard author or the original Asani for allowing me to have a gift that included Analyze. Disgusting.

"… I expected you to be grossed out," Lina murmured quietly as she placed the eyeball back in.

"I don't care about such things. Seems useful to be honest and I never thought I'd hear you say the words I can't afford it. What a concept." I teased her, laughing as her face turned red.

"Ehem. Anyway-, Back to the mimic, how do you know Lionel is one? Were you the one who analyzed me and him?" she asked suspiciously.

"No. Solomon did and he communicated it with me. That's why I came to grab you." I smoothly lied.

"Then where is he?"

"Dunno. He said he had something to do and left. I'm here for the spiders." I shrugged.

"Then what are supposed to do? Are we in danger? Do we have to go kill him? Or it? Where's the real Lionel? Oh god is Julius going to be okay? What if it kills us?"

As she began panicking, I rolled my eyes in irritation before, I smacked her head even harder, leaving a red mark in the middle of her forehead.

"Shut up and listen to me. Make a discreet flying golem and have it watch over Julius. You can communicate with it, right? Let me know if you see anything suspicious like the heroes or another student in the area. Can you do that?" I looked at her, curious about the limits of her gift.

"I can but what if-"

"It was a yes or no question. Yes, I can. No, I can't. Which one is it?" I quickly interrupted, not in the mood for more panicking. Seeing my gun raised to whack her once more, she took a deep breath and calmed down.

"I can but it's going to take a lot of mana because of the distance, and I can't keep up another one. If you want a discreet golem, it won't be able to attack effectively in case anything happens."

"I don't need you to attack. Julius is in the know and can take care of himself. Just stay out of sight and drink mana potions but keep a golem up. I need it circling and watching. When I'm done with what I'm doing, I'll find you and we'll head back together. Stay hidden and don't get caught, got it?"

"And what will you be doing? Are you just going to leave me here? By myself?"

"Of course Miss. I'm ranked 65 and better than you. I'll obviously be scouting. I need to know what the little bastard is planning." Ignoring her bewildered expression as she began protesting, I activated 'Concealment' on my sword and began following the trail of webbing in the trees.

It was time to find the spider's lair.

This came out longer than expected and couldn't be split so see ya'll on Tuesday most likely. The plot thickens >:)

Miss Lina 'Fetty Wap' Meraki ^^

Summer_Dazecreators' thoughts