
I'm A God-Level Refugee

Global catastrophe, the end of the world! Yan Long accidentally inherited a god-level shelter and started hoarding millions of tons of supplies. Since then, he has become the only resource supplier and arms dealer in the apocalypse! While the others were still starving, he was enjoying a red wine steak! While others are cut off from electricity, he secretly turned on his nuclear power generating unit! Recruiting, this shelter only accepts young and beautiful women under the age of 25, and those over 25 are rough!" "You're a fighter pilot? Good! I'll give you two meals a day and meat every week." "Are you a big star? I'm sorry, we need people with actual skills!" Watch Yan Long as he dominates the post-apocalyptic planet while doing everything with ease, whether it's facing a tsunami, an earthquake, or the beginning of the Ice Age.

MelodramaticDaddy · Fantasy
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14 Chs

Machine Gun Rampage!

During this time, Jiang City was completely in a mess!

The sound of the explosion, the burning fire, and the trails of smoke in the sky transformed the entire city into hell.

Chaos, the world is in total chaos!

Faced with natural disasters and earthquakes, we can still resist, and we have an earthquake relief program.

But when faced with endless hordes of zombies that can keep multiplying without an end, nobody has the guts to resist!

Anyone's courage would collapse in an instant.

Everyone screamed and ran, hiding in all directions, and shivered with their children in their arms.

Faced with an indiscriminate attack, they can only evade in a hurry.

Some will be stuck inside a building for days, or even worse, trapped by zombies until they're all dead.

However, at this crisis-ridden moment, the fog outside the shelter quietly dissipated, revealing the majestic walled grid.

The front gate opened, and nearly a hundred ferocious vehicles rushed out!

They were divided into six squads and headed straight in different directions towards the city.


In front of each convoy, there are two heavy-duty bulldozers clearing the path!

The front ends of these dozers are all modified.

The original bulldozer shovel, which was fixed in a parallel manner, was turned into a 45-degree angle. When two bulldozers move side by side, any zombies and obstacles in front of them, even vehicles, will be forcibly overturned to the other side of the road.

The efficiency of this formation is simply terrifying!

With the roar of the engine, the six teams frantically rushed forward, and no road could slow down their pace. Not surprisingly, it also attracted the attention of numerous zombies.

But before these zombies came under siege, the escort soldiers on the pickup truck pulled the trigger.

"Da da da!"

"Bang bang bang!"

Earth-shattering gunshots came one after another.

The soldiers of the escort were all sharpshooters.

They shot with such precision, and before the zombies could approach them, their heads were blown off. They fell to the ground and twitched uncontrollably, and died a while later.

In addition, the speed of the convoy was not something zombies could match, and they hadn't assembled in hordes either. So they could not stop the convoy.


In a five-star hotel, in the north part of the city!

A middle-aged man hid behind the reception room of the hall on the first floor. Beside him was a young and beautiful girl of seventeen or eighteen years old, trembling.

His name is Song Zhiwen, and he is the current vice president of the Jiang Academy of Science!

He used to be a top student at Harvard University, a visiting professor at Qingbei University, and a senior researcher at the Chinese Academy of Science.

He was demoted from his previous position, which forced him to come to Jiang City to serve as the vice president. All because he offended those who shouldn't be offended by his upright personality. He is also one of the top scientists in the world.

As for the one in his arms, it was his only daughter, Song Wanwan!

Song Zhiwen had already received the news about this disaster.

In fact, he has long been arranged to live in the official shelter.

However, the disaster relief situation has been in full swing these days, and everyone's vigilance has been relaxed a lot. Song Zhiwen wanted to go back to the research institute to get his documents, so he took his daughter and left the shelter.

Unexpectedly, just halfway, they encountered an outbreak of zombies.

He embarrassedly took his daughter and hid in the reception room of the hotel.

Through the floor-to-ceiling windows, you can clearly see the violence on the street.

Song Zhiwen was frightened. His hands and feet went limp. Cold sweat trickled down his eyebrows. His eyes were flickering without rest.

