
I'm a Cultivator

A dead man's soul from Earth inherited Minato's body. He came from the Ear of Immortal Cultivation. Armed with Powerful Godly scroll and powerful Cultivation Technique, He might just go back to earth and get his revenge. of course, he would never leave his wife and children behind.

Burn_To_Ash · Anime & Comics
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22 Chs

Decided to Let It Out...Nah! May Be I Should Just Kill It!

There two types of cultivators. The majority of cultivators typically focus on their Qi cultivation. Attaining Immortality and power to summon wind and rain.

A minority of cultivators willing to concentrate more on the Divine Sense slowing down their Qi cultivation.

While Qi cultivators are mostly the combatants, Divine Sense cultivators walked on many different paths.

Alchemy and Forging heavily dependent on the Divine Sense. Cultivators on these two paths possess frightening control over their Divine Sense. A master forger or alchemist could even battle using their Divine Sense.

Minato didn't know how to achieve Divine Sense like outer path masters. He could use it to sense things in few miles around him. Although his Divine Sense stronger than a normal cultivator, he almost never uses it. However, This doesn't mean his Divine Sense useless.

Right now, he was planning to enter Kushina's seal space and talk with Nine Tails Fox. Keeping the Fox inside Kushina is a risk Minato unwilling to take.

It was not about who stronger or not, it's about protecting Kushina and Child to be born. Tobi and Zetsu enough headache as it is, mixing Nine-Tails into flock too much, even for Minato.

Minato talked with Kushina and made plans for entering the seal. Kushina did not question how he could enter her seal or anything else. Her only question was what are they going to do with Nine Tails.

He had a plan….!

Well, half of the plan.

While Kushina lay down on the bed Minato conjured up Divine Sense. Nine Tail was seal within Kushina's Chakra field, Minato carefully made Divine Sense alone with his consciousness enter her Chakra region.

Kushina had Chakra more than him or any other. It was bright and colorful. Her chakra field was influenced by the seal, it was almost like a bright, vast ocean.

Minato's divine sense empowered by consciousness manifested in the image of his real self. Looking around, he saw the middle of this vast chakra ocean stood rocky altar.

Found him!

Minato immediately flew toward the platform.

On the rock altar, a huge orange color Nine-Tailed fox chained tight. Minato scanned it amusingly from the above.

Initially, Fox didn't notice Minato. It appears to be Nine Tails thinking about something deeply.

"Whatcha thinking about?" Minato flew near the fox before breaking it free from thoughts.


Nine Tails let out a roar, it looked at Minato viciously. However, Minato wasn't affected, He just chuckled without saying anything.

"Oh, well, look who is here. The husband of the year" The Fox's mocked deep and angry voice.

Minato smiles brightly "Well, thank you. How are you hanging in there? Does it feel nice?"

His smile made Fox furious, It snarled "Minato laugh all you want, but once I'm free, you be the first to die and it won't be too long."

It sent a hateful glare.

Kurama hates humans more than anything. One day he was just chilling in the Fox Mountains with his wives. But suddenly, Hashirama fucking Senju invade and captured him.

Where is justice in that?

Didn't old man six paths said that, if I didn't provoke humans they wouldn't provoke me?

Now, look at my misery!

Minato, however, ignored Kurama's threat. He knew Nine-Tails was sealed in not because he massacred humans. It was because Hasirama was scared of the Nine-Tails power. If someone thinks back carefully, Only after Tobi used Sharingan did Kurama starts going wild.

"Mr. Nine Tails I'm not here to tease you. I'm here to make a proposition" Minato said sincerely.

Nine Tails, however, didn't believe humans. They are full of lies and evil. Kurama sneered "Let me guess, you want my chakra, and after you are done with whatever your thing, you will release me?"

Minato slightly shocked, he praised inwardly for Fox's intelligence. Although it may be his life long experiences, the fox was nonetheless well versed in human nature.

"Well…yes, but not exactly," said Minato grinned.

Hmm, Nine Tails paused for a moment.

The script feels a bit different, isn't it?

Still, Kurama innately despises humankind. They took away his freedom. In his eyes, humans are cruel and greedy creatures. Once he gets out this damned seal, he will decimate this world apart.

"Not interested?" Minato saw Kurama refused to answer and asked back.

I came with good intentions. Can't you at least show little interest?

The script is a bit different, isn't it?

Shouldn't you be surprised and ask me what is it that I have to say?

Just ask ok!

Why did you close your eyes?

Damn it!

Minato sighed and decided to explain.

"Listen, Mister Nine Tails, you are very much nuisance to my wife"


"How dare you call me nuance? I'm going to kill you" Before Minato could finish speaking Fox shrieked in anger. He wigged forcefully trying to break free from bindings but chains held strong.

"Hehe, no need to be that angry. You are indeed a nuisance. Because of that, I'm going to release you" Minato didn't care about Kurama's tantrums. He stated his purpose without wasting any more time.

The Fox looked back at him scornfully. He didn't believe humans even a little.

Minato sighed and explained more details.

Hours later Minato Divine Sense started weakening. He was forced to exit from the sealed space. Although Nine Tails stayed skeptical Minato saw faint signs of yearning, for freedom.

Minato was not willing to keep ticking time bomb. Besides, under the influence of Nine Tails Kushina's delivery time extended to ten-months. Minato didn't like that, he wanted his wife to become normal.

So, Nine Tails has to go.

If he did not agree tomorrow, I will teach Kushina Cultivation and refine the pitiful thing.

Minato made his mind before collapse weakly from mental exhaustion.

As for the possible backlash from Nine Tails Soul, he could deal with it learning Soul Extraction Techniques of Devil Cultivator.

Devil Cultivators are a fearsome bunch, even Gods feel apprehensive. Minato knew, even though on earth Devil Cultivators surpassed, on the Heavenly Kingdom they have their own strength. It won't be that hard to gain a Soul Extraction technique.

While Kushina cooked, letting him rest, Minato decided to let Nine Tails think for a day before determining its fate.

Sorry about late, I will add another tomorrow!

Burn_To_Ashcreators' thoughts