
I'M A GAMER??? (Male reader X DXD)

Nuke is killed by a truck, then gets reincarnated as a gamer, He works to become the strongest to fight Trihexa and Great red, or will he die too soon?

H3L9M39L353 · Anime & Comics
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16 Chs

Chapter 4

Nuke opened his eyes but found himself in a forest. He looked around for the voice until he heard wing beats and when he turned around, he saw a huge dragon.


"Hello there little one." The dragon said.

"May I ask your name?" Nuke asked

"Very well my name is Tyran, or The Given Stealer, what is your name wielder?"

"Nuke, Nuke Wolf."

"Hmmm, you are already strong Nuke, but with my training you will surpass the foolish heavenly dragons, and if we get the gears, we will be able to kill The Dream."

Nuke felt a smile appear on his face "I know the wielders of both of them, and I know what'll happen for the most part."

Tyran tilted his head and asked, "How do you know that?"

Nuke then explained everything to Tyran, about dying and being given a second chance, about him being able to do a lot of game related things and so much more. Then Nuke asked, " Is there any way to teach me how to steal the sacred gear right now?"

"Yes, what are you planning?"

"We can go and steal The Boosted Gear from that pervert, and then we'll train like hell in order to make us stronger, so that we can merge your gears and evolve them for more powerful Subspecies."

"Alright then let's begin."

Nuke and Tyran trained to be able to steal Sacred Gears without causing the host or gear (if it's sentient) to much pain. By the morning he knew how to steal Sacred Gears and give them as well. When Nuke woke up, he went to take a shower and change for school, as he enrolled today. Nuke combed back his hair and the used {Aura concealment} and went to Kuoh.


When Nuke arrived, he saw Sona and Tsubaki were waiting at the gate. Nuke walked up to them and asked, "Are you guy's the student council?"

Sona answered "Yes, are you Mr. Wolf?"

"Please just call me Nuke."

Sona" So let us go get you your papers."

Nuke" Can I get a new uniform; this one is a little tight. "

Sona" Sure let's go to the student council room and we'll get you your new outfit along with your papers."

Nuke smiled and he noticed Sona blush, even if it was lightly, he still saw it. When they arrived, Sona asked "Would you like to play a game of chess while we wait?"

Nuke nodded and then put some SP into knowledge and some into wisdom. He raised them both to 100. He then checked his *stats*

Name: Nuke Wolf

Title's: Lone Wolf, Undead Morder

LVL: 126 (11,012/11,400)

HP: 6350 (Regen 90 per minute)

MP: 6450 (Regen 95 per minute)

STM: 6400 (Regen 100 per minute)

STR: 260

AGI: 260

DEF: 260

INT: 100

WIS: 100

LUK: 45

SP: 519

Nuke then used {Observe} on Sona

Name: Sona

Title: Student Council President

Race: Devil

LVL: 46

HP: 1300

MP: 1600

STM: 1400

STR: 54

AGI: 52

DEF: 34

INT: 90

WIS: 70

LUK: 50

When Nuke was done {Observing} her she had set the chessboard. They then engaged in a ferocious chess battle which ended in Nuke losing, but in the amount of time it took to play chess he had gotten a new uniform. Nuke then went over to the bathrooms and changed. He gave back his old one and left to class 3-B, Nuke walked up to the door and knocked on it.

The door opened Nuke saw an old man whom he assumed was the teacher. "I'm the transfer student." was all Nuke said as the Teach walked in and told everyone to calm down and signaled for him to come in. "Would you care to introduce yourself?"

"Hello, my name is Nuke Wolf but just call me Nuke, I like beating the crap out of perverts and reading."

"Alright and questions?" asked Teach

"Yeah, I have a question," said a random girl "Are you single?"

Nuke nodded and then a random dude asked, "Why is your hair white?"

"I was born that way." Nuke said before Teach said "You'll sit behind Issei." Nuke then walked over and sat behind him. Nuke would follow Issei home and when he's asleep he would take his sacred gear. Tyran agreed and now all they had to do was wait until the day was over.

Right now, it was lunch as Nuke was eating something from the cafeteria. Once they got out in the courtyard, Nuke could smell the Devils. He wasn't going to go on a killing spree, but the smell assaulted his and Tyran's noses.

After lunch he just dozed off as he knew everything and didn't want to repeat high school. Once the last bell rang Nuke quickly remembered what he was going to do so he went to Issei's house while in his regular wear. Nuke sat on the roof above his room and waited till midnight. Nuke looked in the window and saw that Issei was asleep. Nuke slowly opened it and the made Tyran's gauntlet appear on his hand, he reached his hand and put it over Issei and quietly chanted

" I am the new heavenly dragon, with the help of the legendary Tyran, I steal away Ddraig's soul and The Boosted Gear, and put on to me, for now I shall take what is now mine."

Nukes hand glowed a purple before he felt something enter his chest. Nuke then stopped and left, but he closed the window before he did. Nuke then jumped on the roofs until he reached his home. Nuke then opened his door and locked it; he ran up to his room and fell asleep.

He was taken into his mindscape where he saw Tyran waiting. He looked at Nuke with a proud face, as Nuke used his magic successfully. Nuke looked over and saw Ddraig sleeping probably waiting to be awoken. Tyran roared so loud it shook his mind and Nuke then saw this huge red dragon.


"Who are you?" Ddraig asked and Nuke said "Welcome to my mind, I have awoken you, I gave your soul a choice to either stay with the pervert or come with me and you came to me. Behind me is Tyran and he helped me get you away from that boy."

"Why did you call him boy when he's the same age as you?"

"I'm actually older but I've died and was reincarnated, Now Ddraig Tyran's gear allows me to bond with other gears, take other gears, and give other gears. Now I have a question, would you like to stay, or would you like to go?"

"I'll stay, you seem like a strong host."

Nuke nodded then showed him a memory of what his life would be like if he chose to go back to the pervert. Ddraig was disgusted and made gagging sounds, while Tyran just watched in disgust. Nuke then proceeded to train with Ddraig and Tyran all night, as he didn't need sleep and it's only in his mind.

When Nuke woke up, he wanted to see both of the Sacred Gears mixed together in a gauntlet. So, Nuke focused all the energy into his right hand and what he saw made him smile.


Nuke liked how it looked as the two dragons talked in his head. He then dispersed the gauntlet and got ready for school.