"How could this happen? How could this happen? What the heck is going on?" Song Zhiwen whispered in shock.

"Dad, I'm afraid!" Song Wanwan said timidly: "Why are the people outside becoming like this? It's scary!"

"They turned into zombies!"

Song Zhiwen's face was full of bitterness, and he suddenly remembered the message reminder from a few days ago.

Like most people, he didn't take this reminder seriously.

But now it seems that the news is correct, the virus in the Nordic laboratory has really leaked, and the zombies are spreading to the world.

"Dad, what should we do now?" Wanwan asked nervously, "We won't die, will we?"

"I don't even know what to do!"

Song Zhiwen felt really stressed as he ran his hands through his hair and turned back to face her. He was clearly scared, but also had a determined look on his face, and it seemed like he was trying desperately to calm himself down before answering Wanwan's question.

A small part of him hoped that this zombie apocalypse wouldn't go on for much longer, but that would be a fantasy. He didn't think this far, really. The only thing he knew was that he had to save his family as soon as possible. He tried to make his daughter feel comfortable.

"I-It's gonna be fine, trust me. We will get out of here!"

Little beads of tears sprang in Wanwan's eyes as she stared at her father. She hoped they could get away safely.

As time passed, they both quietly stared at the zombies outside for fear of attracting their attention.

The situation at this moment has already gone out of control. Song Zhiwen knows no one can expect to be rescued. He only prayed that the zombies won't find him quickly.

Unfortunately, his prayers did not work.

Dozens of zombies on the street ate several corpses!

They were covered in blood, their white eyes widened, and with their sense of smell, they all looked at a wounded man who was laying near a broken vehicle. They started moving towards him.

"Oh my God! Help me please!" the man screamed as he tried to run away from them.

The zombies kept chasing after him, but he kept running for his life. He ran straight into the building to his right, dashing past the reception area. While he was running, he accidentally crashed into a door. It left a small gap through which one could see what was inside.

Unfortunately, Song Zhiwen and his daughter were hiding in that same room.


Countless roars resounded throughout the floor.

The zombies rushed over in hunger, causing Wanwan to scream in horror.


Song Zhiwen was so frightened that his face became deathly pale, and he quickly pushed the table and bench against the door.

At this moment, the zombies heard the rumbling sound inside the reception room, and they were growling one after another, slamming into the door.

The fragile door of the reception room quickly broke, leaving a big hole in the middle, and they could vaguely see the bloody mouths of the zombies. Song Zhiwen and his daughter were so scared that they almost stood there motionless.

"Dad, what should I do? What should I do?"

"Are we going to die?!"

"Who will save us!"

Wanwan cried in horror.

Song Zhiwen smiled bitterly, but they had no other choice.

Now that even the military and relevant departments are in turmoil, who can save them?

However, just as the zombies were about to break in and the father and daughter were in complete despair, an earth-shattering sound of gunfire and the revving of engines could be heard from a distance.

"Da da da!"

A burst of lightning-fast bullets swept across the hallway.

Dozens of zombies' heads fell out of their bodies, and all of them died of being shot in the head.

Even the glass, doors, windows, and walls of the hotel lobby were swept into pieces by the terrifying bullets that muddled the building in smoke.

The crisis Song Zhiwen and his daughter were facing have been resolved!

The two were stunned, their gazes shifted to the streets. Then, they saw a sturdy convoy rushing by, with a heavy machine gun mounted on the car, and dozens of burly men staring coldly at the surrounding.

Several soldiers rushed down from a pickup truck!

They violently kicked the door open.

While taking cover alternately, Zhiwen and his daughter were taken out of the hotel.

In the end, the father and daughter met a handsome and harmonious young man standing beside an off-road vehicle.

"I'm Professor S-Song, nice to meet you."

"Don't worry, you are very safe now."

The young man smiled and comforted them, but the father-daughter pair felt dizzy. They couldn't believe someone saved them from those hordes of zombies, just like in several action films. Moreover, he was very young. He might even be very close to Wanwan's age.

Everything felt like a dream.


Ding! You have acquired a new Waifu!

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