
Gang of None

Hikari had been awake for a couple of hours now. She had spent the entire night organizing the new training of her Order, now that they were expanding, the 'old' guard had to learn how to train new recruits properly.

She was interrupted by a certain crow flying through the window, which she recognized immediately.

A deep bow followed before she let him speak.

"Greetings, Hikari." The Messenger said formally. "Amikiri has requested help from you for her mission."

That made Hikari tense up a little, a Star-Eater asking for her help meant someone was refusing to talk, an unwise decision.

"Of course, I will set out this afternoon."

"No need." The Messenger responded with an amused chirp. "I will be sending you there directly, a normal trip would be too long for this to be viable."

"Oh..." Hikari was caught off guard, she sometimes forgot that The Watcher and his Divine Creations were not afraid of using their powers liberally. "T-Then I am ready whenever."

The Messenger nodded, and began leaking black liquid from his body, which spread outwards before engulfing Hikari in its embrace.

Hikari closed her eyes and waited patiently. It felt like she was being suspended in some sort of jelly for a few seconds, before it suddenly released her.

When she opened her eyes again, she saw herself at the edge of a small clearing, the ground was scorched black and there was rubble spread across the ground.

Sitting in the center of the clearing was Amikiri in her true form, watching her with three golden eyes.

She bowed her head slightly in respect.

"Greetings, Amikiri."

Amikiri returned the gesture by bowing as well.

"Hikari." She greeted simply. "I have temporarily trapped the prisoner inside my shadows, he is some sort of medical specialist, so once I remove him from there, be careful."

Hikari nodded solemnly as she focused on her first blessing.

Her form faded from sight as she silently prepared to use her second blessing.

She watched Amikiri plunge her claw into her shadow and pull out a badly damaged body.

As Amikiri held him up in her claws, Hikari inspected the man closely. He was covered in bruises, it looked like he had been crushed by something.

"I apologize for the damage," Amikiri spoke up after seeing the state of the prisoner. "I had intended to release you sooner, but you kept healing yourself..."

The robbed man groaned in pain before weakly trying to struggle in her grip.

"You... bitch..." He managed to gasp out weakly before coughing out blood.

Hikari was sure Amikiri didn't actually feel sorry, she just wanted to be polite about it.

She ignored further conversation and concentrated on her second blessing. She saw the threads making up someone's soul appear over the man.

This blessing allowed her to control other people by pulling on the threads that make up their very being, making them move like puppets.

It took a bit of time, and it was hard on those who were strong of will and body, but she had plenty of time.

The clearing well into silence, Amikiri holding on to the man, while Hikari stood there motionless and invisible, concentrating intensely.

Eventually, he would be under her control, and she would be able to read his memories from him like an open book.


Shion was currently in the middle of praying in one of the temples dedicated to the spirits of this land. This one belonged to The Mountain's Heart, which blessed the mountains with life-giving waters.

It was located near the top of Mount Soragami, which provided fresh water to the entirety of the Land of Demons, due to its size and height.

The Mountain's Heart was one of the most revered spirits, next to Kind Tree and The Sleeping River.

Shion let out a sigh as she finished her prayer. She felt tired, not just physically, but also mentally.

After receiving the vision about how she should accept Amikiri's deal, Shion had felt conflicted, it was clear that Mōryō's cult would kill her if she didn't accept it.

But at the same time... it felt like defeat to her, to take an offer from an unknown creature because it would save her life.

It made her feel weak.

She shook her head and stood up, it was still better than the people around her sacrificing themselves for her.

At least she could rest after today, she didn't need to do anything for the next few days.

She bowed before The Mountain's Heart shrine one last time before leaving the temple. Maki and Taruho were waiting outside, ready to escort her down the mountain.

"Lady Shion, please be careful while walking down." Taruho reminded her seriously. Shion frowned, she had walked this path dozens of times now, it wasn't that dangerous.

"Shut up, I know." She told him annoyed, Taruho bowed his head slightly in response.

They reached the bottom of the mountain an hour later, by which time Shion was feeling more refreshed than when she started, being outside usually did that for her.

