
I'm a friend of the male lead who's went crazy because of female lead

The male lead went crazy because the female lead died…… I possessed his friend. My role is one thing. After reviving the female protagonist, “Hey, female lead. The male lead went crazy because you died.” I will guide her to the male lead then disappear. But there was a problem. The female lead can’t wake up. *** To protect the crazy male lead beautifully To make sure the female lead was revived I collected all the money from the empire. -Gourmet of the Nation, overturn the food industry of the Empire! -White mask, business success! Who the hell is she! Fyuh. I’ve saved money, and now I’m almost achieving my goal and closing my time-limited life. “Elschnein. What do you mean, you’re going to leave me? Do you want to see this continent fall?” Somehow, the beautifully crazy male lead is strange. Why are those crazy eyes facing me? “Ky, Kylian. Just give me one day.” “… What? A day?” “Yea, yeah. I’m going to disappear tomorrow, so I’ll revive Arwen somehow…” Clank, the sword he was holding fell to the floor. … Was he that happy that the female lead was going to revive?

France_Fran · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
4 Chs

Chapter 1

Kylian Haunbert.

He was the first sword of the Altherna Holy Empire and the guardian of the continent, saving the world from the Demon King 8 years ago.

Such a holy being sitting on an old and crude wooden table, would be like a blasphemy to holiness.

And the blasphemy was currently underway in real time.

"That, really true?"

On the dirty table he pressed to ask.

"Ye, yeah. Really."

The person who sat with him, who did the same thing as blasphemy, nodded innocently.

"Elschnein. Really, you didn't remember me?"

"Yeah… Real, it really is."

The woman, called Elschnein, looked like she was about to cry.

Rolled her eyes and cold sweat dripped continuously on her forehead, wondering if she was scared.


As Kylian's one corner of mouth twisted up with a low sigh, Elschnein flinched then her shoulder shrunk.

"Aah. Didn't. Remember. Me. You say?"

He spoke as if he were chewing.

Elschnein shrank endlessly.

"Uh, uh-huh."

"The kidnapping of Arwen 8 years ago too?"

"I, did I do such a bad thing?"

"No, you did something worse than that. For example, brutally abandoning someone."

Elschnein blinked several times with an innocent face. Looks like she didn't remember anything.

At the same time, tears were hanging from her round eyes, indicating how shocked this Elschnein was by what she had done in the past.

"Tha, if that's true… I don't know who someone is, but tell that person I'm sorry. Sniff."

"Aah, you don't know who that person is?"

Elschnein, who faced the cool-cold enemy eye head-on, flinched then took a breather.

Shivered and crouched to the fullest. The white face was about to faint with her forehead on.

She sniffled and thought.

'You're making me laugh! Even if I kidnapped the female lead, I'd never abandoned anyone!'

I thought like this.

'Kylian, you punk! No matter how the female lead dies and you become crazy. How dare you fool me!'

A drop of tears flowed down her round eyes. It was thanks to the desperate eyes from before.

Slowly wiped it with the back of her shaky hand so that it could be seen well from the Kylian side.

And lastly, she thought.

'Oh, life.'

After thinking that far, she suddenly became a little unfair in this situation.

Elschnein remembered Kylian, unlike what she had told him.

Not just able to remember, but also knew his past, present, and future.

This is because she was a possessor, 20 years ago possessed by the world in the novel 〈When She Dies, He's Crazy〉.

And there was a story that could not be heard without shedding tears that made her lie and made her tell that she doesn't remember Kylian.


In order to know the story, we first had to go back 8 years ago.

At that time, the continent was confused by the invasion of the demon king who was aiming for the human world.

The Demon King's ferocious fingernails poured enough curtains to cover the continent through the cracks in the torn space.

"Retreat! Retreat!"

"Sa, save me! I can't die here like this! Please!"

Thanks to the prophecy of the previous Saintess, the living things in the continent formed a race alliance in advance and built a huge wall.

Elves, Catman clan, Dwarves, and Humans.

The race alliance successfully blocked the evil soldiers of the demons, but the situation was reversed with the emergence of high-level demons.

"Do you mean the holy sword is not yet picked?"

Humans on the defensive began to wish for God's salvation, and today, they finally found the holy sword called God-made sword.

A holy sword that says once wielded, all the wagons lose their lives, and twice wielded, they can reap the neck of the devil.

But no one could pick the sword.

"God abandoned us! We're all going to die!"

"Crap. Don't say such a thing!"

The holy sword, which was shining itself in the center of the abandoned castle hall, was cruel.

The humans cursed by spitting their saliva on the unpicked swords.

How can God abandon us?

Only one person remained calm in the frustration.

'Even so, spitting on the sword is too much, isn't it?'

