
I'm a farmer, not a hero

A farmer is recruited by the hero party to fight the demon king... Wait, what's a farmer gonna do? --- Due to some circumstances, I will be changing my update schedule to once a week. Thank you for reading, enjoy. --- become a patron on my patreon to follow the latest chapter and view illustrations https://www.patreon.com/jyv890

JYV890 · Fantasy
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62 Chs

I'm a farmer, not a hero : Chapter 1


"What was that?" The young mage referred to the strong rumbling they felt.

"What if that's the monster the oracle was talking about?" The young cleric nervously remarked.

"Good! That saves us the trouble of looking for it!" The young hero replied, with bloodlust in his eyes.

"If it is that monster, then we'll need a strategy to attack it!" The young mage, ever so prudent, suggested as they slowly made their way through the woods towards the source of the rumbling.

"What are you so afraid of? No wonder you're just second to me! We're at the top of the class! I'm sure we can handle it!" The young hero teased as the young mage looked at him as if telling him to be serious.

A small group of goblins walking through the dirt road, as if they're heading towards somewhere. The Hero party, upon seeing this, quickly hides behind the trees.

"I'll charge in while you guys cover for me? Ok?" The hero unsheathes his sword, preparing to launch an ambush.

"What? That's not a strate–"

"Got it? Let's go!"

Before the young mage could even finish his sentence, the young hero dashed through the woods, heading towards the group of goblins.

"Shit!" The young mage exclaims as he prepares a spell to help their party leader.

With a short sword in his right hand, the hero slashed through the goblins cleanly like butter. Normally, a shortsword has no capabilities of doing such, but with the young hero's intense training at the academy and his innate aura, the edge of the blade of his iron shortsword can be compared to that of a high quality sword that only knights of the Kingdom could wield.

Krsshhhh! A bolt of lightning suddenly shot out from the forest, disintegrating a goblin that's about to attack the young hero from behind.

"You owe me one!" The young mage shouted at the young hero.

"Who're you trying to impress? Using a mid-tier spell on a goblin?" The young hero teased.

"Shut up you! Just be thankful I saved your ass!" The young mage comically retorted.

It didn't take too long for the two to completely take out the group of goblins they encountered. By the Kingdom's adventurer guild's standards, it would take at least an E-Rank adventurer to be able to take on two goblins at once, an E-Rank party adventurer consisting of a swordsman, a mage, and a cleric, could at most take out four goblins at once. The group of goblins the Hero party took out is the size only C-Rank party adventurers, and above, are capable of dealing with, making the Hero party comparable to a C-Rank adventurer party.

But that is considering just the size of the group. One thing the young mage noticed at the enemies they just took out was their equipment as they seem to have decent weaponries for vagabonds. Normally, goblins would use makeshift primitive weapons, like a spear made from a wooden branch with a sharpened pebble as the tip. Instead, they were using a decent spear, an old sword, a woodcutter's axe, and such; weapons they could have taken from adventurers they've defeated, but they seemed to lack the proper teamwork to even take out a party of three, which begs the question:

"How did these goblins acquire such weaponries?" The young mage wonders as the young cleric heals the shallow wounds the young hero received due to carelessness. Though just barely graduated from the magic academy, the young mage had a few experiences as an adventurer prior to this as it wasn't uncommon for the adventurer's guild to seek assistance from the magic academy for quests; and having the most sense of justice among the students, he'd almost always took their request and complete it.

"Okay, let's go!" The young hero exclaimed as soon as the young cleric finished healing him.

"Wait!" The young cleric frantically called.

"Maybe we should rest for a bit…" She continued, suggesting with a nervous voice.

"Eh? What for?" The young hero said with an innocent look of confusion.

"We need to get that sacred cudgel fast so we can defeat the demon king" He added.

"She's right! I need some time to recover my mana too!" The young mage chimed in. It wasn't really that he needed to rest, but more of he just wanted to stop the young hero's bad habit of diving into trouble head first without assessing the situation first.

"See! This is why you're just second to me! You're too mana dependent! Without mana, you can't fight!" The young hero teased the young mage, not realizing his true intentions.

"Yeah yeah yeah! Go ahead! let's see how you fight a mob without me!"

Yeah well, I'll just use crescent slash or ground smash to do splash damage!

The two started bickering, the young cleric couldn't tell whether they were good friends or mortal enemies.

"Look, We don't have much time to spare anyway! With every second, the demon king's army is growing in numbers… The sooner we defeat the Demon king, the sooner we bring peace to the kingdom…" The young hero became serious all of a sudden.

"Then we can rest and relax all we want!" He continued as he smiled

"Tch! Fine fine! If you say it like that then there's no way I can relax even if I want to!." The young mage felt helpless by the young hero's words. Maybe it was because the young swordsman was like that that he became a hero, or he became like that because he was anointed as the hero; whatever the case may be, the young mage couldn't help but admire the swordsman for his heroism. Contrary to the young mage, the young cleric could only worry for their safety with a party leader like that. It wasn't like she doesn't care about the lives of the innocent civilians that could be harmed when the demon king starts rampaging on the continent; no, it was the support's role to worry about the well-being of the whole party. While she can heal wounds and erect barriers, she's not all powerful; she can heal wounds to some extent, and erect barriers but they still have a damage threshold.

"Dear holy father of all, please guide us through this journey…" The only thing the young cleric can do, is do her best and pray for guidance from the holy father as they resume their quest.