A guard ran up to them as they approached the temple complex.

"Lady Shion!" He greeted hurriedly before bowing quickly.

Shion gestured at him impatiently, wanting him to continue.

"What is it?" She asked, annoyed.

"Ah! Um..." The guard looked nervous before looking at the ground. "The Crow returned... It's waiting in the antechamber."

Shion felt her breath hitch for a second, Amikiri was back already? She couldn't have finished Mōryō's followers in just a few days, could she?

Well, with how big she was...

"L-Lady Shion?" Maki asked worriedly as Shion zoned out.

"I-I'm fine." She forced herself to calm down. "Assemble the guards in the main chamber, I shall meet Amikiri shortly."

Maki nodded before rushing off, while Taruho followed behind her. The other guard turned around and ran back to his post.


Hikari was standing behind Amikiri, invisible, she would need to be here to control their prisoner, he was now just a puppet.

She and Amikiri had already discussed how to play this situation, their prisoner would confess in front of everyone to make sure Mōryō's cult wasn't allowed to hide.

After that, he would attempt to escape and be tragically killed by Amikiri, her ability to control people was too precious to reveal to anyone, even people would likely be their allies.

The doors at the other end of the room opened up, and the priestess entered the room with four guards close behind her.

"Amikiri." She greeted politely as they reached them. "You've returned sooner than I expected..."

"I am close to finishing my mission, Lady Shion," Amikiri said respectfully. "I killed all the leaders of Mōryō's cult last night and captured one alive."

Shion looked slightly disbelieving, it's only been 2 days...

"I have need of more people, the network they established is vast, and I alone am not enough to hunt them all down." Amikiri continued.

"Hmm..." Shion hummed thoughtfully. "Do you have any information on where they are?"

Amikiri nodded before pulling out a large scroll from her shadow.

"This contains most of the locations of Mōryō's cells, the names and positions of their agents, and some other minor details that should help in rooting them out." She explained. "I suggest we act fast, the absence of their leadership will cause them to panic soon."

Shion's eyes widened at how much Amikiri had already gathered. But she quickly composed herself and accepted the scroll with a nod.

"...Would it be possible for me to speak with your prisoner?" She asked hesitantly, looking up at Amikiri nervously.

Amikiri bowed slightly.

"Of course, Lady Shion." Amikiri stated before turning around and plunging her claw into her shadow, pulling out a battered-looking man bound in rope.

"This is Kusuna, he was responsible for coordinating Mōryō's followers between missions." Amikiri introduced. "Speak."

Hikari focused on the man, now just a puppet, and made him speak.

"...Y-Yes..." The man said weakly, staring blankly at the floor. "I-I was responsible... For distributing information... To M-Mōryō's cult..."

Kusuna proceeded to explain every bit of knowledge he had about the group, from how they operated, how many members there were, what their goals were...


It took a couple of hours, but when he finished talking, everyone was silent.

After a moment, Amikiri spoke up.

"Before we start raiding all of these locations, I recommend dealing with the traitors you have amongst your guards." She stated plainly. "You have the names, I will help if needed."

Shion was clenching her hands tightly as she looked at the ground. Why were there so many? Were her mother and herself really so hated? That they would allow Mōryō back into this world?

No, she couldn't think like that.

She had to be strong.

Hikari saw that Amikiri blinked twice, which was their signal, Kusuna began using a Chakra Scalpel behind his back to cut his binds.

They came undone with ease, allowing him to escape.

Kusuna instantly got up and rushed towards Shion with a Chakra Scalpel around his hand.

He didn't reach her, Amikiri swiped her claw through him, tearing out most of his guts as he was sent flying across the room.

Shion flinched at the sound of him hitting the wall and falling to the ground.

Hikari silently slipped out of the room, still invisible, while everyone's attention was on the body.

Amikiri would handle it from here, using her 'negligence' as an excuse to work closer with Shion and her guards to exterminate Mōryō's cult.

Alright, glossary is a yes, I'll work on that on the side when i get writers block.

ValeronWritercreators' thoughts