It was Elschnein, a 12-year long possessor of the novel. She already knew the owner of the holy sword.

And the story afterwards.

It can't be picked now, but my friend Kylian, who will soon awaken, was the owner of that sword.

Kylian will gain enormous strength after awakening and conquer the monsters at once.

Therefore, this situation was not scary at all for her, her heart was pounding for other reasons.

This is because the long-awaited moment was approaching.

'Haa, I'm so nervous.'

For many years, she has practiced the situation with dolls for this day. Finally, when she thought it was a real game, her hands became sweaty.

She gulped and swallowed her saliva.

"The demon's army is coming in!"

"The elves who were guarding the gates! Did you all lose?"

"That's… Darn, I think they joined hands with the demons."


A voice of disbelief came from Kylian.

His voice, which has just turned into his late teens, has yet to ripen, expressing anxiety easily.

At that time, the Saintess stepped forward.

"I'll block this place. In the meantime, somehow, the sword…"

"What? Are you crazy? Arwen, don't be ridiculous!"

The woman whom the male lead Kylian loves, the female lead of this novel, was a Saintess who received the oracle.

Such a sad relationship that they love each other but have never conveyed their feelings because of the war, and they don't know when they are going to die.

The Saintess rejects the opposition of her colleagues and sacrifices her life to protect everyone to create a huge boundary in this ancient castle.

"No! Arwen-!"

"The Saintess… The Saintess…!"

The blood of the saintess was scattered over the holy sword.

The boundary expanded and spread around her collapsed body, and a buzzing voice began to vibrate.

Kylian walked toward the holy sword as if possessed. And he slid his hand on the handle of the holy sword.

The holy sword, which was deeply embedded as if it had become one stone, was very easily pulled out by his hand.

"The holy sword! Kylian, the guardian pulled out the holy sword!"

"Oh! God didn't abandon us!"

Elschnein gave her eyes a close force and clenched her fist as hard as she could.


It was time for her to play her real role from now on.

She quickly turned into a spirit and flew up.

"Sorry, Kylian."

Looking at Kylian with his eyes closed with a holy sword pulled out, Elschnein slightly bit her lip.

She also played a role in reviving the female lead and guiding her to Kylian…

But she also played a role in taking the female lead away from him.

Sorry, Kylian.

Because I gave you pain. But I can't help it.

'Otherwise, you'll commit an irreversible crime.'

If she, Elschnein, does not revive Arwen, Kylian will turn this continent he saved into an enemy to save Arwen.

'I have to follow the original!'

Kylian didn't notice her movement because he was holding a ceremony to become the owner of the holy sword. Elschnein quickly summoned water.


The sound of untimely water began to come out in the castle.

"That… What's that stream of water? Everyone avoid it!"

The water that popped out of the air quickly bent the Saintess and soared into the sky. Elschnein threw herself into the stream.

This stream would have taken her and Arwen far away.

"… Elschnein?"

As soon as she had just climbed to the top of the stream, Kylian's voice looking for her from down there rang in vain. Leaving behind his screaming voice.


Elschnein headed for a pre-prepared cabin with her lips closed.

Because of this, her friend Kylian will hate her in the future.

Believing that she had taken Arwen away from him.

Elschnein knew. It was already decided.

This was the day she had been preparing for 12 years.

So, that day, Elschnein kidnapped Arwen.

To be exact, Arwen's body.


"It's today."

A slightly trembling voice came from her.

"It's finally today."

Seven years passed in a blink of an eye after kidnapping Arwen.

Elschnein has made various efforts to revive Arwen.

First of all, Yggdrasil was persuaded to breathe life, and the body was reconstructed by finding and feeding the holy water, and even borrowed dragon hearts from Red Dragon and grind it to be absorbed.

Finally, she even give the power in her spirit's bowl to Arwen.

"And today when the full moon rises!"

Today is the day when Arwen wakes up.

She stomped in tension in the forest cabin.

"Huu… What if something goes wrong? No, let's not say such bad words!"

Elschnein shook her head and bit her lips hard.

"What was it, my first line in the original story?"

The original prolog began when Arwen woke up. And her first words, which are important in her own way, are…

"Hi, Arwen."

That's it.

"All right. Let's go out."

I carried Arwen, who was lying calmly in bed, and headed down a foggy cliff.


Elschnein laid Arwen in the right place, wiping the sweat off on her forehead.

Now all I had to do was wait for the full moon to rise.

My heart was pounding. I took a deep breath and waited for Arwen to open her eyes.

Like that for an hour, two hour…

Finally, the full moon has risen.


Nothing happened.

And two days, a week.

… a month.


Even after a year like that…

Arwen the female lead did not open her eyes.


Cold sweat flowed down from the back of Elschnein's neck.

I don't know why,

but I think, am I screwing it up…?