
I'm a fucking hyena?

this book should have ZERO expectations. one . still in highschool. two. English is NOT my first language. three this story is off the top of my head. everything in this story will be off the toughest of me. the genius author. anyways I hope you enjoy the book about a guy being reincarnated as a hyena with 0 recollection of his previous life. armed with his wits and a possible mutation he will shock the planet and become the ruler of the savannah. and hey maybe he will have some kids here and there

amarril14 · Realistic
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3 Chs


It's been six months since I discovered my body's adaptability' nothing much has happened in that time frame other than me hitting puberty way to early

Before I was barley the same size as my sister's now I'm larger than my mother. Who was the largest in the clan.

As I am reminiscing an amazing smell enters my nostrils opening my eyes I notice the smells coming from the females.

'must be mating season' I think as I notice some females mounting males and using there pseudo dicks on them.

' poor bastard's' I think as I notice a high ranking female approach me.

Baring my teeth I let it be known that if anyone will be mounted it's going to be her.

Taking my bore fangs as a challenge the high ranking female hyena rushes me with the intent to punish me.

Raising my paw I simply slap her on top of the head once she's in range, dazing her.

Getting up from my laying down postion I push her over mounting her I penetrate her.

'this will show you who is in charge' I think as I begin thrusting.

'Damn this doesn't feel half bad' I muse as I release my sperm inside of the high ranking female

After a few minutes I'm released from our 'mating knot' walking over to my rock I once again lay down and take a nap.

Waking up I'm met with a group of males looking at me with hate?

Standing up I take a defensive stance noting the intent to attack in there eyes.

Not one to let my enemys take the initiative I charge forward leaping up I slap one of the larger males in the head full force.

Once my paw impacted with it's head a loud *crack* sound reverberates through the area as the male drops down, dead.

Glancing up at the 3 other males, they back away in fear at my gaze 'time to show them who's boss' I think.

Strutting forward unconcerned I walk over to another top ranking female baring my fangs at her she understands the memo and lowers her head in submission.

Going behind her I mount her. Thrusting with power I make eye contact with the remaining three males in the pack.

'thats right I'm in charge now' I think after releasing my seed inside another high ranking female.

Demountinf her I release a loud growl towards my mother letting it be known she's no longer alpha.

Growling in understanding she lowers her head in acknowledgement.

'good I didn't want to hurt her. I think as I begin mating with every female hyena in the pack.

After cumming inside the 47fh female(excluding my mother and the baby's) I move over to the largest rock in our territory and I lay on it.

'im pretty hungry' growling towards the pack, they get the memo and we move out leaving the youngins behind.

After walking for about an hour we come across a group of lionesses eating a caped buffalo.

Sending the three remaining males on the pack first we begin circling the lionesses and letting out cackles soon they begin growling.

One of them charges straight at me accurately guessing that I'm the leader of the pack. Letting out a laugh I charge straight towards her to meet head on.

Surprise dances in the lionesses eyes not expecting a hyena to try and fight her head to head.

Once we get close enought I raise my paw ' I intend to end this in one blow' as my paw is about to batterthe lionesses skull she tries to evade at the last moment realizing the danger my paw brings to her.

She moves her head out of the way in just the lick of time but my paw still connects with her shoulder, a loud *pop* remanates through the battle field as the lionesses falls over in shock.

Putting on the closest thing I can put on to a snear I look over to the 5 other lionesses who look on in fear after watching me incapacitate thier sister in one blow.

Soon realizing the danger of the situation they dash off, some of my subjects giving chase but I growl and tell them to stop.

Motioning over to the fallen lionesses and the caped buffalo they begin circling the heavily injured lionesses with cackles of glee.

' consider this payback' I think as I remember what happened to my sister's 4 months ago

(Flash back)

Hearing a bone chilling roar I'm wokin up with a jolt looking around I see cyclops dead on the ground and softy getting mauled by a male lion.

Staying hidden I feel a huge sense of dread over take me, trying to block out the wails of softy I stay hidden fearing for my life.

Once they are gone I move out from my hiding place looking at the bones that were once my siblings. ' those bastards must've been hungry, lions don't typically eat hyenas' I think angrily.

Walking over I decide to give them a proper grave at the least digging into the ground I drop my siblings bones into the hole.

'i cow that I will get revenge for the two of you. Cyclops, softy.'

Grunting I look to see the clan finnaly returning. 'took you fucks long enough' I think as I lay down again moping.

(End of flashback)

Ignoring the screams of pain coming from the lionesses mouth as my subjects literally eat her ass out I move over to the dead caped buffalo along with the younger hyenas and begin eating.

'this is only the start. I'm gonna rule the entire savannah by the time I'm done'. I think as I eat slowly thinking of my next moves.